Pictures and the Picturegoer (October 1915 - March 1916)

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PICTURES AND THE PICTUREGOER 420 u bek exuim Jan. 29, 1916 A T'i (G I tau&onser twins «itli the Thauhou«er Pilm Co., Bain Street, Eel i B elle, N< h fork, i'.s.a. Yuii will Imil initi.y oilier players' addresses given on this pugo eucli week:. .Several of our r. ml' > bom some of tlieiu. ^'<>"|^ I il " ; 1 j 1 c 1 oy " us— we like them. Old (Liverpool).— Bony we hive not the Information you wont. Please comply with rule as to uoine and address next time you write lis, which you will find below the heading. Tat i\V.:,t Baling).— In "The Zudora Mystery" Miiim'I Oatriche, Harry Benham, Marguerite Snow and James I'ruzu played leading parts, bat which each played was uot given. Harry Benhani played "John >torin," and James Cruze "The ifeporter." Have sent your best wishes to Mabel Nornianil, Florence Turner, Gertrude McCoy, and a postcard list to yourself, Pat. Cvnu. (Liverpool). — Henry Ainley and Gerald Ames played in " The Prisoner of Zenda " and " Rupert of Hemzau," and H. A. appeared in "Jells" and also in " Sweet Lavender," the story of which was given iu last week's "Pictubes." No troublo, Cyril. (Liverpool).— Thanks for "Smile" which we have used. Victob (S. Wales).— The new postal regulation forbidding the sending of picture postcards to neutral countries does not apply to portraits. Views and pictures of ships may not he sent. Uncertain Nottingham). — We have only one kind of postcard of Alma Taylor and none of Pearl White at present. If you will send us the name of the Company producing the film you mention we will try an 1 help you. Send us a shilling and ■we will send you 14 picture postcards. You are fortunate in having a portrait of Ella Hall. Elveci (Somewhere at Sea) — Have you tried the B. and C. Co., London Film Co., or Samuelsou Film Co. ? Whose addresses and others besides you will find given to readers in any back numbers. Dolly (Plumstead). — Sydney Drew was married about three or four years ago we believe. Norma Talmadge now plays for Triangle. There are plenty of Beauty films to be seen, perhaps your local manager is not showing them. Mary Pickford's huslnnd, Owen Moore does not play for Famous Players, but for Fine Arts F lms, under Allan Sw 1111. Marshall Neilan frequently plays opposite he". " The Prison' r of Zenda " and *' Rupert of Hentzau " were filmed by the London Film Co. Wo have sent you a postcard list. "W. B. (Newport).— Address Florence La Badie, c.o. Thanhouer Film Co., Main Street, Echo Avenue, IScw Kochelle, New York, U.S A. Most likely she would reply to a letter and you can at the same lime ask her all the personal questions you want answered. Stick to your job and put your back into engineering Willie, it will pay you better than cinema playing. W. I.. Croydon). We gather from youS? letter that you offer us a black kitten forthe office. Nothing doing, VV. L., but thanks for offer. Ioriue S. (Uirmin ham). — Pleased to welcomeyou, new reader. Reliance and Kay Bee are different Coin pa ' ios, but have the same English Agents in the same way as the Trans-Atlantic handle Universal films. Without names of producing Companies we are often unable to trace the films. A. S. F. (Gateshead) —Address Alma Taylor, c.oHepworth's Film Studios, Waiton-on-ThamesWe have picture postcards of Gerald Ames and Charles Book. We do uot think the two you mention are married. Some players are very shy .11 giving personal particulars of themselves. Thanks for new readers, don't stop. J. H, (Brighton).— Norma Talm.idgc played for 'I'll not so long ago, then for Famous Players, ill is now with National. Our hair turns grey trying to keep touch witl. all tho stars' linunes. Thanks for information. C. M. (Ardwiok).— Please repeal question, giving Dame of Company producing the film, and we our best. We have postcards of Edith Storey. We have nol yet reached her name on our* list for n ".Inst About Myself " article. 'I licre are so many stars to interview. I\ 1 I Watford).— A render tells us that in " A'i riminy Valentine" Bohert Warwick played "Jimmy," Bnth Shepley "Hose," Alec B. is "The old Crook, and Mr. Gummings " Detective Davis." PicEroriMTE <No address). -Please read our rule under the heading and send your name and address, repeating your question. Snooket Ooicxs (Bristol). Ho son you have plueked up counige to writ .-are unal> e 10 oblige you. 1 he information i.ot being available. Glad you are such an old reader. ih Wai 9).