Pictures and the Picturegoer (October 1915 - March 1916)

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\V K J VN .-'i I9l6 4T9 PICTURES AND THE WCTURHGOF.R appealed to her far more than u liieli most rirU 1 i K • 1 I the screen she makes a Unit the wickedest mi; \ i I In 111 iippeaniiL,' in pictures. men do Une, li iw e\ cr is 1 he da ahild who coiitls the small hoys ou ti> .1 ■- deeds ot eli^valrj or just pure i iv in short, who thoroughly 1'iij" feminine prerogative for making trouble. • • • 1 have a letter from Edna Maison, the Trans Atlantic star, telling me ahoul .1 little orphan lioj who has l>een acting at Universal Citj and has formed :i great attachment for her He recent 1) »''iu her the following pathetic note: I ha\e m 'I got no Pa or Ma, no sister or no brother, 1 wisht 1 was with yon always 1 wishi you was mj mother." d-hearted Edna is keeping in touch with the 1 # » • # Who is Yotrr Favourite? Hj latest competition is something different from its predecessors Who is the i'1i'\ erest child dim-player v ou km iw r \\ 1 ite the name oil a postcard, and in a few lint saj whj you think he or she is the eleven -1 A prize will go to the lucky sender of the best answer, and consolation prizes to all who give the name of the child player who is chosen bj the majority of you Address yous card (give your age) to "Cleverest" Pictures, 85 and 86,Long A ere. London, W.t'.. and post to arrive bj Monday, January :>l>t. Next week the result of Elisabeth Risdon's Doll Competition may be announced by Uncle Tim. P.S. Are you all finding the film titles in the great Prize Competition now running, particulars of which are given on another page? REPLIES 1 THtEOITOR. Hicturts, "85 I Lon<*cre, London, W.C. Seii [Manoheatet v, iplin, 1 I ' ■ si.. 1 s.A ' 1 vi , , Plokford, • 1 I lini 1 .1.. 507, Fifth \ New York, 1 v \ vi , inlaw. No payment in no .■ -n-\ 1 picture player I lie qp 1 Ired ore mil bard work without the former tbn latter ia used ■ ■ ■• sent you 11 li poatoarda, P.eoae lend aa yout photo tor our gallery as proume 1. Philip (StupeuuuT. A nan reader bas dona Ilia wise thing in placing a stand iun order with his newsagent. Others please u Si (Birmingham). (Forget-us-not.) 1 preuce turner, e . Turner Films, 1 u-onThames. 1'mI \v bit Co., 85, West 15th Street Now York City, 1 9 I Elisabeth Risdou, 0.0. London Film Co., St Margaret's on Thames, Twickenham, Mai Costello, ■ Olub, New l'orkt ' 1 S.A 1 ; j ■ n . Cor other audi A. S. (South Tottenham). Many thanks for the twelve new readprs and. for bind wishes. Please repeat the dos as often as you like. Damdii (Bex ley enth) says "her Saturday afternoon's enj yinnnt would go Bmasb if iut u shop." Vou are quite safe, l''-. o' my heart. Wheeler Oak man p] lead in " WIU10," ins was the ohlj name given, William (Burton-on-Trent . — Pearl White pi lead in " The Exploits «'t' Blaine," relet Bathe1 nearly three months Zcdora (Oxford). Quite 1 i _• li t . dear hoy, Hairy lienhain played "John Sturm " in "The Zudora Mystery, and not James Cruze. Om: 1, 1.1 1 Wimbledon Park). Tom Mix .li.l not play in ''The Jockey of Death. Xo east was given of this film. HAPPY CHILDREN ON THE FILM. The group shows, among others — Ennuis Carpenter, seven years old: Carmen de Bne, nine; Georg x. olot Radcliffe. seven; and Betty Marsh I'nele, Tims'' article.) 1 iv. nil I 111 Ilium,' ■ "The Hi II • llelinne On li 1 Father, rote da 1 !row ; W 111. Lowi 1 11 Father, Philip 1 We do not kne w 11 Ub is a pi athlete, v\ e Forrest, or Uanry Ainiey yet. "The s. Pimpernel," wo belter", is to be filnioil. Knnl On ubiigpu wi lus address. Reliance Fill dale Ax une Y11 1. fork, U.S. A thi oar 1 i 1 1 1 an photo and kind a i Blarci isd Bi um\ (Bradford). In I a we published an In! tv lew « 1 Williams. This is his real name and he li I. A phot trait 1 i >n. 1 > hi Issue Sept. 1 1, 1918. v i.m Wolverhampton).— Anna Little ploi Film Corp irati in, 130, Weal i*.t 1 , NewYorkCity, U.S.A. We have aenl you our postcard lis! so that you can select cards Vi; ill ] 1 you have n >t forgotten as, No wondei you gel mixed np with players and the companies they play fir. They are constantly changing lion another, and il is com 'times even difficult for us to kesp track "f them. Some df the big urnducers are not tied to one compan ently you may iin.1 one producing master] 9 for different companies, Thanks for all your kind wishes for as. Dies (West Croydon).— We published n portrait "T Ella Hall in our issue of April 10th, 1915,003 hope to have another soon, 11 < I her. Address the Metro Film Co., 1,1.:, Broadway, New York City, US. 4. The other pany we do not know. Our best tlauks for new r a lels. of eourse you may write attain (not iii penc 1 please), and call and see us when yoit are ill town^i'I hui -lays exce] I Emery Wheel iS. Park). -Gerald Ames is as wellknown on tl son the films Hew do you like the 1 ' ■ '■ plume we h ive given cou ? Mabei Bromley ).— Your impressionist paint of ''Char it at the sea-si le which, wepres are quite nice H jin water colours make (hem doubly interesting. EaI (Glasgow). — The cutting you send of a letter front a Glasgow piper is qu te Interest ■ The » riii l seems to have a inconsider ate picturegoers. So far as oir experience t most patrons of pioture palaces are models of . but " t ie 1 ■ ' ; tlie pleasure of their'blours, by their rudeness aud it is because there are so few of these pests that w< not iee them so much. G. tWest llroiuwielii.— " K'a.'s " (P.P.) :— •• Oaf Pickfoid : ' K. h, " M u-sh ill N "Jolm Hardesty," Joseph Iffonning; " l'a"l ■!. ' A Gentleman sure ' (Laskvl :— " Bo art Pitt," Wallace Eddineer; "Sir T. Blunt," Sydn»3 Deanej "Lady Blunt," Gertrude Eellar; "Sir Dreever," Tom Formini "Molly Creadon.-' I'. 'i 1 iyj " Big Phil Cr-'lui." r'rod Montague. Write us again about the otl • (Con! iniu 1 on nt ! paoe.) PHOTOGRAPHY. Photo Postcards of Yourself, Is. 3d. Dozen. From any Photo. 12 x 10 Enlargements, 8<L S. E. mCXETT. Works: Jui.v Rovn, LlVBBPOOr,. GASLIGHT, BROMIDE, 0P.O.P. POST CHIOS. 100, la. 6d. PI itea and Papers also Cheap. Catalogues vnd Son E. E. HACK&TT. Works; Juli Boad, Llvsaroaii