Picture-Play Magazine (Jul - Dec 1929)

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68 risoners Virtue in many of the hard put to prove itself, murder and what-not, but the talkie Raymond Hackett, below, as the brother for whom Norma Shearer bargained her soul, defends her on a murder charge in "The Trial of Mary Dugan." The drama of the wrecked lives of a Singapore couple sweeps through the courtroom scene, above, in "The Letter," with the gifted Jeanne Eagels the central figure and writer of the fateful note which turns up at • the critical moment. When one of the whoopee makers gets shot in "Queen of the Night Clubs," Texas Guinan, above, tells the whole truth and nothing but to Robert Emmett Mack, the judge, and John Miljan, the lawyer. On trial for her life, Dorothy Mackaill, right, as Jansscn, in "His Captive Woman," relates a strange story of wandering in the South Seas, where she was captured and captivated by a New York cop.