Picture Play Magazine (Mar-Aug 1920)

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10 Picture-Play Magazine — Advertising Section How to Make Your Voice Success Compelling, Friend Winning Does Your Voice Attract or Repulse People? Read Here How You Can Have a Perfect Voice — of Magnetic Force That Will Draw Friends and Success to Your Side. THINK for a moment what a big part tlie toue of your voice plays in your life ! How many times after hearing a person's voice have you remarked, "Oh. 1 don't trust him." or "How tiresome she is," or "What a nerve-racking experience it is to hear his voice." And so it is with you. l'eople are either attracted or repulsed by your voice. If you are a man — it means a great deal to your future business and social success if people can say of you, "I like that man's voice, so strong, deep, and mellow that it just rintjs sincerity." If you are a woman — it means much to you if people can say, "What a sweet, cultured voice she has — it's a real pleasure to listen to her." Every man or woman in business or social life, The Saw-tooth Voice. sino-nr nr nnli Sharp, rasping, grating every singer 01 puD as a sIate I)encil. 0ets lie speaker, every one -0n people's nerves." who stutters, stam loses friends, breeds dismers, or lisps, can trust, makes a poor imnow, through a won Pression in business— derful new method of antagonizes, annoys, and uiiiui uuv un uuu oj. repu ses any one within voice culture, gain ear reach, this splendid power — a perfect voice of success-compelling, friendwinning force. Make Your Voice Perfect A perfect voice can now be yours. Eugene Feuchtinger, A. M., the famous voice culturist, has proven that any voice can be made perfect. No matter if your voice is weak or wavering, harsh and grating, droning, nasal, stammering, stuttering or lisping— Eugene Feuehtinger's amazing new system will make it perfect. A few minutes each day in silent practice soon gives you the perfect singing voice or speaking voice that will open the door to numberless social or business opportunities. Within an amazingly short time you will notice the difference in your voice — it will be reaching that beautiful tone and richness of volume which you have so often admired in others. Wonderful New Method A poor voice is a tremendous handicap in business, professional and social life. Wherever you go. the fmpression you make on others depends upon your voice. If your voice is weak, indistinct, shrill, harsh or hollow, you cannot be judged at your best Snpaln'no Make y 0 u r uucanmg speaking voice ring with conviction and sincerity. Make it a voice that will thrill all who hear it and impress upon them that HERE is a person of culture, refinement, sincerity, character. Sitioino Make your uiugmg singing voice smooth, steady, full and strong — the kind of voice you have always longed for. Your voice can easily be made perfect, the best siniing voice among all of your friends. rioforriuo No one need Utiettive suffer any longer from the disadvantages of a defective voice. Stuttering, stammering, or lisning can be overcome for good and all. A defective voice is a business and social obstacle. Break down that obstacle — you can have a perfect voice. The Droning Voice. Tiresome, sing-song, monotonous as the bum of a dynamo. Bores people, doesn't -get its message across, takes the color and life out of every word and sentence uttered— disgusts, wearies, and repels; loses its listener's interest before it has even gained it. — you cannot realize your full measure of success and popularity. Whether you use your voice for singing or public speaking, or whether you use it only In the everyday course of your business and social life, you cannot afford the constant handicap of a voice of inferior quality and power. Yet not one person in a hundred knows how to use the voice properly ! Nearly every one has one or more serious faults in his or her voice. The trouble is that scarcely any one knows how to control the vocal organs which produce the voice. Unless you know the fundamental principles of this control, no amount of practice or exercises of the ordinary kind will make your voice perfect. But now the secret of a perfect voice can be yours. A wonderful new method enables any one to quickly develop a voice of surpassing beauty. In an amazingly short time you can have a wider range of tone, more volume, more resonance. A rich, vibrant voice that every one will admire can now be yours through the wonderful scientific discovery of Eugene Feuchtinger, the famous voice culturist. His remarkable, exclusive method has received endorsement of Fnropean operatic singers, of eminent public speakers, of men and women in every walk of life. Here are just a few of the delighted expressions of opinions he has received : Pittsburgh. Pa. My Bear Professor Feuchtinger — I want to write you a few lines to tell you of the wonderful benefit I have received from your method of voice production after only a few lessons. I had previously been engaged in church and light opera work but after a time was forced to discontinue because my vocal training had been inadequate. I was quite discouraged until I began to study with you. Now I am delighted with my daily improvement, for your method is precisely what you claim — infallible. No fault can escape your notice and all vocal defects are corrected by your ability. I am preparing to take up professional work again in a very short time and feel that the strength and brilliancy which my voice is acquiring will help me to attain the goal of success for which we are all striving. In conclusion let me say that I have studied under some of the celebrated teachers of New York, but their methods did not help materially, for unlike your method they were based upon actual science. Believe me, your grateful pupil always, Samuel Harden Church, Jr. Birmingham, Alabama. With two days' studying of my first lesson 1 have accomplished wonders. I am, W. F. Morton. My Dear Mr. Feuchtinger — No doubt you are wondering whether I feel any gratitude for the marvelous results which you and your system have brought about in my voice. Well. I am grateful and more than grateful — 1 am simply wild about it and never fail to tell my friends. As you know. I have had vocal training before. b..t the results were negligible. My voice in four months under your system has blossomed out in a way that not only wholly astonished anit delighted me — but has created a deep impression on all who have heard me sing. My voice has developed a "violin" style of expression and every time 1 sing, some one makes that comparison. To say that I am satisfied, The Defective Voice, doesn't convey my meaning at Its disadvantages are all. I am simply wild with known to all. No longer delight. I never miss an opneed anyone endure portunity to recommend your these disadvantages — course and I trust that thoustammering. stuttering, sands of others may take heed lisping can now quick as I have done. Vou certainly ly be overcome. Each have the one correct method of defective voice can be voice development. Beliove me made a perfect voice. ever. Tour grateful pupil, Matilda A. Schmitt. Send for Free Booklet Make your voice a success-magnet, a friend -winner. Don't let it misrepresent you. antagonize people against you. thwart your ambitions. If you want a good singing voice, clear, true and vibrant — if you want a good speaking voice, strong, vigorous, and confidenceinspiring — if your voice is in any way defective — let Eugene Feuchtinger show you the way to perfect voice. His methods are guaranteed. His interesting book explains fully about them and what they can mean to you. Mail the coupon at once for this FREE book. Read how easily you can, in a few minutes at home each day, make your voice perfect — a wonderful voice that will draw people to you and impress them with your sincerity, culture, and winning personality. Send for this interesting illustrated book now — fill out the coupon at once and mail it today. PERFECT VOICE INSTITUTE Studio 1583. 1772 Wilson Avenue, Chicago PERFECT VOICE INSTITUTE Studio 1583, 1772 Wilson Avenue, Chicago, Illinois Send me your free illustrated book. "Voice Culture," and facts about the Feuchtinger Method. I have put (X) opposite subject which interests me most. I assume absolutely no obligation whatever. □ Singing 0 Stammering □ Speaking □ Lisping 0 Age Name Address