Picture-Play Magazine (Sep 1919 - Feb 1920)

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34 An Exasperating Interruption. -"He promised never to kill, but when the bandit brands him yellow — his passion overwhelms him. As he lifts his gun to fire — Triangle presents Jane Miller in "The Unbroken Promise.'' — o — From Disclose to Clothes. Never, since the apple made clothing popular, has such a deluge of dressing been revealed as is seen in Bessie Barriscale's "The Woman Michael Married." She begins with a one-piece Kellermann and runs the whole gamut of fashionable feminine attire. — o — Imagine This with a Guitar Accompaniment. Great-a beeg-a da eyes, nice-a da form-a, In-a my heart she-a raise-a da storm-a ! Dat Tal-a-madge-a da one, She-a worth-a da mon — She fine-a ac-a-tress gal — dat-a Norma ! What a Misplaced Letter Will Do "Two social butterflies, a man and a woman, become soused to the great crisis confronting the world and give their lives in a noble effort to help humanity !" — Well, sir — when we read that we thrillingiy thought that the Wet and Dry disturbance had claimed its first martyrs ! But closer inspection of this exhibitor's ad of "Our Better Selves," starring Fannie Ward, disclosed the fact that a thirsty-minded compositor had slipped one over on a sleepy proofreader. — o — With A "High"-Diver, So's To Speak. From "The Career Of Katherine Bush": "One must see life, she argued, and it was better to make the first plunge with a person of refinement." — o — Yum! Yum! Eric Von Strohein, who so vividly portrayed that ultra-cussed Hun Villain in "The Heart Of Humanity," was beaned with a brick in Hollywood — trun at him by a kid who recognized him from his film characteriover on a sleepy proof reader. Those last four words impart to us one grand idea. If a fan, impressed by a player's performance, can hand him (or her) whatever they believe is coming to him (or her) — and get away with it Just wait until we meet Mary Pickford on the street ! Dere Mabel: We have been waiting for someone to take you aside and gently but firmly pour a bit of advice into your adorable ear. As no one seems to volunteer to do so, we'll tackle the job ourself. Mabel, those idiotic Sis Hopkins make-up and mannerisms are not funny. Put aside that over-painted, mask-like mug, that gaping mouth, the hunched shoulder and the twisted feet — don once again your costume and character of "Mickey" — and we'll all be happy ! — o — Did It Ever Occur To You? Of William Russell in "A Sporting Chance," 'twas said: "not one out of fifty who see the picture will ever guess it's finish." We didn't have to — we saw the last reel first ! — o — How Can You Explain This? There must be other queer people in Washington, D. C, beside Congressmen and the Post-Master General. An exchange-man of that city informed the Bull's Eye Film Corp. — "we cannot get enough Billy West Comedies, the demand seems greater than the supply." — o — Gosh! How We Like To Be Shocked! "Abe Martin," in Universal "Screen Magazine" asks: "What has become of the girl who used to complain that she didn't have a decent thing to wear?" Well, Abe — to our prudish mind, some of 'em are at present wearing the opposite — and it sure is scandalous how Excuse us — there goes one of 'em now! --o — Bald Butter. Being a regular star , Hale Hamilton felt he needed a dog, so he purchased one of the Mexican Hairless variety. Hale says he selected this style of dog in order to avoid being annoyed with shedding hairs. We wish our cafe were equipped with Mexican hairless waiters ! — o — Explaining An Idea. The manager of the "Frontenac" Theater, Detroit, Micl>.. put on two Chaplins