Picture-Play Magazine (1933)

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It pays to read advertisements— It will pay you to read this one THE other day a friend gave my wife a recipe for a new Frozen Orange Pudding. We had it last night for dessert. "This is something new," I said. "Where did you get it?" "Mae gave me the recipe yesterday. She clipped it from an advertisement." My wife didn't read that advertisement. If her friend hadn't read it what a treat we would have missed. Do you read the advertisements? It will pay you many times over to do so. From them you may learn about all sorts of new things. New foods, new ways to use them, new recipes which will add variety to the daily menu. Right in the advertisements in this magazine there are countless things to interest you, to save you money, to bring you the most value for what you spend. And now, as a reward for reading this advertisement, here is the recipe that inspired it. Recipe for Frozen Orange Pudding Ingredients. 2 egg yolks (beaten) ; 1 cup orange juice; 1 cup cream (light cream or top milk will do); 4 teaspoonfuls flour; 1/8 teaspoonful salt; 1/3 cup sugar; 1 teaspoonful grated orange rind. Blend thoroughly egg yolks, sugar, flour, salt and add orange juice and cream. Put in double boiler until thick. Add orange rind, cool and pour into freezing tray of refrigerator — or three or four hours on ice. When ready to serve, top each dish with meringue made by beating two egg whites stiff and adding 1/4 cup sugar. Garnish with orange segments. // pays to read all the advertisements