Picture Play Magazine (Mar-Aug 1920)

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86 PicturePlay Magazine — Advertising Section Y I I NTT} AT HQ ME forty or fifty a woman may still not feel more than twenty-five years old. But no matter how well preserved her skin may be, how clear the sparkle of her eyes or how painstaking she may be in other details of her toilette — in the end she will be judged by the appearance of her hair. For there is no longer any excuse for permitting the hair to remain gray, faded and streaked. In one's own home, with no other help than a bottle of BROWNATONE, all its original color and beauty can be instantly restored — any shade from light to medium brown, dark brown or black — making it even more glorious and attractive than it was in youth. Hundreds of thousands of women use and all leading druggists recommend this safe and harmless hair tinting preparation. BROWNATONE Send 11 cents for rna/ QoHle and valuable booklet on the care of the hair. HjWo colors: "Light to Medium Brown" and '"Dark Brown to {Black.. " 'Uwo sizes: 35 cents and $1.15. In Canada, 50 cents and $1 .50. Pictures. "The Perfect Lover," and "Sealed Hearts" were his first two starring vehicles. Marguerite Cortot was born in Summit, New Jersey, in 1897. Her latest picture is the "Bound and Gagged" serial which Palhe is releasing. .Marion Davies was horn in Brooklyn, New York, in 1898. She started her professional career as a chorus girl. You will find all your other questions answered. Cutie. — As I am not fat myself, and haven't become familiar with any safe and sane antifat remedies I cannot tell you how to go about reducing. Theda Bara weighs one hundred and thirty-five pounds and is five feet six inches tall. Mary Miles Minter is four inches shorter and weighs twenty-three pounds less. Wanda Hawley is the same height as Theda but weighs eleven pounds less. Ann Luther is five feet five and weighs one hundred and twenty-nine. Gloria Swanson's poundage is one hundred and twelve at the present writing. Billie Burke Fan. — Billie Burke was born in Washington, D. C., on August 7, 1888. Her father, Billy Burke, was a well-known actor, so it was but natural that his fair daughter should follow in his footsteps. She made her first hit on the stage in Glasgow. Kathleen. — You will have to take that matter up with the editor. I haven't anything to do with that end of things. C. D. D. — Mabel Normand's leading man in "Mickey" was Wheeler Oakman, and the heavy in the piece was none other than our new blushing star, Lew Cody. Conway Tearle is married. He was born in New York, in 1880. Robert Ellis was born in Ireland. He's as free as a season pass. He has given up acting for the present, and is directing for Selznick. Harrison Ford played opposite Marguerite Clark in "Girls," and is now doing another picture with her in New York called, "Easy To Get." "The Spite Bride" is one of Olive Thomas' recent pictures. Charles Ray's latest film is called, "Watch Out William." You will find your other questions answered in this issue. Fannie M. — See addresses at the end of this department. Izzy. — The same for you. Eric M. — Juanita Hansen and Phyllis Haver are both blondes. Juanita is working in a new serial at the Selig studios in Edendale, California, while Phyllis is still bathing girling for Mack Sennett's comedies. Neither is married. The only way to find out about the pictures is to write for them. Helen B. — Irene Castle has sent pictures, and I guess she still does. I can't give you the personal address of any player. It's against the rules. Grace La Rue is not playing in any picture. I don't know how you can get that picture. Irene makes her pictures at the Famous Players' studio. La Violetta. — The Edison Company has not been producing pictures for a couple of years. Your favorite couldn't be playing with that firm, you see. Yale isn't working in any picture at the pres ent time. Hal Cooley played the heavy in Charles Ray's picture, "The Girl Dodger." His correct name is Hallam Burr. Surely, any time you like. Pauline Frederick Fan. — Pauline Frederick started her theatrical career as a singer, but shortly afterward decided to go on the stage, and secured an engagement with the Roger Brothers in their musical comedy, "The Roger Brothers at Harvard." She was one of the eighty members of the beauty chorus in that play. Her first picture was "The Eternal City" for Famous Players. They went to England and Italy to make some of the exteriors for that piece, which was considered an exceptionally big production, as it cost twenty-two thousand dollars to make. Nowadays they spend that much before they start on a picture. Miss Hazel M.— "The Right Of Way" is Bert Lytell's latest picture for Metro. John Bowers was born in Indiana. He is six feet and weighs one hundred and eighty pounds. Harry Carey was born in New York, in 1880. He is the same height and weight as Bowers. He has blond hair. May Allison is five feet five and weighs one hundred and twenty-five. She has golden hair and large, light-blue eyes. They are married. Shirly L. — Edmund Lowe played the male lead opposite Dorothy Dalton in "Vive La France." Gaston Glass was born in 1895. He has dark hair and brown eyes. He played in "Oh, You Women," and "A Honeymoon For Three." Sunny Skies. — Wanda Hawley used to be Wanda Petit. She had the leading feminine role in "You're Fired" with Wallace Reid. "That's his correct name. Vivian Martin has light-brown hair. Wanda has blond hair and blue eyes Yrou will find your other questions answered. M. M. T.— If I told you I would be giving away the secret of the serial, and that would spoil it for yourself, the exhibitor, and producer, as there isn't any attraction in going to see something you' already know all about. It there? Do you mean Edna Mayo? Ask the editor for that. Your other questions have already been answered. Betty Bingo. — Robert Harron is not married. He was born in 1894. Eugene is. He was born ten years before Bobby. Crawford Kent was born in London, England. Milton Sills was born in Chicago, Illinois. Lew Cody used to be Mr. Dorothy Dalton. Frank Mills was born in Kalamazoo, Michigan. Edi. — Constance Talmadge's hair is light brown. You will find the answers to your other questions in these columns. Toots G. — Anita Stewart is hard at work in California. Her latest picture to be released is "In Old Kentucky." She has come back bigger than ever. Poison Ivy. — That is the correct address. By no means. Elmo Lincoln and E. K. Lincoln are two distinctly different people. They are not even related. Write to the editor about that as I have nothing to do with that end of things. Windsor 48 2 coppiN b'ld'g. ONTAmo COVINGTON, KY. U.S.A.