Motion Picture News (Jan - Mar 1914)

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74 THE xMOTION PICTURE NEWS See Americans First a THE TOWN OF NAZARETH' TWO PARTS An intense and powerful drama. Driving home with astounding emphasis a Funda mental Principle of Psychology. ONE. THREE and SIX SHEET LITHOGRAPHS, HERALDS, SLIDES and PHOTOS. Release Monday, March 30th, 1914 a THE CERTAINTY OF MAN" An intense Western drama depicting dire distress and misfortune — culminating in a tableau of happiness. ONE andJTHREE SHEET LITHOS Release Wednesday, April 1st, 1914 AMERICAN FILM MANUFACTURING CO. C H I C A. G O CALEHUFF SUPPLY CO. :INC CHAS. A. CALEHUFF. Pre*, and Mgr. 1301 R»c. Street. Philadelphia, Pa. LARGEST E A DING Supply House in America Bargain Machines Bargain Order one for Emergency. Slightly used machine! in first-class running condition. Poweri No. 6, $186.00, Ediaon Model B, |160.00, Edison Exhibition Models, $60.00, $85.00 and $76.00. All complete with lenses and rheostats. Ticket Choppers, Mirror Screens, Chain, etc Order at once. First come, first serTed. Write for information on anything pertaining to the Motion Picture Business. The Motion Picture New* $2.00 Per Year "The F awtmtt Growing Picture Journal' ' Can You Answer Your Patrons' Questions? Motion Picture pat.ons are the most inquisitive people in the world. They have thousands of questions to ask about the players, their personalities, their peculiarities, and the changes they make. Are you so posted that you can answer these questions ? In order to keep in close touch with your patrons you should be. The Motion Picture Magazine is the only magazine that will keep you FULLY informed of the doings, comings and goings of the players. You should be a subscriber, and have it coming to you regularly. Special Offer to Exhibitors The regular subscription rate of the Motion Picture Magazine is $1.50 per year. Special Rate to Exhibitors $1.00 per year. Send in your order now and we will send you the magazine for one year and a copy of our book entitled "Comic Sif tings" for $1.00. Just fill out coupon below, pin a dollar bill to it and mail. If you wiih to place the magazine on ule at your theater, write lor our Spacial Introductory Offar. Motion Picture Magazine 175 Duf field St., Brooklyn, N. Y. Motion Picture Magazine, 175 Duffield St., Brooklyn, N. Y. Gentlemen: — Enclosed please find One Dollar for which please send me the Motion Picture Magazine for one year and a copy of Comic Sittings. Name Theatre Address In writing to advertisers please mention "THE MOTION PICTURE NEWS"