Picture-Play Magazine (1933)

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12 _ What the Fans Think Continued Irom page 6 Raving About Lilyan. Stop the Animal Fights. ., right. A. Pace, of Los Angeles, you can dish it T% /f-^ I voice a protest against the deliberately out, now let's see if you can take it. I V/ 1 planned fights between animals which are be So Lilyan Tashman isn't an actress and perhaps coming so common in pictures? During the last she is a clotheshorse. Well, how do you suppose that two weeks I have seen three films in which animals have Lilyan has stayed in pictures so long ? Of course she has been set to tear one another almost to pieces. Can't something be done to stop this unnecessary cruelty? A never become a star. She doesn't want to be. Lilyan knows her place in films perfectly and she will stay there. I 'm not raving about Lilyan Tashman for nothing, either. I wouldn't care if she only came into a picture for one scene and spoke about two words, regardless of who was the star of that picture, I certainly would see it. Lilyan has not only a splendid figure to wear clothes — -and bow she wears them! — but she has a splendid sense of humor, a charming voice, and certainly doesn't hurt your eyes to look at. Not only that, but she can act ! Give us more of Lilyan as she was with Kay Francis, in "Girls About Town." That was Lilyan as she really is. and as we want to see Some months ago. when the first pictures of this type appeared, they were supposed to be authentic — real lights which the expedition cameramen accidentally photographed. Perhaps that was true. \Ye all know that there will be conflicts in nature no matter what we do, but thereis no excuse whatever for the producers so cold-b'oodedly arranging fights between these dumb beasts just to create so-called thrills. It is beyond understanding how people who recoil from the abuse of animals in their daily surroundings, who willingly work to prohibit bullfights and other such "amusements," can sit and enjoy such cruel exhibitions on the screen. The} seem to think that these are not real, without a thought for the fact that the fights had to take place in fact or the) wouldn't be there on the screen to see ! I'm for bigger and better animal pictures just as long as the public wants to see them, but let's hold out for a square deal for the beast-* who act in them. R. Vivian. Channing Way, Berkelev, California. Lilyan smart has all it takes but is too to be a star, raves Jean L. Haddon. W1 her Jean L. Haddon. 100 Monarch Park Avenue. Toronto 8, Ontario, Canada. Disgusted. LOUD cheers for Mrs. Eleanor Stuart of Australia. I, too, am disgusted with most of the stars. What morals ! They seem completely to lack ■ eusitiveness, fineness, and self-respect! They think no more of bounding from one man's— well, call it breakfast table — to another's, than I should of changing my dress. Decent people everywhere are disgusted with their divorces, and "engagements" while they're still married to those who are their mates in the eyes of God and man. \nd people are disgusted also with trashy pictures that glorify adultery and vice! I'm no prude. In fact I'm quite the contrary of conventional, but when it comes to cheapness, tawdriness, adultery, and all kinds of sin dressed up in silks, furs, and jewels, it's time 11 a bait. Let's glorify virtue for a while; let's show that a pretty girl can marry a young man earning an average salary and really live happily, both on the screen and in real life. I -suppose tli.it if we boycotted all the star-* whose private lives are questionable, we should rarel\' go to the movies, but lei's do our best in that direction! Mrs. Regina Roberts. 1 1 I [ope Avenue, Ilvde Park. Massachusetts. Calm Yourself, Paul. HAT unwanted blight is this, ruining many good dramatic scenes by her freakish ugliness? I refer to the socalled rising star, Katharine Hepburn, who is hideous beyond human conception. Not satisfied with accentuating her worst features, she dons shabby Russian peasant clothing and parades off the screen with as much pride as a hen cackling over new-laid eggs. On the screen, her acting is overshadowed by her immense mouth, flattened nose and rolling eves that are fishlike in their glassy hardness. I am not handsome myself, but I would blush with shame if my face bore even a remote resemblance to la Hepburn's. It is amazing to me that this actress is gaining popularity when such truly beautiful stars as Claire Windsor, Pola Xegri, and Blanche Sweel g jobless. Wake up, RKO, before some traveling circus wants Miss Hepburn as a side-show freak. Her lumbering gait betrays the dire need of an instructor in graceful walking. But I'd better stop or I'll have all her fans on my neck. Still I'll sign my name. Paul Poking. Pig Wolf Club. Faust, Xew York. Katharine Hepburn throws Paul Boring into a dither — but the wrong kind.