Picture-Play Magazine (Sep 1919 - Feb 1920)

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100 Picture-Play Magazine — Advertising Section ^1/ How to Obtain Beautiful, Rich, Long, Eyelashes and Brows! EVERY WOMAN should be the rightful owner of beautiful eyes, the essentials of which are, First: Long, rich eyelashesand Second: Wellcared-for eyebrows. No matter what color your eyes may be, — gray, brown or blue, — if they are shaded by thick, silky lashes, and well-shaped brows, their charm is greatly accentuated. Nowadays, no one needs to be the dissatisfied possessor of short, thin, uneven brows and lashes; you can greatly assist Nature by simply applying a little of M. T.'s Eyelash and Eyebrow Beautifier at night. This scientific preparation nourishes the eyebrows and eyelashes, causing them to become gradually thick and lustrous, imparting sparkling expression to the eyes, and added charm to the face. M. T.'s Eyelash and Eyebrow Beautifier, which has been successfully used by thousands, is guaranteed absolutely harmless; it is not a greasy, sticky salve, but a clean, nicely-perfumed liquid, in a cut glass bottle with glass stopper and applicator. The cut represents actual size of bottle. The active principle of this valuable article is a rare and expensive organic concentration which is unequaled for the purpose of stimulating and strengthening the particular follicles which produce rich, dark eyelashes. MONEY REFUNDED IF NOT SATISFACTORY Upon receipt of 75c in stamps, coin or Money Order, I will send you postpaid, in plain wrapper, a bottle of M. T.'s Eyelash and Eyebrow Beautifier together with my copyrighted booklet on_Beauty Hints. The following preparations are of highest standard and well recommended M. T.'s Nature Beauty Cream, a wrinkle eradicator $ .75 M. T.'s A.B. A.'Lotion, for Pimples and Blackheads $ .75 M. T.'s Depilatory to remove superfluous hair $ .50 M. T.'s Freckle Crearrr, for ^stubborn freckles and tan $1.00 M. T.'s Minerated Quinol, "The Incomparable Vanishing Cream" $ .75 M. TRILETY, litl-^ Dept. 38, Binghamton, N. Y. "POPULARITY" FOLLOWS THEf "UKULELE » J If you play quaint, dreamy Hawaiian music or latest songs on the Ukulele 1 you will be wanted everywhere. We teach by mail 20 simple lessons ; give you free a genuine Hawaiian Ukulele, music, everyth 1 ne— no extras. Ask us to send the story of Hawaiian music. You will love (t. No , obligationabsolutely free. The Hawaiian Institute of Music 1400 Broadway Suite 4-K New York, N. V<» rprr diamond ■ * t RING OFFER Just to advertise our famous Hawaiian im. diamonds— the greatest discovery the world has ever known. We will send absoluteyl free this 14k gold f. ring/ set with a l-2k Hawaiian im. diamond— in beautiful ring box postage paid. Pay postmaster $1.38 C. O. D. charges to cover postage, boxing, advertising, handling, etc. If you can tell it from a real diamond return and money refunded. Only 10.000 given away. Send no money Answer quick. Send size of finger. KRAUTH & REED, Dept. 35 Masonic Temple Chicago A Nevada customer writes: "My first purchase, a $136 diamond, appraised at $200.00 . . Sold it for $185.00. Thanks for goods that are more than expected. ' ' Full name o n request. How to Save on Diamonds This nearly 34 century old, diamond banking house, rated over SI, 000, 000. OC, lends money on high grade jewels. We have an extremely large number of diamonds to offer greatly under market prices. We send to you, absolutely free, on approval to have valued by any expert you wish. Then try to match for 60% more, that's our challenge. Why Pay Full Prices Saved Half on Rings "The S69 and $75 rings received from you I could not duplicate for double your price and I could sell them for more than I paid you." R. C , Marion, Indiana $105.00 Extra Value "You have a life customer in me. My £45 cluster ring is valued here at 5150.00." M. H. B , Ardmore, Okla. Saved Me $40.00 "The S35 diamond ring is a beauty. Could not match it here for less than 376.00. ". A. D . Iron Mountain, Mich. 575 Ring Appraised at $162 "The stone I bought or you for J75 I could not duplicate for less than $162.00. I am delighted." F. L . Hope Arkansas. jul