Picture-Play Magazine (1932)

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Aires, Argentina, wants to hear from "other fans crazy about Irene Rich." Bunny Coffey, Box 20, Fitchburg, Massachusetts, would like to hear from boys who are Phillips Holmes or Richard Cromwell fans. Jim Stobaugh, Humboldt, Tennessee, wants to hear from some fans. George G. Gage, 49 Shawfield Street, Chelsea, London S. W. 3, England, would like to hear from Joan Crawford fans. Dorothy Dietsch, 554 Lucas Street, Toledo, Ohio, will write to Buddy Rogers fans. Lillian Kerzner, 70 Johnson Avenue, Malverne, Long Island, writes she is "in want of Pen Pals." Joy Burnett, 34 Wyndcliff Road, and her friend, Kathleen Smith, 62 Wyndcliff Road, Charlton, S. E. 7, London, England, wish to find Pen Pals. Worth T. Elliott, Ellenboro, North Carolina, would "love" to correspond with movie fans all over the world. John A. Novak, 29 Edson Street, Amsterdam, New York, wants to hear from some fans. John J. Lynch, 362 Avenue A, Bayonne, New Jersey, has time to write to a fan or two in every State. Betty Chesterfield, 2 Bellevue Avenue, Binghamton, New Jersey, would like to hear from some fans. Marjorie Perry, East County Line, Joplin, Missouri, writes that she would like "to hear from any part of the world and will answer it, too." World, take notice ! Wanda Roedel, 804 N. Twenty-seventh Street, Camden, New Jersey, wants to hear from English and American fans. Gilbert Settles, 3699 East Olive Street, St. Louis, Missouri, would like to hear from David Manners admirers. Sarah Badali, 4418 Jackson Boulevard, Chicago, Illinois, says she'd love hearing from Crawford, Chatterton, and Novarro fans. Frances Perry, Box 606, Bandon, Oregon, would live to have Pen Pals "from all over." George Olson, 30-65 Forty-ninth Street, Astoria, Long Island, wants to hear from boys and girls from seventeen to nineteen. Fans interested in "nonsense and everything" will find a kindred spirit in Henla van Guylen, p. a. Nicolaistraat 30, Den Haag, Holland. Helen Mae Baird, an eighteen-year-old blonde, Bandon, Oregon, "is dying to hear from Garbo fans of any calling from college students to Bing Crosby." Bert Wes Gober, 503 East Gault Street, Decatur, Illinois, once toured Hollywood and has plenty to tell. Cherry Fisher, 5812 Julian Avenue, Indianapolis, Indiana, will answer all fans who write her. Evelyn Graves, Soldiers' Home, Sandusky, Ohio, wants some pals in their teens. Emile Gagnor, 3627 Ontario East, Montreal, Canada, says he will write to widowed fans in any part of the world. Luck, Emile, if certain Far East households take you up. Ruth A. H. Wolf, 1108 Highland Avenue, Pekin, Illinois, complains that Pen Pals are only spoofing when they say they'll answer all letters, adding that she really will. Arietta Kaniper, 517 Burke Street, Easton, Pennsylvania, wants to hear from foreign fans, especially Spanish. Patsy Burns, 227 Forty-ninth Street, Newport News, Virginia, would like to hear from Clark Gable fans. Florence Schmidt, 2125 Pauline Avenue, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, wants Pen Pals of any age. ARE YOU PLAT CHESTED \^^L ^^^ ^**\^f ^ Are vou fat-chested? Do Jfa> \^^^ ^L \ ^L^ ugly, sagging lines rob you of Sr^ NSj^^ ^^ I ^^^ your feminine charm? It is SO VR ^r ^v' eas* t° nave the full, firm form that ff% \ ^^ Fashion demands, les. in just thirty short days you can increase your feminine charm and mould your contours to the firm, youthful shapeliness that is so smart and alluring. Just the simple application of my wonderful Miracle Cream and easy instructions will work wonders. Thousands of women everywhere praise this simple, harmless home treatment for the splendid results obtained in just a few minutes a day. FILL OUT YOUR FORM this New Easy Way No matter what else you have tried, no matter how undeveloped you! figure may be, you owe it to yourself to try this wonderful method. One grateful woman writes: "Day by day I have seen my figure fill out until now it is shapely and beautiful. My friends have all noticed the Improvement." — _ — — My valuable new r W r r Book tnat tells hmv to develop a beautiful form and how to fill out the figure to graceful, feminine curves. Mail Coupon ji'.oo °and I will mail you large container of Miracle Cream, with instructions and FREE BOOK in plain wrapper. Offer limited. Send at once. 30Vam 75 I NANCY LEE, Dept. T-3 816 Broadway, New York, N.Y. I NANCY LEE, Dept. T-3 , 816 Broadway. New York, N. Y. f I enclose