Picture-Play Magazine (1933)

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I Most Amazing Introductory Offer Ever Attempted: WITOL'8 COCOANUT OIL SHAMPOO. A wonderful hair and scalp cleanser. Aids to remove excess oil and dandruff. Very popular. Price. 75c. WITOL'8 BR1LLIANT1NE lives hair that natural looking lustre and brilliant, healthful ■low. Price. 75c. ITOLS IELIBLK P PASTE I adhesive :i WITOL'S ANTISEPTIC MOUTH WASH Double Strength) an. k..i:«. u --tringent. n on the 1 and neck, and reducing e larged pores, also very i freshing. Price $1.00. WITOLS BEAUTY PASTE, skin ' ivory-like, beautiful. It pro lily-white, ivory clearness, as if the skin had been bleached. Price. SI. 00. $10.85 WORTH for 98, I'lu» PoaMge WITOL'S N . . . j skin that smooth, clear look and the complexion that youth like spotless appearance. Delightfully perfumed. All shades Price: (1.00 large box. WITOL'S "FLOWERS OF SPRING" PARFUM Exquisite de luxe perfume. Fascinating odor. Alluring. Price $3.00. Wl POL'S HIGH GLOSS NAIL POLISH. A rich rose color, transparent waterproof liquid. Vera lasting. Price. 35c. $10.85 Worth of Toilet Preparations this \ \i i \m i mi pojn Brings You the (<>iii|il>li S.i ,,f 10 ARTICLES AS || | I STRVTED In Marxo Dp%» l>ri.. PP 1 l . i H . I ■ . H ilol | and deai ritw I in tin" aanotioceinent. i pon arriial I ih. noatman oolj »*r ulua posUge Mj I , refnnded .1 I Name ... Adrift** (My Shasta .•! I .. ■ I s I I Ten thousand Picture Plaj Readers "ill surely receive some bargain if thev act pr ptly. 10,000 seta of these high grade Toilet Articles will be senl out to the Brsl 10,000 readers who send in the Coupon. No more can be promised. I mis preparation Bhownabove is full size, much larger than illustrated. They are not samples or trial packages, but i Hi<l. ml large sizes sold for i he pasl rune |irn i a ;it rriiuliir full SATISFACTTONGUARANTEEDoi MONEY REFUND ED IF YOU VRE Nor rVBSOLUTELY SATISFIED. Over $1,000,000 of Witol'a Toilet Preparations have I >i sold through out the United States and Europe You iiro tnkiiu: no ohuuies when you are baying Witol'a Products, for only the bea1 of ingredients arc used This exceptionally low advertising offer is made to gel you acquainted with Wool's products Every Picture Play reader should tiik. advantage of iliis offer Be one of 1 1., lucky 10.000. for 98c Plus Fo5la?f SEND NO MONEY Just Clip & Mail Coupon. All 10 Wilol Preparations For a Limited Tune Only 98, Plus Postjjt ONLY 10,000 SETS-NO MORE CAN BE PROMISED -ACT QUICKLY ! Copyright, 1932, by Marvo Beauty Lab. Inc..