Picture Play Magazine (Mar-Aug 1916)

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His Favorite Remedy— These days physicians prescribe Home Billiards to keep the whole family rolling in health! All that the doctor calls for now is to take his own medicine on the Brunswick "Baby Grand." This famous home table brings 33 carom and pocket billiard games. Year-round sport that banishes brain fag, aids digestion and pitts new blood into folks who work all day! Send for our catalog at once, and join this movement for "home preparedness." BRUNSWICK Home Billiard Tables Now $27 Up— Pay 10c a Day Whether mansion or cottage— there's a grown man's Brunswick made to fit your home. Brunswick "Grand" and "Baby Grand" are made of genuine San Domingo mahogany richly inlaid. Our "Quick Demountable" can be set up in a jiffy anywhere, and taken down quickly when not in use. "Convertible" Brunswicks serve as perfect dining and library tables when not in play for carom or pocket billiards. Scientific Qualities Every Brunswick is a scientific table with ever-level billiard bed, celebrated Monarch cushions — life ! speed! and accuracy! Why be content with a toy billiard table when 10c a day buys a genuine Brunswick/ Balls, Cues, Etc., FREE ! Complete High Class Playing Outfit included without extra cost— Rack, Markers, Balls, Cues, CueClamps, Tips, Chalk, expert book of 33 games, etc. 30-Day Home Trial Accept our trial offer and let the Brunswick win every member of the family. Factory prices, easy payment plan and all Brunswick Home Tables shown in our handsome color-book — "Billiards — The Home Magnet." It's FREE. Write or mail the coupon today. TUis Brings Billiard Book FREE 1 The Brunswick-Balke-Collender Co. (514) g Dept. 26W 623-633 S. Wabash Ave., Chicago „ Send free, postpaid, your color-book— "Billiards— The Home Magnet" and tell about your free trial offer.