Picture-Play Magazine (Sep 1920 - Feb 1921)

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Advertising Section iTOO Price 'igOOPrict feftoganp or Waix Let Us Send You ~a~ SIL VER TONE 1 — Phonograph for Two Weeks9 Trial in Your Home Without Expense to You WE WANT you to try one of these beautiful SILVERTONE Phonographs in your own home for two weeks without a cent of expense and without obligating you to buy if you are not fully satisfied with the instrument. Select any SILVERTONE Phonograph shown on this page, fill In the order blank and mail it to Sears, Roebuck and Co. today. We ship SILVERTONE Phonographs on two weeks' trial. You take absolutely no risk, nor do you obligate yourself in any way by taking a SILVERTONE on trial. All we ask you to do is to give the phonograph a thorough test. Examine its mechanical features, cabinet work, workmanship and finish. Try it with any disc record you desire, and note its beauty of tone and fidelity of reproduction. Give it every test necessary to prove the truth of our claims for it. And then compare the price of the SILVERTONE with that of any other phonograph of the same size, beauty and musical excellence. If, at the end of two weeks' trial, you are not fully satisfied with the SILVERTONE. if you do not believe that it is in even, way the "equal of any phonograph on the market selling at prices from 25 to 50 per cent higher than the SILVERTONE, simply notify us and we will take away the phonograph at our own expense and will refund any transportation and cartage charges you have paid. The two weeks' test will not hare cost you one cent nor placed you under any obligation. Play as You Pay — Very Easy Terms If, after two weeks* trial, you are fully satisfied with the SILVERTONE and desire to keep it, simply send us the first monthly payment and then the same amount each month until the total is paid. The amount of the monthly payment on each instrument is shown under the illustrations. Compare our terms with those offered on any other phonograph of the same high quality. The small monthly payment required on even the highest priced models makes it easy for you to own a really fine instrument without incurring a heavy financial burden. This Liberal Selling Plan Is the Best Guarantee of SILVERTONE Quality We know that the SILVERTONE Phonograph isright in every respect— mechanically, musically and in design and finish. That is why we can offer them on this liberal no money down trial basis. We know that when you get a SILVERTONE Phonograph in your home for two weeks' trial you will be convinced of its high quality and will agree with us that it is the best phonograph on the market at anywhere near the same price. We have sold over 330,000 SILVERTONE phonographs, and the unanimous praise of their owners is the most convincing proof of SILVERTONE quality. Plays All Disc Records The SILVERTONE convertible tone arm is so constructed that it permits the playing of any make of disc record, either vertical or lateral cut. It is almost as easy to adjust the reproducer for different types of records as it is to change needles. Size of Cabinets The Model H Cabinet is 45% inches high. The others are illustrated in proportion. Model N LOUIS XVPEftiOD SO Price AMonm 52252° $7. ihoqanu, Walnal or Fumed Oak Gold Plated ttet-al Parts MAIL YOUR ORDER TO THE NEAREST ONE OF OUR FOUR STORES. SEARS, ROEBUCK AND CO. 73P90 Date You may ship me the SILVERTONE Phonograph which I have marked with an (X), without any obligation on my part to buy unless I am perfectly satisfied. If, after two weeks' trial, I decide to keep and use the instrument. I will send von the first payment for the phonograph and pay the same amount each month until paid in full; then the SILVERTONE becomes my property. Should I decide, after two weeks' trial, that the SILVERTONE is not satisfactory, I will notify you, and you are to give me instructions so that I may send it back at your expense. You are also to return to me any transportation and cartage charges I have paid. I have always been faithful in paying my obligations and am making this statement for the purpose of inducing you to grant me these terms, and I give you my pledge that you may feel safe in trusting me to pay as agreed. Si^n R.F.D. Bos Street HereJJ^*_ : No No and N (Sign your name here plainly and carefully. If under age, some member of your family who is of age and responsible should sign this order with you.) Postoffice_ Shipping Point I have been located in this town since— . County_ Countv . State Modes «J 'OO Price -- lM^i Parts — My business, occupation or profession is If less than 5 years, _give former address Do you wish shipment made _by express or freight?— REFERENCES — (Please ^ive names of TWO references.) Name Address Business or Occupation We ship Silvertone Phonographs to all parts of the U. S. Wedo not accept orders from foreign countries. Model H. D Mahogany. □ Walnut. Price, 913S.OO Payment. SS.OO a month. I Model J. Q Mahogany. □ Walnut. lH Fumed Oak. Price, S1C5.00 Pax-mem, S6.QO a month. [ Model R. □ Mahogany. □ Walnut. U Fumed Oak. Price, $200.00 Payment. SY.OO a month. Model S. □ Mahogany. □ Walnut. Price, 5215.00 Payment. S7.SQ n month. Model N. Mahogany. □ Walnut. D Fumed Oak. Price, S22S.OO Payment, $7-SO a month.