Picture-Play Magazine (Sep 1920 - Feb 1921)

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Advertising Section 91 The Carey Creed Continued from page 18 go West, young man, which I did, after the Biograph days in New York. We made some Western stuff with D. W. out here, then, and let me tell you, brother, that man knows just as much about his West as he does about No Man's Land or the London Chinatown. "After the old Biograph stock company started breaking up, I was offered a very interesting contract by Mr. Laemmle. In addition to starring me, he offered to give me some leeway in picking my stories. That suited me to a T, and I've been Universaling ever since. Some of my pictures have been sort of poor stuff, I know, but at least I have carried on the true Western manner untainted by the ordinary picture treatment of Western customs. I will not wear flapping chaps and fancy shirts, any more than I'll let Reeves Eason close-up me and my horse makin' eyes at one another." Carey did not say that he was in love with his work. He takes it, it struck me, as a business proposition. He was about to start for Arizona to get some exteriors for "Luck," a forthcoming flicker feature, and with the sun registering ninety-four in the cool foothills of California, the prospect of the Arizona desert was a torrid one, even to the most Pollyanna-minded. This making of movies is not the life of raspberries and cream that the Iowa fan would think it. "We'll prob'ly fry eggs on some near-by rock," said Carey, with a wry smile of anticipation. "Last time we were down in Palm Springs, getting desert stuff, it was so hot that we worked from four in the morning till ten and loafed the rest of the time." Bret Harte is Harry Carey's ideal. He "packed the human punch" and would, Carey thinks, have made a satisfaction-guaranteed scenarioist. "Look at 'The Outcasts of Poker Flat' and 'Luck o' Roarin' Camp.' " said Carey. "We made 'em into pictures, and people wrote gobs of letters slingin' bokays in this direction. I think," he continued, "that a producer should get credit when he takes a chance on producing a classic. Give him credit! Few enough of 'em take that chance, believe you me. brother. I'll stay right here with. Cad Laemmle so long as he shows an interest in good pictures. As long as I'm makin' 'em I want to make g-ood ones." That's fair enough. In fact, as his wife pointed out, that's the Carey ! creed. i THE SHOE THAT MOLDS ITS^fSHAPE $7.00 $3.00 $9-22 & $10 22 SHOES FOR MEN AND WOMEN YOU CAN SAVE MONEY BY WEARING W. L. DOUGLAS SHOES W. L. DOUGLAS SHOES ARE MASTERPIECES OF SHOE DESIGNING S4.50 45.00 and $5.50 1 he best known _ shoes in the world. They are sold in 107 W. L. Douglas stores, direct from the factory to you at only one profit, which guarantees to you the best shoes that can be produced, at the lowest possible cost. W. L. 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