c: , v./ r>ia. liuuc , Full names on request Send for Latest List See Our Unpaid Loan Diamond Bargains Send for our wonderful list and bulletins of amazing bargains. Radically different from any regular catalog. You can't realize the bargains until you see for yourself. £SJ Jos. DeRoy & SotlS .2956 DeRoyBM*. Every jewel accurately described in detail and l^j — — * , * you have the opportunity freetoverify every Only Opp. Post Office, Pittsburgh Pa thing. Write for these marvelous lists of {y*) Gentlemen: Please send me, absolutely free_ and prepaid, your new Bur diamond bargains — sent free — no obligations. Our guaranteed loans like insurance polices — ask about them. Jos.DeRoy&Sons,2956 DeRoy Bldg. Onh Opposiu Post Office, Pittsburgh, Pa, References: Dun's or Bradstreet'e Bank of Pittsburgh. N. A., Marine National Bank. Pittsburgh, Pa. , Union Trust Company, Pittsburgh, Pa, ^tfjUj/// gain Bulletin of diamonds, watches and other jeweiry. It is distinctly understood that I assume no obligation of any kind. The Picture Oracle Continued from page 92 M. S. — The only way you can find out is to write and see. Yes, the actresses furnish their own clothes. That depends entirely on the kind of a part they portray. Dorothy Dalton was born in Chicago, Illinois, on September 22, 1893. Alice Brady is a New York girl. Theda Bara was born in Cincinnati, Ohio, in 1890. Little Zoe Rae Beck was born in Chicago, on July 13, 1910. -, BrxBiE. — William Farnum is making his features for the Fox Company at their California studios. William Scott played opposite Gladys Brockwell in "Pitfalls of a Big City." Albert Ray and Al Ray are one and the same. "Be a Little Sport" and "Words and Music By ' 'are his latest releases for Fox. He might if you would write to him. He was born in New Rochelle, New York, on August 28, 1893. He is Charlie's cousin and not his brother. NAMES AND ADDRESSES The following addresses are the ones asked for in the letters to which The Oracle has replied in this issue. If you wish to write to any one connected with the screen, whose address you are unable to find here, send your letter in care of either the Mabel Condon Exchange, 6035 Hollywood Avenue, Los Angeles, California, or of Willis & Inglis, Wright and Callender Building, same city, and it will be forwarded. •.ton at the City, Cali Brooklyn, & Inglis Uoscoe Arbuckle and Busier K« Henry Lehrinan Studios, Culver fornia. Harry Morey, Alice Joyce, and Gladys Leslie at the Vita«rapn Studios. East Fifteenth Street and Locust Avenue. New York. Blanche Sweet at the Willis Studios, Hollywood, California. Thurston Hall, in care of Oliver Morosco, Morosco Theater, New York City. Alia Nazimova and Viola Dana at the Metro Studios, Lillian Way, Los Angeles. California. Albert Rav. Pearl White. William Farnum, and Theda Bara at the Fox Film Corporation, 130 West Forty-sixth Street, New York City. Marguerite Clark. Harrison Ford, and Vivian Martin at the Morosco Studios, Los Angeles, California. Pauline Frederick. Mabel Normand. Tom Moore. Madge Kennedy, and Geraldine Farrar at the Goldwyn Studios, Culver City, California. Charles Kay and Hohart Bosworth at the Ince Studios, Culver City. California. Eddie Lvons and Lee Moran. Monroe Salisbury, and 'Mary MaeLaren at Universal City, California. Polly Moran, Chester Conklin. and Slim Summerville at the Sunshine Studios. Western Avenue, Hollywood. California. William S. Hart at the W. S. Hart Stu.dios, Sunset Boulevard. Los Angeles. California. Bessie Love and William Duncan at the Yitagraph Studios. Los Angeles, California. Sessue Hayakawa. Bessie Barriscale. Earle Williams ami Dustin Farnum at the Brunton Studios. Melrose Avenue. Los Angeles. California. Alice Bradv. Constance Binny. and Mary Miles Minter 'at Realart Pictures Corporation. Ill' West Forty-second Street, New York City. Owen Moore and Olive Thomas at the Selznick Pictures Corporation. 720 Seventh Avenue, New York City. Gloria Swanson. Wallace Reid, Ethel Clayton, Sylvia Ashton. and Wanda Hawley at the Lasky Studios, Vine Street. Hollywood, California'. Billie Burke and Dorothy Dalton care of Famous Players-Lasky, 485 Fifth Avenue, New York City.