Picture-Play Magazine (Sep 1920 - Feb 1921)

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112 Advertising Section HIGH SCHOOL COURSE IN TWO YEARS You Want to Earn Big Money! And you will not be satisfied unless you earn steady promotion. But are you prepared for the job ahead of you? Do you measure up to the standard that insures success? For a more responsible position a fairly good education is necessary. To write a sensible business letter, to prepare estimates, to figure cost and to compute interest, you must have a certain amount of preparation. All this you must be able to do before you will earn promotion. Many business houses hire no men whose general knowledge is not equal to a high school course. Why? Because big business refuses to burden itself with men who are barred from promotion by the lack of elementary education. Can You Qualify for a Better Position? We have a plan whereby you can. We can give you a complete but simplified high school course in two years, giving you all the essentials that form the foundation of practical business. It will prepare you to hold your own where competion is keen and exacting. Do not doubt your ability, but make up your mind to it and you will soon have the requirements that will bring you success and big money. YOU CAN DO IT. Let us show you how to get on the road to success. It will not cost you a single working hour. We are so sure of being able to help you that wc will cheerfully return to you, at the end of ten lessons, every cent you sent us if you are not absolutely satisfied. What fairer offer can we make you? Write today. It costs you nothing but a stamp. American School of Correspondence I Dept. H 976 Chicago, U. S. A. I ^American School of Correspondence," 1 Dept. H-976 Chicago, 111. I want job checked — tell me how to get it. Lawyer Architect J5.000 to $15,000 Building Contractor $5,000 to $10,000 Automobile Engineer 84,000 to $10,000 Automobile Repairman $2,600 to $4,000 Civil Engineer $5,000 to $15,000 Structural Engineer $4 000 to $10,000 Business Manager $6,000 to $15,000 Certified Public Accountant $7,000 to $16,000 Accountant & Auditor $2,600 to $7,000 Draftsman & Designer $2,500 to $4,000 Electrical Engineer $4,000 to $10,000 General Education In one year $5,000 to $15,000 ..Mechanical Engineer 94.000 to $10,000 ..Shop Superintendent 83,000 to $7,000 ..Employment Manager $4,000 to $10,000 ..Steam Engineer $2,000 to $4,000 ..Foreman's Course $2,000 to 84,000 ..Photoplay Writer $2,000 to $10,000 ..Sanitary Engineer $2,000 to $6,000 ..Telephone Engineer $2 JjOO to $6,000 ..Telegraph Engineer $2,600 to $5,000 ..High School Graduate a In two year9 | ..Fire Insurance Expert a $3,000 to $10,000 | I Name | ^Address Mrs. Scoodlims. — No, Dorothy Dalton 1 doesn't wear a wig. Mary Pickford has no children. Neither has Norma Talmadge. Norma is married to Joseph Schenck. You're lucky to have a theater owner for a father, aren't you? And your real name is a pretty one — I'd be proud of it, even though the children do tease you because it's the same as a star's. B. B. — So you like Gene's whimsical left eyebrow and his halfway smile, do you? Well, lots of people feel the same as you do about them. He is in New York right now, but, of course, by the time this magazine reaches your hands he may be somewhere else. One of Marguerite Clark's last pictures was "A Widow by Proxy." Anita Stewart is twentyfour. E. S. — You may see Charles Bryant on the screen again, though, of course, he^s pretty busy with all his duties as Nazimova's manager that he hasn't much time left for acting. Yes, I liked him very much on the screen. H. B. — William Farnum recently made "If I Were King." Yes, Pearl