Picture-Play Magazine (Mar-Aug 1916)

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Ideas Are Wanted for Photoplays and this interesting 32-page free booklet shows how you can help supply them at $25 to $200 each. If you attend the movies, you know the kind of ideas wanted. New writers, if they possess imagination, are encouraged. It's IDEAS that count, not previous experience or special education. Your chance to succeed is as good as anybody's. Write today for my free booklet, "How to Write Photoplays." Turn Your Happy Thoughts Into Cash In the lives of all people. ..in your life.. .is material for many strong and heart appealing photoplays...photoplays as good or better than many you have actually seen acted on the screen. More than 30,000 movie theatres, changing programs daily, are continually calling for ''SOMETHING NEW." Will you help meet this demand? Investigate without cost, by using free coupon below. Earo$100to$300 aMoiith Writing photoplays is the most fascinating occupation in the world. The thrill of seeing your ^creation acted on the screen ....the ^%^,^hought that it is entertaining *%w&nd inspiring millions of people. ..this is a joy W4|r-pf the keenest and deepest sort. Writing £* KKK ^^^^photoplays is also most profitable. g~\f\\ TT*/""\1VT you P°ssess invention and 'LUwl UI\1 imagination you should r-,p.ft* %«tefc.be able to turn out ELBERT MOORE ^H^one successful Box 772 P5, Chicago .P h o t o p 1 a y Send free booklet "How to Write Pho ^r^^a week. toplays"and all facts about your method and ^%^Su c h Special Offer. No cost or obligation to me"#^ Name."* 5 Convincing Evidence of Big Demand A $10,000 Cash Prize is now being offered for a Photoplay Idea! The New York Times says: '"It is the newest profession in the world, this of scenario writing, and it is giving the few men engaged in it thousands of dollars." Mrs. Louella O. Parsons, former Scenario Editor of the Essanay Co., says: "Scenario writing is the most fascinating form of fiction. There is a bigger future for scenario writers than for writers in any other field. But you must have something good to offer in order to reap rewards for your efforts. I am confident that the people — those who go to the movies regularly and see what the producers want— have unique and brilliant ideas. But the vast majority do not know how to put these into salable form. They mast master technique and construction if they would succeed." a record is by no means uncommon, and those who are doing this can earn, from $100 to $300 a month simply for spare time work in their own home. Use free coupon below and obtain full particulars. Former Scenario Editor Shows You How Address Writing photoplays enables those who lack the experience necessary for writing novels and stage plays, to express the brilliant and original thoughts which many of them possess. Mv complete and authoritative COURSE OP INSTRUCTION AND CRITICISM correctly develops your ability and gives you the simple rules of photoplay writing in clear and concise form. It includes a 224-page Text Book, covering every branch of photoplay writing, 12 Screen Talks prepared especially for my Course by leading Producers. Scenario Editors and Actors. 6 Student Guides and my own Personal Instruction and Criticism. Easy to read and understand. Strongly recommended by men who know. As a former Scenario Editor, with many years of inside experience in writing, purchasing and producing photoplays, I speak with authority. It Costs Nothing to Investigate Use free, coupon now, and look into the wonderful opportunities of this new and profitable calling. If you possess Ideas, my careful, authoritative and personal method of instruction is all you need for success. Especially liberal terms to those who act at once and accept one of the limited number of vacancies in the class I am now forming. Use coupon and obtain free booklet "How to Write Photo^^|gS£ plays" and full particulars NOW. No cost or obligation. ELBERT MOORE, Box 772 P5, CHICAGO