Picture Play Magazine (Sep 1919 - Feb 1920)

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Picture-Play Magazine — Advertising Section 15 How Every Woman Can Have A Winning Personality Let Me Introduce Myself rp^Ti^Tzr : ;: i Become an Attractive Woman DEAR READER: / wish to tell I . 1 ca\ takc thf °r woman wh° 11 you JlOW to have a Charming, HHHf ' " * '• the girl who dresses unbecomingly and in winning personality because all f still in her a sense of true importance of mv life T have wn that witVmiil it I ' "wKBM appearance in personality; I can enlighten any woman labors under gltat §g/0/F*~-^^mSmSSStSB^f ®m making the most of their apparel. All this handicaps. Without personality it t^BKm * i <t * 1 without any extravagance: and I can showis almost impossible to make desir MwM *» ' W^' i A her how to acquire it with originality and , , , • , 1 . . . J,' JKsl «SL . . S.F 7\ taste. You realize, of course, that dressing able friends, or gel on m business; tf y \ to show yourself to advantage, is a rent and yes, often must a woman give £ • J, , f / ^ art and without that knowledge 3 will set because she has not the power / M For Married Women to attract or to hold him. fft**». ( There are some very important secrets During my career here and abroad, I . i which married French' women know that have met a great many people whom I f kz%*i \f SSSk ' * v enables them to hold the love, admiration have been able to study under eircum j V AmS**** JMk j» *jt \ and fidelity of their men How the selfish Stances which have brought out their weak ffkmMCV '^B^flHR * I snlnt a is t0 be overcome so in • •• > 1.. -i . ... • % geniously thai lie does not know what you lens of a moving picture machine will mag HHHP&#' l&JBKBM* i> "' 'c/ < -4 are accomplishing, until some day he awak fiify into a very large blot on the screen. f, ' ^WffNFW ••" 1 "s t0 ""' ' " ' il s character and iiis And I have seen so manv people, lacking f \ SA $ manner have undergone a delightful change in personality, try to make a success of V ' "'*^^HP^ *; —thai ho >s not only making you happy, their plans and fail completely, in a way *8BP^ •'wHP^• he ls finding far greater pleasure in that has been quite pathetic. I am sure , ~s (ban when be was inconsiderate. There that you also are familiar with one or \ ; are secrets in my compilation that are likely more such cases. < ■ to change a turbulent course of married life for one that is entrancingly ideal. And bttCCeSS of a Winsome Manner • this imwcr lies within you. my dear Madam. / saw numerous failures that were so dis ||P^ f Acquire Your Life's Victory tressing that my thoughts could not help ( „' Nnwl dwelling upon those shattered and vain . in owl ambitions. I have seen women of education, \ *f y What we call personality is made up of and culture and natural beauty actually i "'' a number of little things. It is not somefail where other thing vague and indefinable. Personality, women minus such < — charm, good looks, winsomeness and sucadvantages, but cess can be cultivated. If you know the possessing certain You may have all those attractive qualities secrets, if you learn the rules and put them secrets of lovable 1. . , • into practice, you can be charming, you ness, a certain tnat men aaore m women can have an appealing personality. Don't winsomeness, a certain journalist that "American girls are too provincial, tLtis 'T'^A Don't think you must be knack of looking right Jforma, co]d and unresponBsLve wh;ie the French* born hat way Don t even think .t ought to be and saying the r 1 g h t irls radiate warmth of £ ath devotion and alI hard to acquire ,t; because the secrets of charm word would get ahead de ?ho exouisite elements of the heart that men at L .have collated and transcribed for you are lightfully. Nor were they adore in women " more mterestmg than the most fascinating book naturally forward women And j who am successful and probably known ^ntVLThJTtt „ J, , . Nor were they the kind t0 b reputation through my activities on the . ™J™a LZZ* * V '^wk' tKey that men call clever. Some Faubourg St. Honore can tell you in all candor, as thelLrn^Zl* ■ f° ' y°U Whe", y°U n0tlCe. of them if you studied one woman confiding in another, that these French „ S T ^I PP if' h°W 1 11 g" their features closely, secrets of persona,i?y have been a very important ?PPm to Live tb? Pil ' T yqUI" h°T ,prob .e,m9 were decidedly not hand factor in t£e success;s 0f mine. But it is not my =e,f"? ^nSd'hf *^"lseI^' ,^OW„ln "Um,b1!iless llttle some; yet they seemed so. tendency to hoast of mvself the lulirttP Fnra ways (and big ones, too) life gets to hold so many Juliette Fata The^. ™«'t. do this by Xm /want you to feef that you Already k^now 3emP"Z"/:Ly0U'thy°HU deC'de l-° ^m°le J . , covering their faces with as yol1r sincer| friend but x yeak of y^rj and and more of the methods in practice in order to cosmetics; they knew the trt«> means. And often for YOU obtain still