Picture Play Magazine (1932)

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66 Improve your FIGURE! Just Give Me 10 MINUTES a DAY Are you dissatisfied with your figure? Are you flat chested or thin? Or is your form too full and embarrassing? Creme Treatment No. 1 aids in filling out hollowness and developing round, graceful curves where needed. Creme Treatment No. 2 helps to reduce surplus flesh and is used to develop a youthful figure. Fashion demands natural proportioned neck, chest, arms, legs and hips. Send name, address for FREE sample and directions. Mention cream number desired. Enclose 10c for mailing costs. MmtEmd 'Jimudt 3284 N. Green Bay Ave., Depl.F-2 1 Milwaukee, Wisconsin What Love Cost Ina Claire Continued from page 25 $$ Photoplay Ideas $$ For Silent and Talking Pictures Accepted In any form for revision, criticism. Copyright and submission to studios Not a school — no courses or books to sell. You may be just as capable of writing acceptable stories as thousands of successful writers. Original plots and ideas are what is wanted. Plots accepted in any form. Send for free booklet giving full details. Universal Scenario Company (Established 1917) 606 Meyer Bldg., Western and Sierra Vista Hollywood, California WIN HIM#« (farm Irresistible and alluring perfumes were first used by the great Cleopatra in captivating her lovers. She knew their , power and magic charm. Now you I have the same opportunity— for with LOVE CHARM you can fascinate, t»^ .-J5^! and win the affections of the man you § f* S^xV love. You may try it and convince yourself of its merit by simply sending 10 cents to cover the cost of postage and packing of a generous sample. Send today. LOVE CHARM CO., 585 Kingsland Ave., St. Louis, Mo. Dept.l34F iei\eocFHT0H0ELTKe^re and CULTURAL subjects for personal development— Stage, Teaching; Directing-Drama. Stage and Concert Dancing Vocal. Screen, Musical Comedy. Elocution, Stock Theatre and platform appearances while learning. For catalog 36 apply P. P. Ely, Secy. 66 W. 85 St., N. Y. \/feet your favorite If Movie s>tar**~ all original photos of your favorite stars, size 8 x 10, glossy orints, 25c each, 5 for $1.00. Scenes ,'rotn any of your favorite recent photo plays. 25c each, 12 for $2.50. Positively the finest obtainable anywhere. We have the largest collection of movie photos in the country. Just name the star or scenes you want. Remit hy money order or U. S. Vic stamps. BRAM STUDIO,— Film Centre Bldg. Studio 371. 630-9th Ave., N. Y. City Every woman wants the joy of lone, dark luxurious eyelashes and eyebrows such as our amazing new discovery produces. No matter how scant the growth, we guarantee, unconditionally, that within two weeks' time Mme. Leone's Preparation will make them appear longer, darker and more brilliantly beautifal than you ever imagined they could be. Don't envy other eyes while this remarkable discovery is within your reach. For YOU, too, can surpass them all with eyes full of ■ xpression and allurement. YOURS will be BETTER than the best you've admired. Send NOW for Mme. Leone's Eyelash Grower and WATCH RESULTS IN A FEW DAYS. Price $S. 00 Postpaid. Money fback without question if you are not entirely satisfied. MME. LEONE, Dept. L3, 12 West St., Boston, Mass. I enclose $2.00. Send me at once your new discovery for growing beautiful eyelashes. Name Address City State "I'm too thin in places and too fat in others. That was one of the things that worried me when I started 'The Greeks.' When I began to fit my costumes, just before the picture started, I decided to do something about it. "There wasn't much I could do about the spots where I was too heavy, at least not on short notice. But for the too-thin localities, 1 had certain shapely padding built into my clothes. I had to sit up perfectly straight and the lights were so hot I was utterly miserable. "Halfway through the picture I could stand it no longer. Sex appeal or no sex appeal, I would be my own too thin self. I finished the picture without any of my extra padding. It just happens that it isn't noticeable, though." Ina smiled at her attempt to acquire sex appeal. As she talked, I was more than ever aware of her sincerity, though I was not inclined to agree with her. Of course, I don't think a woman is ever a good judge of another woman's sex appeal, but I'm willing to wager that a jury of any twelve good men and true would testify to Ina's charms. Miss Claire's European jaunt was for the two-fold purpose of resting and reading plays, in an effort to find a suitable vehicle for a return to Broadway. "When I left Hollywood, I intended to spend about two weeks loafing and the rest of my time in New York reading plays. My house is full of them !" She gestured toward piles of manuscripts which littered the desk and tables and several chairs. "But once in New York, my phone started ringing and there were so many amusing things to do that I never got around to my work. "So I went up to my farm near Greenwich, Connecticut, where there would be nothing to divert me. But as soon as I arrived, I found so many things to do around the house, and the weather was so lovely, I couldn't resist taking long walks. "By the time I had been there a week without accomplishing a thing, it occurred to me that it would be easier to read plays in New York. "I packed up and came back here, but still I was too restless to concentrate. So I took off for Europe to find peace and quiet over there." It all sounded natural enough. And yet, realizing the ease with which Ina has heretofore submerged herself in her work, it was somehow disturbing to see her in such an unhappy frame of mind. For it is unhappiness, after all, that makes one travel from coast to coast, from country to country, seeking an elusive will-o'-the-wisp that can never be captured. I wonder if Ina will find forgetfulness and contentment as the months roll along, despite her avowed cynicism. I wonder if love has left its indelible mark upon her and if she will ever free herself from its shadow. Girl of the Hour Continued from page 26 variably right, for the good of the play as well as herself. She drove them to distraction — and their respect for her was equaled by their rapt devotion. She has a native instinct for the theater. She knows what is right and also why it is right. She lavishes upon her work every facet of her quick, brilliant mind. For it is true that her mentality goes beyond intelligence into brilliance. Again that aliveness — every corner of her mind is clear, sentient. She speaks rapidly, with satisfying literacy and wicked wit. She has a relish for champagne, a distaste for Bourbon ; a weakness for chow mein, a passionate dislike of bedroom gossip. She lives in the big house recently vacated by Greta Garbo, delighting in the considerable grounds surrounding it and in its nearness to the sea. She is always intending to take up tennis where she left off as a child, but she has no racket, and there is never enough time, anyway. Although, when she was living at the Chateau Elysee, she was photographed at the net, holding Warren William's racket. The caption on the printed picture said, "Miriam Hopkins finishing off the day with her customary hour on the court." She rides only occasionally, each time vowing it is so stimulating she must make it a daily practice. But during the summer when she lives at the beach, she swims at least twice every day. She has impeccable and instinctive taste — in her clothes, her speech, her manner, her thoughts. She is an ex