Picturegoer (1934)

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jl January 13, 1934 t V ) 1 Through Our Lens Right : For informal evening wear, Clara Bote chooses this smart frock of dull red cripe marocain, with velvet flowers of the same shade at the waist. A velvet turban, gloves and shoes in the same shade completed this chic costume. PICTUREGOER Weekly Is my face black ? Marion Davies in an unusual make-up for her latest starring vehicle, Hollywood Party." r7 They're all oblivious. The bustle of a movie set means nothing to Jack La Rue and Ida Lupino, who've been seen together a lot of late. This picture was snapped as La Rue, in an idle moment, found Miss Lupino awaiting her camera call on the set at Paramount. Here is Mrs. Bing Crosby who delights in flowers and always sees that her famous crooner husband's new home is well stocked. Left : Out of the frying pan into the banjo. You always can depend on Gracie Allen to do some silly thing, such as baking a potato in a banjo. George Burns evidently thinks it's soup. 9