Picture-Play Magazine (Mar-Aug 1919)

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84 "I Knew Her When have you been back to the university, and do they still spank the freshmen who refuse to wear green caps?" "It's just the same old place!" I told her. "Selma, what did become of that good-looking junior w h o was rushing you — the one w h o owned a canoe " "Hush !" she said, blushing. "I've even forgotten his name. You know, I'm married now — — This with a proud little lift of the eyebrows. "My name really is Hawley, because I took my husband's name. No, he isn't in pictures ; he's just a business man. and I'm glad of it. He's such a dear. Oh, do you remember that closing assembly at college, when we all stood up to sing ' C s k i wow-wow, wisky wee-wee '" She began to hum. "Holy muckiyi, holy varsiti " I chimed in. "Washingtoniyi, oh, Seattle-i, " Washingtoniyi, Washing-fo/? II" "Say!" broke in the P. A. disgustedly. "Is this a film studio or a gosh-darned singing school ?" "Now, if you're going to be hateful," Wanda turned on him, her blue eyes sparkling dangerously, "you can go right out ! We have lots of things to talk over " "But the interview !" said the poor man helplessly. "Oh, yes, the interview!" I acquiesced. "I certainly want to get a good one from Wanda. You see, I knew her when " I was talking to an open door. The P. A. had fled. "Now, tell me all about yourself !" • I commanded. "Did you ever think, when you were going to school at Bremerton, that you would one day be starring with one of the biggest directors in the country, have a machine of your own — and everything?" W a n d a looked serious for a moment. When she looks serious she is even more fascinating than when she smiles, and that is going some cause I was dimples " "Well, no, not exactly that," she said, "but I had all sorts of confidence that I w ould do something; I never lost faith in myself for a minute. People always thought belittle and fluffy and had "And giggles "Yes, all those frivolous things —