Picturegoer (1922)

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JULY 1922 THE PlCTUR&GOtR 57 Experience Teaches. With mixing made easy, the irun running smoothly, and the gloss giving the finish, nil users of Robin Starch are well satisfied. Experience teaches the busy housewife to rely solely upon Robin for all starching purposes because It is easy to mix. It does not stick to the iron. It contains the gloss. She knows of other advantages which you will discover when following her example. ROBIN STARCH Sold in l\d. 2\d. Sd. and lOd. Boxt: RECKITT & SONS, LTD.. HULL Maktrt ofZtbo Liquid Gralc Polilh, Bratio, Ztbra Qralt I'olnh, tie. tM<Mi <M "*i& Eat more *wtrr& AF FTER an evening's gaiety your skin is not in a mood to function properly during the night, unless you first remove all cream and powder from your face. Don't do this with soap and water. Use Pomeroy Skin Food in generous quantities and a piece of fine muslin. This enables the pores of the skin to do their work of elimination while you sleep. Pomeroy Skin Food 2/3.4/9^6/6 a /at The most famous night cream on the market ft all C^tnists and Store: Mm. Pomeroy, Ltd., 29 Olrl rjnnd Street, London, W. "Good Things for Children." ; 1 ■> . ii. en v I 11 il !;.. ■ will In ill the iv ho will w int tfi be amused in the 1 away .ii ihc seaside oi country this iiei , DEAN'S Children's Story Books. \\ . wish wc could "show you here ill tin lovelj covers he House of Dean quality . ! ingsti :• who would start very their holidays with one of the follow int; ns: "A RAILWAY BOOK FOR GIRLS AND BOYS/ "OUR HOLIDAY AT THE FARM." "TUBBIE AND TODDIE IN THE COUNTRY." Rm the best way to ksellcr. \ vei tied in thi