Picture-Play Magazine (1933)

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71 can actress in spangled veils, and two terrible juveniles whose chatter might easily have destroyed Roxor had he heard as much of it as I did. Bela Lugosi, Irene Ware, June Vlasek, and Nestor Aber play these respective roles. "Thirteen Women." Tut, tut, what have we here but the most confused and incredible picture of the month. Even the designer of clothes ran amuck and embarrass the beholder, especially for Jill Esmond who bears — and wears — the brunt of unflattering apparel. However, the most exciting dresses in the world couldn't lift the picture from the slough of despond. See what you make of this hint. Myrna Loy, some sort of halfcaste, hypnotizes a yogi astrologer into sending letters to a group of women warning them of impending disaster. All except one are so imbued with the power of suggestion that they promptly realize the yogi's dire predictions, which include the death of a trapeze performer, suicide, and what not. The strong-minded heroine refuses to give in to any such fantastic nonsense, whereupon Miss Loy concentrates on her through her child to whom she sends poisoned candy, a dynamite-filled ball, and so on. A detective finally corners her and before she gracefully jumps to her death from a moving train, her motive is disclosed. Seems that at school she wasn't admitted to Ata Bita Pi, the sorority which was important when they were all girls together. Irene Dunne, Kay Johnson, Florence Eldridge, and Mary Duncan are some of the actresses, but altogether there aren't thirteen. Not that it matters. "The Painted Woman." An ingenue Sadie Tlwmpson, but without the rain, is our heroine and neither she nor her story is interesting. Both character and yarn are synthetic reminders of dozens of similar offerings, particularly of the silent days. Kiddo — and I think the name a telltale label — is a derelict of the South Seas who sings and dances very badly in dives. Apparently selfsupporting, she is nevertheless enslaved to a visiting sea captain. But it seems that pure and lofty love is waiting for her just around the corner with an ex-marine. They marry and might have dropped out of the picture except that Kiddo insists on being terrified at the reappearance of the captain and lies to her husband, all to save him from the wrath of the other man. But as Spencer Tracy seems well able to take care of himself in a screen fight, her action doesn't make sense. His is the best performance at that, and William Boyd is good as the villain. Peggy Shannon does not ring true as Kiddo and Raul Roulien, the fans' favorite, plays a small role. MY HUSBAND'S GIRL When we have been to see her play, For many days thereafter My husband raves about her curves, Her gay, infectious laughter. He says he never saw such hair, Her face alone's worth money. He watches every move she makes ; He vows she is a honey. But do I imitate her style To hold my man — not me ! I go with him to see his love — That funny gal — Marie. Elizabeth Lowry. Fascinating Dimples Fashions Decree For Fall and Winter iJIi"1ynvnwU»V.,.e.a;"U's of !taOT an<1 s'recn •>"« »se<l nl !lh i ''V '-Ij,'A DIMPLEn to produce the charming dimples that captivate all [overs of feminine beauty ISABELLA DIMPLER will give you roguish, dancing dimples— make you look yeara younger. Patented by Lady Isabella. Inventor of beautifier °"S ' bcauty s,"n a"d l>"lash SPECIAL, PRICE $1 .98 FREE CHRISTMAS OKFF.R 1 FREE CHRISTMAS OFFER St-nd names ami addresses of fi\ fnenda with order and Lady phial of I-:.l..'lla . -Dot. famous liquid beauty spotAbsolutely >«** Ml V.. » ,oV Q»eS. )W» Ve«>; \3&J*> Name closed IB $1.98 . 'C.O.D. $2.25> , for ISABELLA DIM1'LER I understand you will send also a phial of Lov-Dot and applicator WITHOUT CHARGE Address LADY ISABELLA. Dent. 4. id St.. Roohester, N.Y. 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