Picture-Play Magazine (1933)

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Please send me your Outdoor Girl "Week-end Beauty Kit" containing liberal trial packages of Olive Oil Face Powder—Lightex Face Powder— Olive Oil Cream— Liquefying Cleansing Cream and Lip-and-Cheek Rouge. NAME ADDRESS CITY STATE ~ DR. WALTER'S LATEST BRASSIRRE reduces 2 to 3 inches at once. Gives a trim, youthful. new style figure. Send bust measure. $2. 25 REDUCING GIRDLE. 2 to 3 inch reduction at once. Takes place of corset. Beautifully made: verv comfortable. Laced at back, with 2 garters n front. Holds up abdomen. S nd waist and hip measure $3.75 All jrarmcnta are made of flesh colored Hum rubber. Send < heck or money order—no cash. tNNE G. A. WALTER. 389 Fifth Ave.. New York F O B TJNN A TUBAL DELAY or irregularity rmlesj P.-X TABLETS, Ouirk. painless relief! No inconvenience! Usod by phy.icians! Guaranteed! I>..uole Strenirth ■2. Muled 1st clasB, plain wraj r wi h n 1 hr. of receipt of order. B-X LABORATORIES, 1515 E. 60th St.. 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The Screen in Review Continued from page 62 him, Miss Allan because of his whimsicality and Doris Kenyon on account of his go-getting ability. For she is a haughty beauty specialist into whose presence he works bis way by a ruse. Later she kills herself for love of him. Tbe picture misses fire both as a comedy and as a satire on advertising, but tbere's a good idea lost between. "Three-cornered Moon." Mary Roland, Claudette Colbert, Richard Arlen, Wallace Ford, Lyda Roberti, Tom Brown, William Bakewell, Hardie Albright, Joan Marsh. Director: Elliott Nugent. You must meet the Rimplcgars; they're quite the craziest family — in a nice way — you would find in many a day, even in Brooklyn, where separately and collectively they try to buck the depression when Mrs. Nellie Rimplegar throws away their fortune and they have nothing except a handsome home and no food in the larder. It is a gay, irresponsible household though the young people have their troubles, but they're good looking and well dressed so it's all pretty much of a lark watching them rival each other in impracticality until everything comes out all right. The ringleader in crazy antics is the mother who is vague, futile and helpless, wandering around in a frivolous negligee dabbing with a dust cloth. As played by Mary Boland, the character becomes the most interesting of all and Miss Roland's performance the most brilliantly comic, equal, if more subdued, to her matchless creation in "Mamma Loves Papa" last month. All the performances are excellent and the picture is rated a likable and constantly amusing oddity suitable for those who like hors d'eeuvrcs better than chowder. "Captured." Leslie Howard, Douglas Fairbanks, Jr., Margaret Lindsay, Philip Faversham. Paul Lukas, Robert Barrat, William LeMaire, John Bleifer, Joyce Coad. Director: Roy Del Ruth. Vital direction and fine acting keep one interested, even if the occasional spectator — are you with me? — does not care for war pictures. This has considerable suspense and more than the usual implausibilities, but it has grim reality, too. The scene is a German prison camp where Leslie Howard, as Captain Alison, longs for his bride of six davs in England. Cheered by the unexpected appearance among the prisoners of a fellow Englishman, Die/by, he discovers that his wife is in love with his friend. He overcomes his desire for vengeance and enables his rival to escape a firing squad and return to the woman they both love. Against this conflict are unusual scenes of torture and the degradation of men by their captors, with only two brief sequences showing Margaret Lindsay, the heroine. Mr. Howard gives an admirable performance in the mood called sensitive, Douglas Fairbanks, Jr., is Digby in the mood which proclaims itself actory and small roles are strikingly played, particularly by Philip Faversham. son of the stage star. John Bleifer, and William LeMaire. "The Stranger's Return." Lionel Barrymore, Miriam Hopkins. Franchot Tone, Stuart Erwin, Beulab Bondi, Grant Mitchell, Irene Hervey, Aileen Carlyle. Director : King Yidor. A magnificent character study by Lionel Barrymore is only one of the merits found in this finely honest picture. Another is the satisfaction in finding persons as they really exist in rural communities to-day. not types out of a comic strip. The author of "State Fair" should be applauded