— Your letter arrived too late for us to answer your query r< Screened Stars Competition, as we go to press eight days in advance. You write au excellent letter, and should \ ou be. called up for service with your plucky countrymen — 1 we are sureyou will cover yourself with honour and g ory. May you live long enough to see your country hilly recovered from its present devastation. Nibbv (Bristol). — We have no postcards of Gregory Scott. He is not married to Joan Ritz. The film you mem ion we cannot trace without name of p oduciiig coui[ any, A Readee (South Wales).— Thauks for your suggestion which will have consideration. We quite agree that for scenes requiting old country houses the United Kingdom is far and away ahead. SLLAETLAW Bekimpa (Bolton).— Address H. B. Walthall, e.o. Essanay Film Mfg. Co., 1,333, Argyle Street, Chicago, U.S.A. V. s, there is a Pasquali Co. — an Italian Firm. Our artist ha3 tr.ed his hand at the Answers Man's portrait, as you will see at the ■ ide of the he ding over eaf , but it is not good of him— his elusive beauty is hard to catch. N. McE. (Balham).— Address Arnold Daly, c.o. Patbe Co., 25, West 4.5th Street, New York City, U.S.A. Hope you are entering our "Find the Film Competition." Lilt (Bristol). Pearl White and Arnold Daly are neither married or engaged to each other s 1 far as we know. It is quite possible the former wo ild re' dy to a letter from you. Don't believe all the rumours you hear about players ; they are generally false. If Withes hid been killed in action we should certainly have heard of it. Have sent your love to Elisabeth Risdon. L. J. (Dublin).— Our advice to would-be Cinema players is generally based ou the particulars they give us of their abihtis. In England there are so few stock companies, and waiting for an occasional ei gagemenf is a heart-breakiu.' job ; so you see it would be cruel to raise false hopes. For .an average film plot from balf-o-goinea to three guineas (according to length of film) is a failprice, but well-known authors may receive any; thing over and sometimes quite large sums. Thanks for pushing " Pictubes." Ii. C. .K O.R.L.).— Oh yes we recollect your previous letters to us. Have redirected your prize. Our best wishes to you in your khaki life. Keystone (Nort1 ampton). — Mabel Normand is not married to Mack -ennett. Ford Sterling is now back with Keystone, and yoi will soon see him on the screen again. No postcards of him. Ida (Kent) is a new reader who has placed a standing order with her newsagent and now gets it regularly. A tip for other new readers. Peter Pah (Blackburn) wants to writs to "Boy" (Rhodesia), whose letter was answe.ed ou this page a few weeks back. What has Key to say about it ? " Touch woop " (Tredegar).— You will see we have published your reque t in "Our Letter Bag." Any replies we will forward to yon Hope you will like Made ro. Don't forget that a subscription will bring you Pictubes, in spite of the distance. *s* il/iuii/ replies are unavoidably held 0 Editorial matters shovfd be add ■■< THE ED1TJR, " Pictures an t The Picturegoer," 85 4 86 ON. ACRE, LOvDIK W.C. Telephone Gerrard 2595. IMID EL SUBSCRIPTION RATES. United Kingdom and Abroad: — s. il. ... 6 6 3 --* One Vear (pos Six Months Three Manths I 8 Publishing Offices: 93 and 94, Long Acre. W.C. WHEN DO , COMMUTERS COMMUTE? Percy Screenstruck's first day in the Studio. A Soldier and a Girl. Lieutenant (to soldier who before be joined was a picture-actor) : " Attention! Ton are here to play the part of a hero, uot a lover." Saved by a Head. Picture-actor: "I kept my head when I fell into the water." Flapper : " How fortunate ! It must have helped you so nicely to float ! " The Simplest Way. Governess: 'How tiresome. The boy turned round just as we were hissing, and. of course, he will tell his mother. "What are we to tl Her Visitor : " Go on kissing."' The Terrible Trumpet. Worried Neighbour: •'Why. in heaven's name, do you give your child a penny trumpet. Mrs. Smith r " Mother : " To keep him quiet." An Up-to-date Child. Rosie (aged four, watching a picture of cupid) : " What's he got wings growing out of his back Bobby (aged a Don't be silly. His father's an aviator, of course.'' The Boy and the Bag. URCHIN : " Carry yer bag. sir ; " Man : " No, thanks.'' Urchin : "Carry it for cuppeni Man : "I don't want it carried." Urchin : " Then what are you carrying it for? " Mistaken Identity. Pompous Doorkeeper to small lady in queue before pay-box): "There's no hurry there, lady." •■ Please not address me as 'lady' ? " i it. ma'am, but the best of us is apt to make mistakes." Fun at the Paybox. Giles took his little uitl to the cinema, his first \isit. and asked the pric "Sixpence, and threepence," replied the girl, "and the programmes are free." " l>> goom!" said (iiles. "the programme be good enough for oi; give me jwo on 'cm. missie! "