Picture-Play Magazine (1933)

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DtpL A1 1 Baby Breadwinners Continued from page 55 These lads all have passed the infant stage and are known around the world for their work. They, with two or three others, stand out far ahead and above all the rest. Despite all the adulation and praise heaped upon these movie children, they are being reared in the belief that they are just boys. I made a round of their homes the other day just to see what they were doing. I found David Durand, for instance, playing with a stray kitten to which he was trying to teach English— a little mouse-colored waif spotted with yellow. It looked like something nobody would want. "May I keep it, mother?" he pleaded. "It hasn't any home." David, a charming youngster, is probably the most polished actor among all the boys in Hollywood. He is the sole support of his mother and earns, when working, around $500 a week. His mother gives him $5 for each picture he makes, all of which he carefully puts away. He knows nothing of spending money. The inimitable Jackie Cooper is the highest paid boy actor on the Coast. His stipend is $1,300 a week now. But Jackie doesn't see the money. His mother is investing his earnings. Until recently, Jackie was allowed fifty cents a week to spend in riotous living. Fifty cents, no more, no less! But now that he is getting larger and his capacity is increasing, his allowance has been increased to $3 a week out of which he has to buy his lunches. However, the neighborhood gang gets ice-cream sodas occasionally as a result of Jackie's affluence. As for Dickie Moore, "He's a spendthrift!" his mother confided. "He knows nothing of the value of money. Dickie is allowed a dime a day when in good standing, but every penny of it slips through his fingers as fast as he gets it. Right now he owes me twelve cents and Heaven only knows how much to his daddy! Something like fifty cents. I think." The big, dark eyes of Dickie slowly turned toward his mother. Scornfully he turned to a little box on a table, extracted a dime and two pennies and replied: "Mother, I'm not a spendthrift. Mere's the twelve cents I owe you. As for the fifty coming to daddy, I've made a deal with him. He's being paid in hugs and kisses. And that squares that." A moment later he was knocking half-green apricots from a tree in the yard and eating the ripest ones. Pictures won't have Dickie Moore long, he says. In a year or two he will be big enough to handle a paper route and he thinks he can get enough "s'cribers" to make it pay. "Them boys with good routes make a lot of money." he says. The $450 a week he earns in pictures don't amount to much, he believes. After he has delivered papers a few years, Dickie expects he'll become a doctor or a lawyer. He hasn't decided which. One thing is sure — he will not continue working in the movies. They don't interest him much. "When he goes to a picture show." says his mother, "he's always squirming in his seat and wanting to know 'when's this thing over?' ' Jackie Searl, the little tattle-tale boy who is called upon to really act his roles, is given five dollars at the beginning of each picture, and it must last him through the job, no matter how long. Jackie is another who doesn't take the movies too seriously. Jackie Coogan earned a fortune variously estimated at one to five million. He's now a student at Santa Clara University, majoring in dramatic work. Robert Coogan, his younger brother, was a flop. Little Davey Lee? He's attending public school in Los Angeles. The exit of David from pictures is somewhat clouded, but the fact remains that while he was earning $250 a week he had an offer to make personal appearances which would net him between $3,500 and $4,500 a week. The country had gone wild over him. His mother accepted the offer and they went out to collect a fortune. Which they succeeded in doing, but Davey's screen career suddenly terminated. You see him occasionally, now growing into the awkward stage but with that same sweet smile, that same touch of pathos in his voice. Davey may come back to the screen some day as an actor. His mother doesn't know. Fan mail still comes to him from all over the world. But little Davey Lee — Al Jolson's Sonny Boy, exists no longer. "I've never tried to put him back in pictures," Mrs. Lee told me. "His schooling must be attended to now. He's just a pupil in a public grade school to-day." Little folk of the silvered screen — pampered and petted for a day, a year, maybe five years, then move on. They're a strange and interesting crew.