Picture-Play Magazine (Sep 1920 - Feb 1921)

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Advertising Section 79 The Land of Romance Few people realize that they may enter into this charmed land, and contribute to it. Novices? — the greatest artists were once of that class. Chances? — just as many as in any other walk of life. You simply haven't tried. New Opportunities In Photoplay Writing Open to All Who Have Ideas WHO will say that he or she has not average ideas and imagination about life? And who has not thought, in the theatre, that they have as good or better ideas for photoplays than some they have seen on the screen? And did you know that literary ability has nothing to do with this new art? One doesn't need "style" or vocabulary, but simply good ideas and the ability to express them clearly. For photoplays are not written as stories are, or as plays for the stage. They are built of ideas, which are put into pictures, arranged in a certain way. Those who would write photoplays are concerned with that particular arrangement. And now there's a way in which you can learn how to arrange your ideas. When you have learned that, you have learned to write photoplays in the form acceptable to producers. And producers will rejoice as much as you in your new success. For There's a Famine in Photoplays THERE'S a need for 5000 new stories and producers must have scores of them to product at once, for the demand is far exceeding the supply that present writers can prepare. Twenty million people are attending motion picture theatres daily and they are calling for new plays. Their interest must be maintained if the art is to survive. The opportunity to aid is yours. Who will rise to a new and perhaps "unexpected" success on this modern wave? Who is there who hasn't said to himself, "I am capable of doing something that I have not yet found, far better than anything I have ever done"? The Palmer Plan THE Palmer Plan of Photoplay Writing teaches you mainly how to prepare your ideas for acceptance. Then as you progress it develops you in all the fine points of the art. It is both a primary and finishing school, and it has brought out many star writers — Mrs. Caroline Sayre of Missouri, author of "Live Sparks" for J. Warren Kerrigan; Dorothea Nourse; Paul Schofield, I nee writer; G. Leroi Clarke, who sold his first story for $3,000; and others who have won success. "His Majesty the American," played by Douglas Fairbanks, is a Palmer student's story. James Kendrick, another student, sold six stories less than a year after he enrolled. We maintain a Marketing Bureau in Los Angeles, through which students can offer their stories to the big producers if they so desire. Our Advisory Council which directs our educational policy is composed of Cecil B. DeMille, Thos. H. Ince, Rob Wagner and Lois Weber. All are famous in the industry and would lend their aid to nothing that they would not use themselves. Twelve leading figures in the profession have included special printed lectures for the course. These lectures cover every essential phase of photoplay plot construction. The Palmer Plan is complete, efficient and vitally interesting — it enthralls those who take it up. There is no tedium; in fact one finds in it one of the best of all diversions from other lines of work. Don't say you can't follow it. Don't think you can't win because you have never tried to write. This is a new and different opportunity. Who knows who doesn't try? A Free Book Worth Your Reading THERE is much to tell about thi9 Course, so get our free book about it. One successful story repays, many times over, all the effort you put in. Success when it comes is rapid, the field is uncrowded, the demand for plays immense. Get the free book now. Learn all about this new way to success. If you are of average intelligence, if you have dramatic ideas and ambition, you have the complete fundamental equipment for success. Palmer Photoplay Corporation, Department of Education, 766 I. W. Hellman Bldg., Los Angeles, California. Please send me, without obligation, your new book, "The Secret of Successful Photoplay Writing." Also "Proof Positive," containing Success Stories 0/ many Palmer members, etc. Name. Address . City. State . (All correspondence held strictly confidential)