Pictures and the Picturegoer (October 1915 - March 1916)

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. : NO JQ9 E3 AM) THE F( )K' the information nl" all lllf eoin]..-i itoi's w lii) entered our Sei eened St irs ( 'ompetit ion. I will eheer \ saying that the judges are now Suit. inuJi'il li\ draw it -ii 1 w itli " sets, " ill-' icnitinisiiiL,' every nam.' written II. In due eotir.-e I -hall publish result;), so please eontrol J our it for thrill. Find the Film. How do yon like our new Competiion ; Personally, 1 think it is the ui.'-t ling one we have ever organised, l'lie lil ins illustrated each week are how n m mew he v li it e\ en if \ i >.i spot the Competition scene you m\e the jumbled letters to help yon to i the title of the Kim. Another ■vantage i that when you till in jour i know, within reasonable limit-. r you are right or wrong, the ttters used heing already published * Pota«h" and 'Perlmutter." ire of business has pre\ ented m • ■eing it. but 1 hear good accounts /.' ml Sfrct '. the fonrmedy to be released by the Gerrurd Film Compauy. That it can be any:hiiiL' but good seems impossible, seeing :hat those funny fellows (Ju Yorke and I Leonard, whose photos appear on this page and who made London High with Potash and Perlmutter, are both featured in the above-uamed film. It is ixo id ti p laugh, and thi will give u-^ ■ opportunity to laugh at a good thing. \ Pat he Picture Paper. The new paper, which on another pat:'"' is offered free to readers of Pictures, is to be published primarily to illustrate and describe Pathc producLike all the films released by mous house, it is sure to be good, ind of course it will in no Way compete with Pictures and Thi; Pictcre iioKi;. A Feast of Adventure. Beintr nearly drowned in a water-tank. or clutched from a death bv fire, or P ICXURE REPAID s ROBERT LEONARD ("Perlmutter"). bound 1" I he -ails ol i w i ml in i 1 1 carried round until daringly ted i all 111 the i|,m work of the clever pictureplayer. Bui all till e e things hap a0gu5TUS yorke, penedto John The original " Potash." Drew, Detective (played l>> Arthur Rooke), in a line and thrilling drama called /'■> Black mailers. This three-part British production i being handled bj the London Independent Film Trading < !o., Ltd. Transporting the "Threepennles." Speaking to the manager of the < Iran 1 Mall. Bromley, the other day. he told me of two old laili" who had come to his house the night before and loudly objected t" wait in the queue for threepenny -eats for which thej had paid. An attendant suggested they should take transfers to the sixpennies. Whereupon one of the eld ladies rnshed to the pay-box, shook her umbrella, banged down sixpence, and shouted. " Young woman, give me tvto.transports !" The poor old dear must have been thinking of th" war, but anyway -he and her friend were safely transported to the "sixpennies" without being torpedoed. Dispelling a Difficulty. So many readers write in evei'j week to complain that they cannot obtain Pictures that, in addition to my oftrepeated advice to place a standing order with any newsagent, I have decided to include an order form in every issue. Now, please! all ye who have difficulty, turn to page 366, fill up the form therein, and hand same to your newsman, and all will be well. Elisabeth Risdon's Prizes. Since referring last week to " ducle Tim's" Competition, to the winners in which Miss Risdon is awarding prizes, the popular actress writes me ; " The doll is ready, and I have dressed a smaller one for a little consolation prize. T -hall not have the puzzles cut until 1 know the names of the prize-winners, as I thought it would be a good idea to add the winners' names.'' The prizes in question are a handsome doll and a smaller doll, both dressed by Mi-Risdon, for the girls, and two jigsa v puzzles. Extension of Time. It is such a rare opportunity for the children that I have induced " Uncle Tim" to extend the date for sending in the verses. Children under fifteen are to write a verse or verses, with .Mi- Risdi in for -ubject, and post them to her, c.o. Pictures, 85-86, Long Acre, London, W.C. The last day for sending in is n >w Monday next. January loth. So let ns see what our youthful readers can do. F. D. 19 Won 2d . .t Wind ,i(l(i w.n il 3 Insertions price ol 2. II i/tnt *■>!>■■ '|M ei'.w RITERM.-l .1 Km lii unit Co . I.;. Itow, W (' I WA 11 \ Hi from I1 W.t: J A III KS ' 8 -n. I ■' i ii' j • n i ■ ■ ilui i iik: the W Inter nionl I Kiugdou • ri:il-. ».■ . foi 111 I sum i >< • r !i. i ,,ii n|i|iru Held A K I'll IC1AL 'I'.. ih .old. Ilo gold, 30s, platinnl Bit. Sol ' i Mnrkcl Rtn er, Manclio i.-r RAIN. II V I -, Winter L'oats an I (',.-' B Watches, Kings. Jewellery, Gramppboi v . ..n easy ]nviii'ii;i. Stal i Po li i: E V li. 61. Youi il ii'lre.U i Office. Postoar I Depl B5*«6. 1 ' l< rlon.W p. Ai .o, ii . Hoi ii to I dog \ ) i . . by letter only, Riving full particulai l P Ltd. E5, Long A.C1 W c |/V\o'. \\ o -i | w hot • W an Uo Ui lj : t lt.-in-i.iKr-. -Ladies' Overalls, V uder .lo liin.'. Men's shin ■;. General Drapery. I rune's Warehouse, 10, Victoria Bridge, Ma i BOUND Ti and Th ■ P goer," in b h, lettered in nflver, with indoxcompl i. Vols. VI I. an 1 VIII , price 3s. <*1. e u-li. pfKt-fre l':i Ltd . h5 ' 8-. Lone .V'-n-. W C iJTAMalEKKKB. stammer no more. interesting O boi Vt in. Warelng, Mi i ben 111 i, W Lanes. rpo Picture-play Writers".— Get our latest guide, \ _l_ K.« Bints on How to Wiil n Picl re-play." by Victor Hon ■ Zld.i post-ti turej Limite'l. Bl .t Bfi. Long if re, I Ion. W.(l. ^'I'A.ill'.-. Collector, disposing m in U kj will -end 100 all different and perfect xpeebnens, tlj obsolete, for ) 2d., po I Letters only. Collector. 26, Clifden H iad, Twickenham, Hiddlesex. FILL YOUR ALBUM From our varied stock of PieturePostcardsof Cinema Actors the largest in the world 14'Tor 1 '-, 33 for 2/6, or 100 with Bandsome Postcard Album for 7 •'>. and so delight your eyes with pictures •> your favourite &ilm Players, VOIR o\VX SELECTION OB OURS Address all Orders lo THE PICTURES, Ltd., 85, Lor>£ Acre, London, W.C.