more of life's rewards, the winning women were in the thirties, forties, »T XT -p, , . . or even fifties. Yet they "appealed." You know French Secretg of Fascination ™° Ne,7 ^UCfSS Of Ages what 1 mean. Ihey drew others to them by a / am well enough known by the public not to be subtle power which seemed to emanate from them. My continued residence in France enabled me taken as advancing some new-fangled fad. All my Others liked to talk to them and to do things *° observe the ways and methods of the women life I have understood the value of plain common for them. In their presence you felt perfectly closely. I studied and analyzed the secrets of sense and practical methods. And what I have at ease — as though you had been good, good their fascinating powers. put into my course on the cultivation of personalfriends for very long. When I returned to the dear old U. S. A., I ity is just as practical as anything can be. set myself at work putting together the facts, / could go on to tell you more and more about French Feminine Charms methods, secrets and formul.-e that I had learned this truly remarkable course, but the space here The French women amona mv friend* seemed whi'l ln France ■ ! . . does not permit However, I have put some im to me more g^ Of one thing I am absolutely convinced— every portant secrets for you into an inspiring little to me more generally enaowea witn tnis aDinry to -woman who wishes it may have a winning person book called "How" that I want vou to read Thr fascinate, than did my friends among other nation „;,•,„ " ' „*it „ '\u<". . l"'1L . warn vou ^10 reaa. 1 tie alities. in the years that I lived in Paris, I was aHty' Gentlewoman Institute will send .t to .you entirely w^fnehantin that m0St °f the W°men 1 met Overcoming Deterrent Timidity asking5 P ' a P'am wrapper' Just for the We"Is^ta parTof the French character?" I asked I know I can take any girl of a timid or over u My advice to you is to send for the free book tny friends modest disposition, one who lacks self-confidence, tiVW it you want to gain the finest of friends "Were you born that way?" I would often ask or 's t0° self-conscious for her own good, and and to possess happiness with contentment that Some charming woman ' show her how to become discreetly and charmingly will come to you as the result of a lovely and And they smilingly 'told me that "personality" daring, perfectly natural and comfortable in the winning personality. as we know it here in America, is an art, that is presence of others. I can show you how to bring ^ Studied and acquired by French women just as out charms which you do not even dream you i7 y~/ — they would learn to cook, or to sing by cultivating possess. f~~¥.-c<—i£*^e^*C^Z-*. A. the voice. Every girl and woman possesses latent UnCOUth Boldness— Or Tactful ^ personality. This includes yon, dear reader. « , j 5 «, . #— There are numerous real secrets for developing AUaaCltyr Mai %, your personality. In France, where the women If you are an assertive woman, the kind that ^^-t / have always outnumbered the men, and where op suffers from too great forwardness, I can show ^a***® / •¥ > portunity for our sex is restricted, those who wish you in a way that you will find delightful, how to Coi>I»01&/ ill j to win husbands or shine in society, or succeed begentle and unassuming, to tear away the false jr Iffl /*£;>r^'.T^^^T-«=as!3» in their careers, have no choice but to develop fabric of your repelling and ungracious personal WOV It'll I PlJ/fe-lc wfyk' #v their charms in competition with others. ity and replace it with another that wins and at Sk°e© /vll'fJ n^/TWW^^ tracts. By this method, you will succeed, oh so _ . I ■': (! . C^^ijV U /V P v/ HOW Men's Affections Are Held wel1. while by uncouthness or misapplied audacity UWlkr',1. ,^0-^L/l,A/ you meet with setbacks. iiUL._««^air-^ I. Lately, the newspapers have been telling us that / can take the frail girl or woman, the listless I O'P'M'TT TTWfTIWAM TM^STTTUTE ' thousands and thousands of our fine young army one who usually feels that the good things in life j Wo« 1 liH »v Ufliftn I ,1s n men have taken French wives.. It was no surprise are not for her and show ber how to become vig 615 West 43d Street, 1 06 D» to me, for I know how alluring are the French orous and strong, tingling with enthusiasm and New lork, fc. 1. girls. Nor could I help conceding the truth in good cheer and how to see the whole wide world I Please send me; postpaid, free of cost and wita the assertion of a competent Franco-American full of splendid things just for her. 1 out any obligation on my part, Madame Juliette ,, • Fara's little book entitled "How." Im nriffri tl f" obtain Madame Fara's little book "How, free, yon may fill oat the coupon and I f r"^ Win $e„j m. or y0n ^itg J,y letter or postcard requesting it. Address as below: • Name gentlewoman institute \T:—Z::z:;:~, When writing to advertisers plenso mention PicTftRE-PrAT Magazine.