Picture-Play Magazine (Sep 1917 - Feb 1918)

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cWriie for it Hundreds of people make Big Money writing Photoplays, Stories, Articles, Etc.l Rowland Thomas, an "unknown writer," received $5,000 for one story! Elaine Sterne, another beginner, received $1,000 for a single play! Why don't You write something ? You have ideas. If you go to the Movies, if you read magazinesthen you know the kind of material editors want. Your happy thoughts may bring Big Rewards! No instruction courses needed. We accept your bare ideas in Any Form — either as finished scripts or as mere outlines of plots. If your ideas need correction before they can be sold, we revise, improve, perfect and typewrite them. Then promptly submit to Leading Film and Fiction Editors. A small commission is charged for selling. This is Your Opportunity! So get busy! Send us your Bare Ideas, Plots, Articles, Poems, Finished Stories. And write us Today for Full Details and our Free, fascinating story, "How New Writers ' Get Their Names in Print. ' Also pet 01 beautiful Ilustrated booklet, " A Service That Helps New Writers Succeed." Both Are Free. WRITER'S SERVICE DepL 15, Auburn, N. Y„ FREE DIAMOND ,T Ring offer Just to advertise our famous Hawaiian im diamonds— the greatest discovery the world has ever known We will send absolutely free this 14k gold f. ring, set with 2k Hawaiian im diamond— in beautiful ring box postage paid If this Is satisfactory pay postmaster $1 25 to cover postage, boxing, ad KRAUTH & REED. DEPT. 70 MASONIC TEMPLE, CHICAGO :: POCKET EDITIONS :: USEFUL SUBJECTS 10c. EACH Sheldon's Twentieth Century Letter Writer; Sheldon's Guide to Etiquette; Physical Health Culture; National Dream Book; Zingara Fortune Teller; The Key to Hypnotism; Heart Talks With the Lovelorn; Frank Merri well's Book of Physical Development. Street & Smith Corporation, Publishers 79-89 Seventh Avenue, New York City Earn 25 to WO a Wk Motion Picture, Studio and Commercial Photographers earn big money. Bjg opportunities now You can qualify for this fascinating profession. LEARN PHOTOGRAPHY Three months' course covers all branches. Experts train you in new, up to date studios Day or evening classes Easy terms. Call or write for free booklet N. Y. INST. OF PHOTOGRAPHY Dept. 181, 141 W. 36th St., N. Y. City New Book Free Write today for the book that tellg about the opportunities in the profession of Signal Engineering. Men are needed. Learn.too.howyoucan get the training that you need to fill the big job. $125 to $300 a Month The free book will give you juBt the information you want. Write for it now — immediately. Here is 9 Kolden opportunity. Dent of Siffnalm* Dept. 1581 -1810 Wilson Av*. uepi. oi Signaling P — «.ooA8tn..chics«o.iii. (The Picture Oracle — Continued.) Maja. — You certainly do very well indeed for one who has been speaking English only a little over a year. I had no trouble at all in reading your letter. I may not be the busiest person in the world, but I will say that I run the one who is a close race. Yes, you guessed about right when you say I am asked about one hundred times a day how to become a motion-picture actress. Nearly every one that writes to me wants to appear before the camera. One is never too old to learn. Yes, I have read Douglas Fairbanks' book:, "Laugh and Live." It is very cleverly written, and speaks a whole lot of truth, too. About the only way I can suggest to you to get into the movies is the same way I have suggested to so many of my readers. Go to some of the studios and apply for extra work. You will get your chance to appear on the screen, if only as atmosphere. You will at least find out how well or how bad you screen, and if you have ability it will soon be discovered by the directors, who are always on the lookout for new talent with possibilities. I don't see anything the matter with your English as far as your letter is concerned; and, besides, that makes no difference on the screen, as the public can't hear how you speak and will never be the wiser. Don't forget to write me again when there is anything that I can answer for you. S. B. B. — The Frank Powell Productions produced the feature, "Charity," which was released by the Mutual Film Corporation. Creighton Hale had the leading male part, and Linda A. Griffith, who wrote the story, was the feminine lead. Sheldon Lewis was the terrible villain. Address Creighton Hale in care of the Pathe Exchange, 25 West Forty-fifth Street, New York City. Irene W.— Leon Barry should be addressed in care of the Pathe Exchange, 25 West Forty-fifth Street, New York City. You should have read the rules of the department, young lady, before writing your letter. I can't answer some of your questions for this reason. Yes, I am sure that he will send you a photograph of himself if you inclose a quarter with your request. Nobody Home. — The questions are all answered in the order in which the letters are received ; so if you don't see your answer in Picture-Play right away, you know that your turn has not arrived, but that it will be there sooner or later. No, your friend George Beban is not an Italian. I don't think that House Peters would mind'a bit. You can address him in care of Willis & Inglis, Wright & Callender Building, Los Angeles, California. So you are determined that I am a young lady? Well, you might be right, and then again you might not. There are others who insist just as strongly that I am a bold, bad man. Your other questions have been answered, so I guess you must have seen them by this time. Write soon again, and I will promise that you won't have to wait as long unless the rush gets too big for me.