Picturegoer (1923)

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^PRIL 1923 Pict-\JK2S and PictvKeQoer 35 WKltKy-Wi It TKou Wanda? uo! mi' *«« is w*^^ to have clothes which exactly expressed her personality, I studied her hard all the while I was on the ocean, and thought out just what she ought to wear. " Then ate soon as I could, I set out to find what I wanted here in London. And, believe me, it took all of two days and three luuidred pounds, English." Spwrts clcjthes, tourist's ditto ; hats, boots, shoes and fans were duly described and dilated upon ; also " Dorinne's " eight evening gowns, which range from the demurest of black silks to one which ake it ' Whither hast thou wandered ? ' Please do," begged Wanda Hawley, so prettily that only the thought of spoiling a bright title could have made me steely-mmded enough to refuse. She had just given me (amongst others) a picture of herself in Miss Hobbs, partially surrounded by geese, informing me the while that she reckoneil nine thousand miles in three weeks was not such bad going, all things considered. Pardon our pun, but as Wanda Hawley has joined the ranks of the Wanderers, the opportunity was irresistible. Wanda is now in Egypt playing in Gaumont's film version of " The Fires of Fate." What (li<l 1 thmk ? What, in the name of I'elman, could I think, save as above ? " Well, then, so far as I know, it will be Pans, .Marseilles, Port Said, Cairo, and Wady-l lalfa. Upstairs and dcjwn steps, and into Tutaidchamen's tomb, if he will give me audience. .\lso to the Pyramids, the Second Cataract, and the Soudan — all for 2'he Ftresof Fate. There I Xow let's talk sense." We talked frocks, which is the next best thing. Wanda IS an e.x{)ert on this subject, as lietiiting a. 1 )e Millo la(l\-, and kes to choose own costumes ver possible. I was per ctly thrilled the prosjK'ct playing over ere,'' she nleil. " And l)eca use I w a, n 1 I' d ' D o r 1 n n e ' W'linda Hdwiev u nd Ram s a v Wallace a picture taken at the studio " l>eiween sets." Wanda, callcil slea/.y. " Which striking. It is a crystal affair, calculated Wanda's neiillf^e was designed by Penrhvn Stanlaips. ' real vampy and is Americanese for and orange-beaded to make the occupants of an hotel lobby turn and stare, according to Wanda. " .And I had some trouble before I found it." She likes I'rench models always, and told me, in confidence, the iianu" of a 1 loUywood store, the only one ill the town, where these things may be jnirchased. She also likes lingland, and has decided to take a house and settle down this side for a year or two. " Seriously," she said, m that husky whisper of hers that is oddly fascinating, " I haven't travelled very much. Pve l)een to Canada, ( rossed the ocean from Seattle to X'ancoiiver once. Now, don't tell me you saw me in Montreal at the opening of a new movie theatre there. Ik'cause three other })eople liave said that, and Pve never been to Montreal in my Ufe."