Picture-Play Magazine (1933)

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Numerous thankful let* I tersfol praise received from women who I recommend and une this compound for I relief with amazing success. We guar' antcetoHli I p orders H.'tine day received, plain wrapper, sealed. .Send $2.00 a Hnx, Single Qtrenjrtll, $3.oo a Box, Double Strength — 2 Boxes $5.oo. Trial .size, 25c. Bend order now. Free Booklet — Personal message to you. (other Hygiene necessities). Don't delay — act nowl Snyder Prod. Co., 1434 N. Wells St., Dept. G6 B. Chicago TT New BOOK TRIAL SIZE 2V Soft Iron Hand Continued from page 19 "One of my pet hopes," she went on. "is to make a perfect picture when film technique has reached its nth degree of perfection." You may have noticed that quite recently Nancy's acting has taken on a decided change for the hetter. But Nancy will not admit her ability has changed. She asserts, quite calmly, that she is able to do now what she was prevented from doing in the past. "From the very beginning of my screen career," she decisively declared, "I knew what I could do. I was no novice. I did not enter pictures untrained, without skill. And though it was helpful, it proved also a drawback. "Playing in the West Coast production of 'Chicago' brought me several picture offers. I made one or two silent films, but talking was coming in. "With the full introduction of talkies, I was right in the front line, so to speak. Producers were clamoring for players with stage experience. Well, I had it. I could sing and also dance. "Do you know," she broke off to inform me, "that during my first year with Paramount I made no less than ten pictures? In fact, I've been making from eight to ten each year, except when I was in New York. Then I made only four. "I don't know what it stood for, but I was cast in. everything. Out of one film into another — comedies, dramas, musicals. I suppose I happened to be 'a bird in the hand.' I had no choice of stories or roles. I couldn't offer a word as to how I'd like to do a scene. Everything was too fast and furious. "The only thing I had uppermost in mind was to win a public. I wanted fans to recognize me as an actress." This recognition was afforded her. Womanlike, she now wishes it had been otherwise. "Yes, I'm sorry I set out for that goal," she continued. "It would have been much better had I typed myself. That's the only way to maintain a definite place in pictures. The most successful stars are types. "Now the fans have seen me in so many different roles that I doubt if they can visualize me as a very definite person in pictures. I wish now I had typed myself." Regardless of that, Miss Carroll's first desire, to be known as an actress, has not been without fruit. She is outstanding in one certain thing: the ability to register her thoughts as well as her actions, and at the same time, even when they are at variance. Nancy seems to be able to act two personalities at once. I know of no other player who can do this so well. Since this ability appears to be a recent achievement, I wondered what had aroused her mind to so keen a duality of talent. It was not always evident. Yet you feel this is an actual trait with her in private. She is very guarded when she meets you, but banishes caution when she feels you are friendly. The past five years have been a hectic race for Nancy to win her public. Her first marriage to Jack Kirkland is history. They separated with the friendliest feelings toward each other, which is quite a common thing right now. Then Nancy married Bolton Mallory, erstwhile young editor of Life. Now since Jack had been a reporter, handling the more sordid bits of worldly existence, I thought this might have kept Nancy to the commonplace things of life also. And since Bolton was a litterateur, I surmised that Nancy's second marriage might have changed her outlook on life. When I voiced my opinions she dispelled them with disarming frankness. "Not at all," she remarked in a very matter-of-fact tone. "Mr. Kirkland is also very literary. Both Mr. Kirkland and Mr. Mallory are literary men." She spoke with such calm decisiveness that I did not dare dispute. "Is it true, then, that you and Mr. Mallory are separating?" I asked. "Is it?" Nancy echoed, and smiled denial — I think. But was her home life at any time upset by the demands of her dramatic career ? I was prepared to hear the usual Hollywood story, how she was perfectly homelike and allowed nothing, simply nothing, to interfere. La Carroll surprised me again. "Yes," she commented, still cool, calm, and collected. "My screen work often interferes with my home life, in spite of all I do to prevent it. "Naturally, my husband feels annoyed at times — but only on my behalf," she hastened to add. " 'They work you too hard,' he'll say when I have to go back to the studio at night. Of course I try to arrange things accordingly." "You rest and see no one in the evenings, I suppose, after a day's emoting?" "Oh, no," Nancy stated, flipping aside such an odd idea. "I'm afraid I'm not one of those stars soon exContinued on page 72