Picture-Play Magazine (1933)

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16 \\ ME! // The crooner king looks himself over and after listing his good points tears down the perfect picture by admitting some really scandalous shortcomings. Bing thinks that Gary Evans Crosby has inherited his father's lungs, but whether Dixie Lee wants two crooners in the home is another matter. PICTURE PLAY has asked me to analyze myself for publication. No matter how you look at it. this is by way of being a tough assignment. I am at first assailed by considerable doubt as to whether readers are interested in my shortcomings, inhibitions, talents, and preferences. I'm further concerned over just how this data can be sensibly outlined without giving myself the worst of it. or of leaning to the other extreme and being accused of a bit of ego. I have little respect or admiration for a fathead and perhaps less of either for any one guilty of false modesty. As a matter of fact, my good points are so sparse that I can't afford to be modest about them, and I have such a lot of gradeA faults that my ego never gets a chance to do any real sprouting. I'm quite proud of and happy over my sense of humor. This I really consider my saving grace, and I hope I'll not be misunderstood when I say that in my present occupation it has served me to excellent purpose. I know I've a very good ear for music, a heritage ciime by honestly, both my parents having been quite musical. My mother sang in numerous amateur productions, including the Gilbert and Sullivan operettas, and my father was a right handy man with the guitar at church socials, clambakes, and taffy pulls. J am an omnivorous reader and my taste in literature is somewhat better than middlin'. My memory is quite good. A face never desert me. but names are forgotten a month after having first beard them. 1 think I'm rather a snappy dresser, even though I receive no encouragement in tliis belief from my wife, family, friends, or business associates. As a matter of fact, they are. without exception, openly derisive. However. they fail to take into consideration a very serious handicap with which I Struggle in my efforts to achieve sartorial perfection. I am color-blind! I play a pretty good game of golf for a guy who doesn't get out much, possessing a six handicap, "My good points are so scarce I can't afford to be modest about them," says Bing, and he isn't. He says his family was never able to pound even the first principles of nice social behavior into him.