Picture-Play Magazine (1933)

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Volume XXXVII MONTHLY Number 5 STREET & SMITH'S YEARLY SUBSCRIPTION $1.00 PICTURE PLAY SINGLE COPIES, 10 CENTS CONTENTS FOR JANUARY, 1933 Tht .,.(... content! 0/ Mis tnaoazim or, protected by copyright, and must not be reprinted without tht publisln rs' const ni. FRONTISPIECE: Turmoil in Indo-China ■ . • • W.,^4 Jean Harlow and Clark Gable in a scene from "Bed Dust, m which Miss Harlow kicks up plenty. SPECIAL ARTICLES: Is Lilyan Clothes Crazy? tSVU Ta-htnan is viewed with alarm. Last Laueh James Roy Fuller It's yours when you listen to the nonfa^s misinformation about stars. . Judith Field James Roy I nformation about George Kay . Not Guilty! The legend of scene stealing i> gentlj debunked. On with the Show Elza Schallert Jean Harlow's recent tragedy brings nut her high courage in resuming her career. Unshackled Madeline Glass . David Manners, freed <>t a contract, is a new person — and a better actor. Little Rebel Frances Fink Dorothy Jordan is up in arms against playing ingenues. A Man May Change .... Samuel Richard Mook Alexander Kirkland may shift with the wind, hut he's a remarkable fellow for all of that. Three Wise Girls William H. McKegg . When Mae Clarke, Barbara Stanwyck, and Walda Mansfield were pals — ah, those were the days. Gift of Beauty Lillian Montanye An expert tells yon how to be beautiful for Christmas. Ah! The Mad Loys! .... Dudley Early Com. lo the home of Myrua Loy and try to he sane if you can. Big-time Charley Ben Maddox Charles Laughton, the eminent English actor, is appropriately introduced to an appreciative public. DEPARTMENTS! What the Fans Think Favorites may come and go, but our readers continue to praise and blame. Information, Please .... The Oracle . Concise ami correct answers to readers' questions. They Say in New York . . . Karen Hollis Tin' whirl of i_■ . ~ i | ■ stirred by visiting stars. Hollywood High Lights .... Edwin and Elza Schallert . Hits of neus and gossip from the Studio colony. The Screen in Review .... Norbert Lusk A critical estimate of new dims and performances. The Poets' Corner A page of ^iiort verse of especial interest to tin fan. ART GALLERY: Favorites of the Fans ........... Full-page rotogravure studies oi David Manner-, Gloria Stuart, Rochelle Hudson, In. ma Wynyard, Zita Johann, Charles Farrell, Tallulab Bankhead, Dorothy Jordan, ami Charli Laughton Did You Know That Amu lug dl coverle about lu t rated by cartoons. PREVIEWS: H. T. Elmo . Gl 15 16 18 22 24 26 35 36 40 42 44 50 6 8 20 38 46 74 27 49 impses of Future Films . . ... . . . . .51 Prerelefl e itlll "i "The Mask ol i u Munchu," "Secrets of the French Police," •Silver Hollar. 1'hc Match King." and "Phantom Fame." i Uenue, New fork, N. T. Ormond O. '. Qeorge C Smith, Jr., Vice President: Ornumil V. in New Yerk. Copyright, 1932, by Street A Smith i !, 8, 1918. at tho Poet Ofllce It New York. crlptloct •'■ i ui. i. Dom, Benublle, Haiti, Spain. Central ami Smith ' $1 .:•", per peer, To Canada, $1.40 per year. To all other i mai ami Brit U pi r year. W< do not accept responsibility for the return of unsolicited manuscripts. To facilitate handling, tho author should Inclose a sell-addressed cnvelopo with the requisite postage attached. STREET & SMITH PUBLICATIONS, INC., 79 7th AVE., NEW YORK, N. Y. NEXT MONTH'S PICTURE PLAY Some of the strong items you will find in February Picture Play include the life story of BORIS KARLOFF the man every fan knows, but who is known to few in Hollywood, where he worked as an extra for years before capturing fame and favor in "Frankenstein." Now he is freely spoken of as the successor of Lon Chaney. LITTLE FEUDS OF THE STARS How misunderstandings, rivalries, or the chance remark of a friend may start a "brabblement" which nothing can smooth away before it becomes a fully developed enmity, a feud among players which often conceals bitter hate. MORE ABOUT SCENE STEALING The other side of the question which occupies our pages this month is fully discussed with intelligence and informativeness, all tending to prove that Hollywood prefers to insist that certain players are not to be trusted where the credit of a picture can be snatched from a star. WHO WILL BE QUEEN IN 1933? A careful estimate of past performances and future plans of a number of leading stars is thoughtfully discussed in an effort to determine next year's biggest favorite.