only £1.00. Send me large container of Miracle Cream with Instructions and Free I Book in plain wrapper. Name. Address. ■ Ton n State . PROTRUDING? S f ADC C PRIMSET, a simple device, sets them in position immediately. Invisible, comfortable, harmless, worn any time by children or adults. Endorsed bv physicians and users as the best method for correcting this disfigurement. Tria offer and descriptive folder sent on reaves'. PRIM SPECIALTIES CORP. P. O. Box 228 J, Times Square Sta. New York, N. Y. Lflo\ reetyour favorite GYPSl/1 all original photos of your favorite stars, size 8 x 10, glossy prints, 25c each, 5 for $1.00. Scenes from any of your favorite recent photo plays 25c each, 12 for $2.50. Positively the finest obtainable anywhere. We have the largest collection of movie photos in the country. Just name the star or scenes you want. Remit by money order or U. S. 2c stamps. BRAM STUDIO.— Film Centre Bldg. Studio 364. 630-9th Ave.. M. Y. City FREE raMph'et FREE Marvelous imported Parisian discovery, removes Unwanted Hair in a jiffy, for good! No irritation. Harmless, liquid, clean. Just apply and wash offl Satisfaction or money refunded. Send this ad and your address to get FREE explanation how "GYPSIA'' destroys Hair and Root. GYPSIA PRODUCTS CO.. (P) 5S W. 42 St.. N. Y. $-ALWAYS HAVE-LUCK !-$ Unlucky in Money Games, Love or Business? You should carry a pair of genuine MYSTIC BRAHMA RED LIVE HIGHLY MAGNETIC LODE• STONES. Rare, Amazing, Coinspelling, Attractive, these LIVE " LODESTONES are carried by Occult Oriental people as a POWERFUL LUCKY CHARM, one to prevent Bad Luck, Evil and Misfortune, and the other to attract much Good Luck, Love, Happiness, and Prosperity. Special only $1.97 for the two. With valuable instructions FREE. Pay postman $1 .97 and 15c. postage on delivery. Satisfaction or money refunded. You can be LUCKY! Order yours TODAY! Dept. 2185. P. S. BUREAU, General P. 0. Box 72, BROOKLYN, N. Y. NOTICE! We absolutely GUARANTEE these genuine Mystic Brahma Lodestones are ALIVE! Just what you want, for they are the REAL THING— POWERFUL, HIGHLY MAGNETIC! GET YOURS NOW! $$ Photoplay Ideas $$ For Silent and Talking Pictures Accepted in any form for revision, criticism. Copyright and submission to studios Not a school — no courses or books to sell. You may be just as capable of writing acceptable stories as thousands of successful writers. Original plots and ideas are what is wanted. Plots accepted in any form. Send for free booklet giving full details. Universal Scenario Company (Established 1917) 606 Meyer Bldg., Western and Sierra Vista Hollywood, California The Popular COMPLETE STORIES The magazine for discriminating readers of fine Action. 1 C — Action. Mystery. Adventure. A Street & Smith publication. I %J\* -SWEDISH M4SSAG E A PAYING PROFESSION / Hospitals, Institutions. Sanitariums, clubs, doctors and individual patients, need trained men and women to give scientific Swedish Massage and Hydrotherapy treatments. Figure the income from giving 6 to 8 treatments daily at from ~~ $3 to $5 each. Learn this fascinating, well-paid profession at our nationally recognized drugless College, established over twenty years. Day and evening classes or by College Extension Home Study method. Authorized diplomas. Moderate tuition. Get in this uncrowded profession NOW. rrWTToNA^COLLFGE ' I 126 N. Ashland Blvd., Chicago, Illinois 1 Kindly send FREE Catalogue No. 432 1 I Name l Address City State. MAGIC DISC dainty oacl pdwder puff The Wonderstoen way of removing needless hair is the Refined Method for the Refined Woman. ThismagiC rosy disc erases hair as easily as you erase a pencil mark. Just rotate Wonderstoen over the skin and whisk the hair away, leaving the skin hair-free, velvetyBmooth. Benin's Wonderstoen is guaranteed not to contain Sulphides or poisons. So safe, physicians prescribe It. It Is clean, odorless, sanitary, economical and always B &▼*▼#• ready fur use. Millions olIB||l women the world over employ ■ B M' €/tM£4." NEEDLESS HAIR this modern method for erasing hair, and thousands of unsolicited testimonials from grateful users prove its success. Wonderstoen has been in useformany years. Benin's Wonderstoen deluxe (for arms and lee?) $3. Benin's Wonderstoen Facial (for chin, cheeks and upper Up $1.25. On sale at department stores, drug and perfume shops, or direct from manufacturer (add 10c • postage with each order). "W] ■'■■Bellin's Wonderstoen Co., i«E III 1123 Broadway, N.Y. Dept. 3 P.P. Free Booklet.