Picture-Play Magazine (Sep 1920 - Feb 1921)

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Advertising Section 97 J. A. G. — I receive hundreds of letters every week, and they are all answered in this department just as quickly as possible and in the order in which they are received. "First come, first served" is The Oracle motto. The "Market Booklet" contains a complete list of all the motion-picture companies, with their addresses, and tells what kind of stories they are in the market for. You can get it by sending six cents in stamps to the •editor of Picture-Play. Bebe's name is pronounced just as if there wTere two B's, accent on the first B. Look for all addresses at the end of this department. Wanda Hawley was born in Scranton, Pennsylvania. She was educated in Seattle, Washington, and New York. She is five feet three inches tall and weighs hut one hundred and ten pounds. She has blond hair and grayish-blue eyes. Katherine MacDonald was born in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. She spent her last •days of education at Blairsville College. She is five feet eight inches in height and weighs one hundred and thirty-four pounds. She has blond hair and blue eyes. Beatrice Joy first saw the light of day at New Orleans, Louisiana, and received her education at the Sacred Heart Academy in the same city. She is five inches shorter than Katherine and weighs nine pounds less. That's a good puzzle for you to work out. You certainly felt -very inquisitive to-day, didn't you? Maybe you have been saving all this up for a long time; is that it? Beatrice has black hair and brown eyes. Blanche Sweet is a prized product of Chicago, Illinois. Her stage career included such wellknown stars as Chaunce} Olcott and Gertrude Hoffman. She began her screen career on five-dollar checks at the old Biograph Studio under D. W. Griffith's direction. She remained with Griffith until she was signed up by Lasky, then with Harry Garson, and now with Jesse D. Hampton. Douglas MacLean looks like a good example of a denial that Philadelphia is a slow-moving burg, because his pepful personality comes froni there. He attended Northwestern University. He is five feet nine and onehalf inches tall and carries one hundred and forty-five pounds around with him. He has brown hair and eyes. Lila Lee was born in New York City in 1902. She attracted the attention of Gus Edwards, the theatrical producer, when she was a wee youngster, and he adopted her, putting her on the stage and securing private tutors for her. She became well known on the vaudeville stage as "Cuddles" Edwards, before being signed to a long-term contract by Lasky. She is five feet three inches tall and weighs one hundred and ten pounds. She has black hair and eyes. Doris May is a gift of Seattle, Washington. She was educated in a French convent there. She stretches to five feet two inches and tips the beam at one hundred and seventeen pounds. Her hair is golden and her eyes are brown. Enid Bennett was born in York, Western Australia, and was educated in Perth, Australia. She is five feet two inches tall and weighs all of one hundred and two pounds. She has goldenbrown hair and hazel eyes. Violet Hemming is _ a native of Leeds, England. She received her schooling at the Malvern House School, Southport, England. She is five feet four inches tall and weighs one hundred and eighteen pounds. She has blond hair and blue eyes. Vivian Martin is not a native of sunny California. She was born near Grand Rapids, Michigan. You'll have to write to the editor of Picture-Play about the pictures you would like to see in the gallery and the interviews between the cov ers. I have nothing to do with that, having all I can handle with The Oracle department. Where did you get hold of enough paper to write all your questions on? You shouldn't save them up for a grand landslide, but let them come in a few pages at a time, and in that way you get quicker results and more answers in these columns. The letters you wrote to the players in care of the exchange will have to be forwarded, so that explains the delay. Wallie Reid Forever. — Although you are as regular as clockwork, you don't seem to find any trouble in having a new batch of questions regarding your favorites for me to answer every montlu It was Marguerite Clark, not Dorothy Gish, who did the "Bab" series for Paramount. Yes, Richard Barthclmcss played with her in them. "Haunted Spooks," "An Eastern Westerner," and "High and Dizzy" are the names of the three latest Harold Lloyd comedies for Pathe. Bebe Daniels did not play in any of them. She was with Lasky at the time they were made. Yes, Ann Little played opposite Wallace Reid in that picture. Emily Stevens played in "Wheels of Justice," "The Slacker," "Alias Mrs. Jessup," "Outwitted," "Daybreak," "The Wager," "The Soul of a Woman," "A Man's World," and "Kildare of the Storm," all for Metro. She was also featured in the Schomer-Ross production of "The Sacred Flame." Thanks very much for your check to cover a year's subscription to PicturePlay. At last you have found a place where you can get your questions answered. You should have saved time and tried The Oracle in the first place. The editor is taking care of your subscription. Edith-Irene. — Pearl White is five feet six inches tall. Of course, I like them all. So you think William Russell is a darling? I'm sure he would feel flattered if he knew. Anita Stewart is five feet five inches tall. Yes, George Stewart looks very much like his sister, Anita. He has become a full-fledged movie actor himself, and you will see him as the juvenile with Mildred Harris Chaplin in her latest First National feature, "Old Dad." Eugene O'Brien is not married, so your mind can rest easy — until the next rumor. Frank Mayo is married. Bebe Daniels is five feet four inches tall. Priscilla Dean is the same height as Bebe. Dorothy Phillips is just half an inch shorter. So you think me a wonder and as clever and handsome as Douglas Fairbanks ! How do you know, when you don't even know who I am or what I look like ? However, I feel highly flattered, although I wouldn't know that Doug would be by the comparison. Yes, it does seem strange that Doug could stand still long enough to get married. I am always willing to oblige, so I'll bite. What is the story about "Kisses" and "I Want a Daddy"? I hope it's nice. James L. Y. — California has by far the greatest number of studios of any State. In fact, a great many more than all the States put together. Fully ninety per cent of all pictures made in the United States are produced in California, and this percentage seems to be increasing every year. Motion pictures have gone a long way toward making Los Angeles what it is to-day. Ferdinand Alonzo. — This is a pretty short answer in response to such a long letter, but all of your questions have already been answered in the different replies before this one. Mabel. — Look for addresses at the end of this department. Don't Stay Skinny Broaden your shoulders, deepen your chest, straighten your neck and get your arms thick and muscular. Have well developed legs — look and feel like a real man. EARLE LIEDERMAN The Acme of Physical Perfection There is no excuse for you to continue through life a miserable half made imitation of a man and depend upon your tailor to ma!:e you appear half way presentable to society. There is no excuse for you to suffer from indigestion or constipation when you can have a stomach that will digest anything. You can fill yourself so full of energy that life will seem a privilege instead of an obligation. You can do a hard day's work and still feel refreshed at the end of the day — just think of it — never to feel tired iif any time. Man ! You do not know what it is to be an athlete. The athletic world is a different world entirely from the one you are now living in. so. if you really have the ambition and desire and want to make the most of yourself and get all there is out of life, by all meaus, send today lor my new book, This book contains twenty-five (25) fullpage photographs of mys<-if and some of the finest developed athletes of the world whom I have trained. It will interest and benefit you more than you anticipate. I will send you a copy promptly if you will send me ten cents (10c) in stamps or coin to help cover cost of postage, etc. Do not put off this opportunity, but fill out the coupon below and mail today while it is on your mind. EARLE E. LIEDERMAN Dept.1410, 305Broadway, New York City, N.Y. EARLE E. LIEDERMAN, Dept. 1410, 305 Broadway, N. Y. City Dear Sir: — I enclose herewith 10 cents for which you are to send me, without any obligation on my part whatever, a copy of your latest book. "Muscular Development." (Please write or print plainly.) Name Address City State