Picture-Play Magazine (Mar-Aug 1920)

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Advertising Section The Picture Oracle Continued jrom page 82 THE charm of a beautiful complexion merits none but the finest and daintiest of face powders. reemans FACE POWDER For 40 years the choice of women who prize their beauty. Of lovely fragrance and closely clinging. All tints at all.toilet counters 50c (double the quantity of old 25c size) plus 2c war tax. Miniature box mailed for 4c plus lc war tax. The Freeman Perfume Co., Dept. 105 Cincinnati, O. Instant BunionRelief Prove It At My Expense Don't send me one cent— Just let me prove it to you as I have done for over 72,600 others in the last six months. I claim to have the most successful remedy for bunions ever made and I want you to let me send you my Fairyfoot treatment Free. 1 don't care how many so-called cures, or shields or pads you ever tried without success— I don't care how disgusted you are with them all —you have not tried my remedy and 1 have such absolute confidence in it that I am going to send it to you absolutely FREE. It is a wonderful yot simple home remedy which relieves you almost instantly of the pain; it removes the cause of the bunion and thus the ugly deformity disappears— all this while you are wearing tighter shoes than ever. Just send your name and address and Fairyfoot will be sent you promptly in plain sealed envelope. FOOT REMEDY CO.. 3661 jjpden Ave.. Depl.17 . Chicago Dialogs, Monologs nf A Vaudeville Acts Musical Readings r I,/* W 7^ How to Stage a Play Drills, Pageants "^ Make-up Goods Tableaux, Jokes, Folk Dances, Entertainments, Recitations, Pantomimes, Minstrel Material, Speakers, Commencement Manual full of New Ideas and Plans. Catalog Free. T. S. Denison & Co., Dept. fi7, Chicago fashion says the use or ■iMHI is necessary so lon& as sleeveless Jowns and sheer fabrics for sleeves are worn. It assists freedom of movement, unhampered ferace, modest elegance and correct style. That is ■why "they all use Delatone" Delatone is an old and -well known scientific preparation for the quick, safe and certain removal of hairy growths, no matter how thick or stubborn. After application the skin is clear, firm and hairless, with no pain or discoloration. Beauty specialists recomm e n d Delatone for removal of objectionable hair from face, neck or arms. Druggists sell Delatone; or an original 1 oz. Jar will be mailed to any address on receipt of SI by The Sheffield Pharmacal Ccx^, Dept. MB. 339 S.Wabash Ave.. Chicago. 111. Os) year younger than Geraldine. Now ligure it all up for yourself. Lawrie Leask. — You should have the eorrect postage on your letters mailed to the United States. There was six cents postage due on the one you sent me. Pearl White Fan. — The leading male role in the Pearl White serial, "The Black Secret," was taken by Walter McGrail. Frances R. — Your questions will not be answered in PicturePlay because you did not inclose a return stamped envelope with them. By the time you sent me the envelope your letter had been answered and destroyed. Send the question again if you want a personal answer. .Mrs. F. B. K. — You are quite right about the leading lady for Elmo Lincoln in the serial "Elmo the Mighty." It is Grace Cunard, the same Grace who used to be featured with Francis Ford. Arlie. — Here you are, punctual as usual, I am always certain that I shall receive about one letter a week from you at least, telling me all the new plays you have seen and what you think about them. Your letters are always very interesting, Arlie. Florence and Billic are one and the same. Yes, all three sisters have their hair bobbed now. H. B. Warner was born in London, England. Wk A. S— Yes, the James J. Corbett, who stars in the Universal serial, "The Midnight Man," is the same James who used to be heavyweight champion pugilist of the world. Lena C. — Fred Stone was Johnny Wiggins and Mary Anderson was the maid in the Artcraft Picture "Johnny Get Your Gun." A Movie Fan. — Lucille Lee Stewart is the girl you refer to in "Sealed Hearts" with Eugene O'Brien. Oracle Lover. — Francis X. Bushman is on the legitimate stage at the present time, being costarred with Beverly Bayne in Oliver Morosco's "The Master Thief." Billte G. — The Fairbanks twins are not playing in pictures. They are dancing in Ziegfeld's Follies. There is always a demand for actresses, but I'm afraid the supply far exceeds the demand at the present time. There is a great big demand for stories for pictures right now, and. if you can deliver what they want you can practically name your own price. William Lord Wright handles all the questions dealing with scenarios. I am sure that he will be very glad to advise you regarding your story. Jess Willard is not acting in pictures now. He made a feature before his fight _ with Jack Dempsey, but has retired to his ranch for the present, at least. Amelia B. — T'm sorry I can't help you, but I never heard of your friend in pictures. You say he played in several pictures with Universal, but they have no record of him on their books, so that's the best I can do. I. C. N. — -Kay was an American citizen. Pearl White was born in Springfield, Missouri. Olive Thomas first saw the light of day in Charleroi, Pennsylvania. Creighton has plunged. Charles Ray is married to a nonprofessional. Tommy Corrigan was "Checkers." Marjorie McE. — Pearl White is not dead. She has just finished her first Fox feature, "The White Moll." She has auburn hair, but always wore a blond wig in her pictures. Do you win or lose your bet? L. A. R. — George Loane Tucker will keep right on producing. He has had some trouble in the courts over "The .Miracle Man," which has slowed him up a bit in production. His latest picture is called "Ladies Must Live." "Peg o' My Heart" will be Wanda Hawley's latest picture if the injunction placed on the picture by J. Hartley Manners, author of the stage play, is ever lifted by the courts. Fred Stone made three pictures lor Lasky, "The Goat," "Under the Top," and "Johnny Gel Your Gun." He has since made two pictures for his own company before returning to the stage. Leo J. — Yes, the actresses and actors send their pictures to their admirers upon request. It is customary to inclose twenty-five cents with each request, as photographs have gone up like the high cost of living and .even-thing, and it co'sts a player even more than that to send out a fair-sized autographed photo. Betty Compson is not married to Tom Meighan. Gus. — It is not required that one take lessons in acting to become a motionpicture actor. Nor will taking lessons help you in the least with a producer. They want people who have had some kind of experience, and as there is always a good supply of capable artists on hand, the producers choose from them. It is very hard these days for a person with no experience to break into the game. The player furnishes all of his or her wardrobe except for costume plays. Freda Welcome. — You are as welcome as your name. You certainly figure things down to their smallest degree, don't >rou? The above answer to Gus will tell you what you want to know about movie acting. Mabel Normand, Lew Cody, and Wheeler Oakman were the principals in "Mickey." Theda Bara is now that lady's correct name. It used to be Theodosia Goodman, but she had it changed legally by the courts. "John Petticoats" is William S. Hart's latest. "When the Clouds Roll By" is Douglas Fairbanks' newest film. Jack Pickford is Mary's brother. They lead a pretty strenuous life making motion pictures, and a little thing like a roll down a hill means nothing in their young lives. Helen Mae H. — Received the six cents in stamps. The Scenario Booklet is being mailed to you. Leo V. — If you will give me the names of the producers of those pictures I may be able to tell you who played in them. They are about six or seven years old. Olive Thomas and Norman Kerry had the leading roles in "Toton." Alia Nazimova and Charles Bryant had the leading parts in "Revelation," Man Pickford and Conway Tearle in "Stella Maris." "The Narrow Trail" was a Wrilliam S. Hart feature. Babs. — Why in awe? There aren't any toe dancers who are employed regularly by any studio. They are just engaged when there is a scene in a picture which calls for toe dancing. There aren't enough child stars to fill even a tenth of an issue, much less devoting the whole magazine to them once a year. There was quite a bit of kid-picture producing two