Pictures and the Picturegoer (October 1915 - March 1916)

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PICTURES AND THE PICTUREGOER. 533 Wkf.k bhtdiwg March 4. 1916 MISS FAY TEMPLE, a delightful actress on both screen and stage, has written to say that : c; Oatine is without question the nicest toilet preparation I hare ever used. I consider it very superior to any other face cream, and as a clean&iiig agent it is far more thorough than soap and water. It real/// does dean the pores of the shin" QSHn* 'It's the dirt that is IN, not the dirt that is ON that spoils the complexion. Soap and waterWly remove the surface dirt, and is quite powerless to remove the dirt embedded in the pore-. Unless this dirt is removed skin health is impossible. Get Oatine to-day at your Chemist's. 1,1} and 2/3 a jar. Gel a Jar To-day and Prove its Worth! See it Tommy? Mackintosh's! Trust to the kiddies to find it in a window crowded with other sweets. It's the sweetmeat that Mother commends — yes, and turlivelv samples herself — fcr the wholesomeness ol Mackintosh's is known to all the world. Nothing could be more pure and wholesome than this sweetmeat — which uever satiates nor palls on the palate. TOFFEE DE Lux mint DELUXE Just Butter, Sugar, and thick ric'.i Cream blended in the " Mackintosh. Way." $ozs., 4.d. and in tins at II, of all Confectioners. <f> 1T6 We take as much care 1:1 selecting: and blendmg*o\ir Peppermint as we do ol the otIi«.r ingredients in Toffec-de Luxe. COUGHS AND COLDS Veno's, the Family Remedy, cures Mother and saves Children from Whooping Cough Mrs. Pkutton, Church End, Arlesley, Bods, says : — "It is some years since I first used Veno's Lightning' Cough Cure. I. had caught a cold and a most trying cough that nothing would relieve ; it persisted all through the winter, though I kept taking various remedies that people told me about. 1 was getting quite alarmed about the cough, when one day my husband brought me a bottle of Veno's, and I commenced taking it. Actually in two days ir cured me, though 1 had been coughing tor months. "After that I made Venn's my family cough medicine. and 1 cannot loll you all that I owe to it. When whooping-cough was all about hero 1 saved mj own darlings by giving them Venn's, and when I think of the sufferings of poor little children from that terrible eonplaint, I wish 1 could tell every mother about Veno*S Lightning Cough Curt'. It is jusl splendid." Mrs. Pruttoa'a CTi'dro*. A SIXPENNY BOOK FREE. Write now for " The Veno Book of Health," containing valuable information which no sufferer should lv without. Address: Box 107. The Veno Drag Co.. Ltd., Manchester. V END'S vwgpwus COUGH CURE 1 COUGHS & COLDS BRONCHITIS LUNG IROUdLES INFLUENZA DIFFICULT BREATHING 11 is the S S /or. — ASTHMA NASAL CATARRH 2~" WHOOPING COUGH bottle OLD-AGE COUGHS BLOOD-SPITTING u. \» I II. I iibstitiltM. 5 -. 1/3 mill 3/-. The 8/ Sue is ffc< mod too* Of Chemists and Stores the icorld otxr, including loading (-Jitmuts in .4uKtraJi'i, ><-ir Zealand, Canada, A) fndia.