Picture-Play Magazine (1933)

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04 ^%m rm, Let Me Show You How t-. Develop the Full. Ruunded CURVES ntiwi.ll the vorue. Why be embarrassed by a Qatunwom inly form \ Fill oul \<mv bust to lovely snapelih [ 1 1 my e isy, home treatment for adding firm, rounded tissue. Free! Write today for my easy instru ■• mil container of Creanm rree Merely send name, adnnd 10c forwarding charges Your package will be mailed in plain wrapper, MARIE DUNNE, Dept. T-12 122 Fourth Avenue New York, N. Y. WANTED— Ambitious Men and Women Become EXPERT Earn More— Get Rid of Money Worries Trained Accountants command responsible positions and big incomes. Changed business conditions have enormously increased the demand. A new, "easy-tounderstand" Course — simplifies Accountancy, Lessons prepared and teaching supervised by one of America's foremost accountants. We quickly and thoroughly train you in spare time at home for important executive accounting positions and to qualify for C. P. A. Exams. Bookkeeping experience not necessary. Low cost — easy terms. Send for Free Book— Today. No Letter Necessary. Just mail this ad with your name and address. National jch joI cf Commerce, 536 S. Clark, Chicago. Depl.A-12 10 Day Trial then 10c a day. 6eDd for new literature and easy pay u..tn — only SI .00 down, then 10c a day. Also bargains In Standard Stze refinlshed office models, sent free. Write for details and special money-mnkintr rpnortunitip-i Internationa! Typewriter Exch.,§IJt.li iag&Sfaio LOST 42 LBS. ..without Drugs or Exercise! — Mrs. P. A., Glendale, California, says: "I have lost 42 lbs. in weight since taking CHENO, 7 inches in waistline, 8 inches in hips, 8 inches in bust, l'/i inches in upper arm. 1 gained in pep and energy, look and feel years younger. I can now wear size 18 dresses." Reduce with CHENO The Five Factor Reducing System There is only one cause for overweight— glandular inability nnd a lack of materials in the system for oxidizing fat. All the reducing remedies on earth can give only temporary relief, and fat comes back when efforts cease unless the underlying cause is remedied. CHENO supplies the missing elements in food form— iodine, iron, calcium, phosphates, etc. for oxidizing fat. Removes bloat, improves health. Does not contain drugs or gland substances, docs not upset the stomach or affect the heart. Clinical tests on 100 fat women showed all reduced through hips and waist line first. Send No Money Get This FREE Booklet There arc SIX distinct types of overweight. This 24-pagC FREE booklet tells which type you are, why most reducing remedies fail and how the CHENO scientific food treatment will enable you to lose many pounds excess weight and STAY slender. CHENO PRODUCTS CO. 713 Seward Street Hollywood, California and Nils Asther. The story, acting, and direction are superb. Kay Francis gives the finest performance of her career. Kay Francis has more than just the ability to act; she has personality and beauty. This is brought out in her face, figure, and way of expressing herself. That radiant smile reveals her true nature. She is an aristocrat. Just notice the regal way in which she holds her head, places her hands, and carries herself. She has breeding and poise. And she is every one's model for clothes of taste and line. Kay Francis is personality. J. L. London, Ontario, Canada. Ruth Chews Like a Lady. BEFORE "Lily Turner" I had never cared for Ruth Chatterton in pictures, with the exception of "The Right to Love" and "Anybody's Woman." She had always seemed so affected, so conscious of her position in the film world. But "Lily Turner" — that*s another story! Though her love scenes with George Brent soar heavenward, Miss Chatterton has come down to earth. Gone that broad a accent and those affectations, leaving her the fine actress she always was, with a new depth of sincerity and greatness. So I fell in love with Chatterton and admired her tremendously. A friend of mine in Chicago saw her step oft the train, and what do you think? The Famous gum is not just a democratic gesture at the studio, for the lovable Ruth Chatterton was chewing it and enjoying it, unaware of the crowd. Telling me of it, my friend could not stop raving. "She is the sweetest, most wonderful actress in pictures. She is what few are, truly great!" — this in hushed tones. Ruth Whitman. 407 Third Street, X. W., Childress, Texas. Social Item. DABE DIDRIKSOX' says she is tired *-* of seeing old faces on the screen and that a new one would be a relief. Do you agree with her ? A few days ago, at the home of a friend, I met the lovely Dorothy Sebastian. Natu rally, I wondered why she has not been appearing on the screen of late, and she told me the reason. The producers think we grow tired of our old favorites and lose interest in them. Do we? I don't think so! Many of you adored Dorothy on the screen and all of you would, I am sure, welcome her back. Perhaps we can assist her in resuming her rightful place on the screen by voicing our loyalty to her. Let me know by your letters to the magazine whether you truly want her back. I think the fans are true to old favorites, but Babe may be right — let's see! Millie Wist. 177 So. Citrus Avenue, Los Angeles, California. Mae Clarke has been changed and improved by make-up more, perhaps, than any other player. Here she is making further experiments with Max Factor's cosmetics. Information, Please Continued from page 8 Albert M. K. — "Be Aline To-night" was a Gaumont-British production, released by Universal. Address any of the cast in care of that studio. Sonnie Hale played the role of Koretsky, and Magda Schneider was Mathilda. Gertrude. — Cary Grant is six feet one, weighs 172, and has black wavy hair and dark-brown eyes. Not married. Dennis King, who went to London upon completion of "The Devil's Brother," was horn in Warwickshire, England, November 2. 1807. He is married to Edith Wright and they have two children. Helene Peters. — Maurice Chevalier's latest is "The Way to Love." He was born near Paris, September 12, 1893, is live fret eleven, weighs 165, and has brown hair, blue eyes. Mit/i Green has brown hair and eyes. Anne O'Neil. — Onslow Stevens entered pictures in January, 1932, after live years with the Pasadena Community Players. He is under contract t" Universal. Born in Angeles, March 29, 1906, six feet two. weighs 175. and has dark hair and eyes. John Santeramo. — Charles Farrell is appearing opposite Wynne Gibson in "Aggie Appleby." Douglas Fairbanks, Jr., will be twenty-six December 9th. He is to make films in England. Mary Forbes played Charles Farrell's mother in "Sunny Side Up." Those rumors about Norma Shearer and Lupe Velez are not correct. Jerry S. — Watch for Victor McLaglen in RKO's "Patrol." He was born in London, December 10, 1888, is six feet three, weighs 215, and has dark-brown hair and brown eyes. K. G. W. — The principal players in "The Sign of the Cross" were Fredric March, Claudette Colbert, Elissa Landi, Charles Laughton, Harry Beresford, Arthur Hold, and Tommy Conlon. This picture was adapted from the play by Wilson Barrett. Freddie March, whose right name is Frederick Mclntyre Bickel, is married to Florence Eldridge, actress. He was lx>rn in Racine, Wisconsin, August .51, 1898, is six feet tall, weighs 170, and has brown hair and eyes. Miss Landi is the wife of John Lawrence, an English lawyer. Though educated in England, she was horn in