Picture-Play Magazine (1933)

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69 Barry Bounces Back Continued from page 55 the real aristocrats. When asked in which class he considered himself he answered, "Middle class," and wrinkled his nose disdainfully. He is very sensitive and his feelings are easily hurt. He forgives readily. When short of money he is uncommonly despondent. Greta Garho invited him to play tennis with her. "She plays like a man," he remarked later. He sits a horse like a cavalryman and enjoys riding. He lacks diplomacy and has little patience with fans who seek him out and try to stammer their praise. He has no business sense at all and never reads the contracts he signs. He is often vacillating and procrastinating in matters where he should be firm and prompt. lie is his own worst enemy because he cannot manage his affairs. lie never gossips or says harsh things about others. I never knew him to criticize another actor. He does everything on a grand scale, even his mistakes. He-was once engaged to MyrnaLoy, but his eccentricities wore the poor girl out. He would like to visit his native Argentine but doesn't dare, as he would be thrown in prison for evading the compulsory military service. American naturalization would save him, but if he takes out citizenship papers in this country his South American fans will turn against him. He is in one hellova fix. But he is a grand young actor. the INSULT™"™*1" A MAM OUT OF "MAC~ ' Franchot Tone Continued from page 21 "1 still haven't seen it. Oh, I've been to the Grove and the BeverlyWilshire and a few parties, but I haven't been to any orgies and I haven't seen any of the fantastic things people tell about Hollywood." "Well, I have," I yelled defiantly. "Maybe I don't look for them, or if they happen when I'm around, maybe I just laugh and don't realize those are the fantastic things people refer to as 'Hollywood.' ' "What do you think of the habit people have here of calling you by your first name as soon as they're introduced?" "I think it's swell," he smiled. "Makes you feel they're all your friends, particularly when they mispronounce the first name. You can't help realizing just how deep the friendship is. All these boys around the studio come up, slap me on the back, put their arms around my shoulders and start asking the most personal questions. Then they go away and I never see them again until something else comes up they want to find out about." "What kind of roles do you want Lo play?" "Good ones." "But I mean comedy or drama?" "Both. I don't want to be typed." "But haven't you any preference? Didn't you make your success in New York in neurotic parts?" "I never made a success in New York. I've never been in a hit play. I played a couple of neurotic parts and got good notices, but I also played in a number of comedies and got good notices. The best known plays were 'Green Grow the Lilacs,' 'Pagan Lady' — supporting Lenore Ulric — 'The House of Connolly' and 'Night Over Taos.' They were all good plays — but they weren't successes. The others didn't matter." Franchot off the screen is a somewhat different person than he is on. In films he comes closer to approximating that insouciance Fredric March showed in "Merrily We Go To Hell" and "To-night Is Ours" than any other actor. In person, when you succeed in rousing him from that apathy that envelops him, he conveys the impression of morbidity. "Are you morbid?" I asked. Franchot showed signs of life. "God, no!" he ejaculated. "I'm too lazy for one thing and I've nothing to be morbid about for another. I'm really a fairly even-tempered, cheerful person. It requires less effort to be that way." His outburst over, he lapsed in something approaching a coma. After a few minutes he stifled a yawn and rose. "I'm sorry. I've got to go. I made another appointment before I knew I was to see you. I don't know how you're going to get a story out of all this unless you drag one out of the thin air, but if you can think of anything else you want, call me." I watched him leave with a feeling of dismay and I, too, wondered where my story was to come from. But I took heart as I reflected that as far as Franchot is concerned, it won't make any difference whether I have a story or not. He'll be too busy dancing — or sleeping. This 07-lb Weakling Became "World's Mast Perfectly Developed Man." They used to think there ^-s*a wasn't much hone for me. jf^2 I was a 97-pound scare / crow. Then I discovered J DynamicTension. It J^ gave me the body J& that twice won the / title. "The World's / Most Perfectly Developed Man." Now I'll give you PROOF in just 7 days that my same method can make YOU a NEW MAN of giant power and energy. I'll PROVE Too Can Have a Body L'ke Mine! No "ifs" — "ands" — or "maybes." 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