Picturegoer (1922)

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BEPTEMBET* I V^ riuivrub dnu riLiurvyvvr Robert Warwick changed his name from Taylor Bien. Whet hclby, alias lary Miles Minier. 'ight : Jean Paige, te Lucille U'Hare. he only one of three lever sisters to keep he family surname. hirley Mason's own name, .eonie Flugrath, appeared n the pay sheet of the old klison studios, but she liked hirley Mason better, and o one calls her Leonie now. j'iola, " the middle one," ept her first name, but left Flugrath for father and mother Ind took Dana for her surname. Rudolf the Romantic used to sign his letters home Antonio Guglielmi," before he happened on Valentino. >id you know that ? Also, that the leading lady in Ahvays 'udacwus, owns the baptismal soubriquet of Lehua Wai ahua, although the printed cast informed you that she as Margaret Loom is. Names like Lovely, Sweet, and Pretty really do sound jo adjectival to be true. The first two were acquired in le studios. Louise Lovely made her picture debut under er own name De Carbasse. Later she became Louise /elch ; but shed Welch at the portals of Universal City, nd entered that stronghold as Louise Lovely. Blanche sveet was originally called Blanche Alexander ; secondly, 'aphne Wayne, of Biograph ; thirdly, Blanche Sweet ; and, stly, Mrs. Michael Neilan ; but Arline Pretty has never langed her name for professional purposes. Pretty she as always been, long before she knew what a Kleig light as. Delving amongst the private papers of this and that Dpular favourite, we find that Anna Little is really Anna rooks, and Doris May commenced film life as Doris Lee, though in private they called her Helen Garrett ; that ic " B " in H. B. Warner's name stands for Byron (Warner not Henry's family name, but his father's stage name). B. W. was known as little Harry Lickford in the days of 5 extreme youth. And Pauline Frederick, famous on »th stage and screen, used to be Beatrice Libby when she tended her own particular private school in Boston, Mass. The third change was the last change in the case of Wanda awley, erstwhile Wanda Petit, and originally Selma ttack. Wanda acquired the Hawley with her wedding ring and a perfectly good husband, yclept Burton Hawley. That's one side of the question. On the other stands Corinne Giiffith, whose wedded name is Campbell, and who, although Corinne Campbell sounds good to us, wouldn't hear of being prokssionally so titled. Indeed, though all the world knows of Corinne's dircctor-actor-partner, she still likes to pretend it's' a dead secret. Spelling and pronunciation are accountable for Ramon Samaniegos and Signe Auen transforming themselves into Ramon de Navarro and Seena Owen. Something other than that caused Norman Kaiser to become Norman Kerry. And we can't be very harsh with Bob Warwick because he discarded his own name of Taylor Bien ; nor with Hallam Cooley Burr because he wouldn't let the last bit stick to him for life. Marjorie Daw is Margaret House when she's at home ; and Colleen Moore, Kathleen Morrison; Eugene O'Brien's first name is Louis,, though he'd hate you to address him by it. Wally Reid used to be known as William Wallace Reid when he was only a smallpart man ; but now that he's a world-famous star, everybody calls him Wally — and he likes it. Our own Peggy Hyland was originally known as Gladys Hutchinson, and delightful fair-haired Claire Windsor declared her name to be Ola Cronk when she and Lois Weber were first introduced ! The how and the why and the wherefore of screen names is a fascinating subject ; and however well the fan-in-the-street knows the faces of his favourite stars, he could hardly identify some of them should they register at the local hotel in the names that are thenrs by right, not by adoption. ?. l. ■*T Mary Odette was once b " Odette Goimbault." Lila Lee was "Augusta Appel." Doris May -was H Garrett.