wears a wig before the camera. Priscilla Dean was married just after she finished "The Virgin of Stamboul." Geraldine Farrar is not making pictures now, but may return to the screen next summer. _ Constance does not wear a wig — that is her own hair. Geraldine. — No, I don't know the actress you mention. You could address her in care of Louis B. Mayer Productions, Los Angeles, California, if she was in a picture with Mildred Harris. There's no time limit on becoming a star — sometimes I it takes years and sometimes a very short time will do it. Addresses of Players Asked for by readers whose letters are answered by The Oracle this month: Douglas MacLean, Doris May. Lloyd Hughes, and Jane Novak, Ince Studios, Culver City, California. Douglas Fairbanks, Fairbanks Studios, Melrose Avenue, Los Angeles, California. William S. Hart, W. S. Hart Studios, Sunset Boulevard. Los Angeles, California. Mildred Davis, Harold Lloyd, and Harry Pollard, Rolin Studios. Los Angeles, California. Betty Compson. Lottie Pickford. Mary Pickford, James Kirkwood, Lillian Walker, and Sessue Hayakawa, Brunton Studios, Melrose Avenue, Los Angeles. California. Charles Murray, Ben Turpin, and Charles | Conkin, Sennett Studios, Edendale, California. Wyndham Standing, Billie Burke, Marguerite Clark, Elsie Ferguson. Ann Pennington, Catherine Calvert, and Irene Castle. Famous Players-Laskv, 485 Fifth Avenue, New York City. Charles Hutchinson, George Larkin, and Ruth Roland, at the Pathe Exchange, 25 West F.orty-fifth Street, New York City. Kathryn Adams, Marie Walcamp, Eddy Polo. Harry Carey, Edith Roberts, and Priscilla Dean," Universal City, California. Mildred Harris Chaplin and Anita Stewart, care of Louis B. Mayer, Los Angeles, California. Hale Hamilton, The Lambs' Club, New York City. Viola Dana. Bert Lytel!, and Alia Nazimova. Metro Studios, Hollywood. California. Ethel Lynne. L-KO Studios, Gower Street, Hollywood, California. Ray Stewart, Niles .. Welch, Ashton Dearholt, Pauline Curley. Ruth Clifford. Dell Boone, Bertram Grassby, and Hall Cooley, in care of Willis & Inglis. Los Angeles, California, or the Mabel Condon Exchange, Hollywood. California. Constance Binney. Mary Miles Minter, Wanda Hawley, and Bebe Daniels. Realart Pictures Corporation, 460 Fifth Avenue, New York City. Lillian and Dorothy Gish. Ralph Graves, and Richard Barthel'mess, Griffith Studios, Mamaroneck, New York. Norma and Constance Talmadse, 318 East Forty-eighth Street, New York City. Antonio Moreno, Albert Ray. and James Kirkwood, at Los Angeles Athletic Club, Los Angeles. California. ndQQrs or out X Get Drop on that Cough QN the bridle path or in tiw business office — the first slight sign of a husky throat meets effective resistance from Dean's Mentholated Cough Drops. Have a box on hand — indoor or outl Get them anywhere. Dean Medicine Company Milwaukee, Wisconsin 'mentholated CoughBrofs learn How to write /T ShOlt StOrieS There is a big demand for short stories, photoplays and feature articles. You can learn how to wnte at home in suarr rime. Jack London said so. He and other great writers have endorsed our home study course. The course is fascinating and takes only a few of your spare hours. WM'iA f-— CwaaDaaK and details of our Limited In tro Wnte tor rree Book ductory ofier. no obii^on. HOOSIER INSTITUTE, S. S. Dept. XtoV Ft Wayne, Indiana ^ 23 ytA&S THE STANDARD TRAIH/NG SCHOOL FOR THEATRE ARTS ALTVIEIVE SCHOOI/ DRAMATIC ARTS FOUR SCHOOLS IN ONE. PRACTICAL STAGE TRAINING. THE SCHOOL'S STUDENT'S STOCK"""; THEATRE AFFORD PUBLIC STAGE APPEARANCES' Write lor catalog mentioning study desired to O. IRWIN. Secretary 43 W. 72d St. New York City .Between B'way & Central Park West Dead Men Tell No Tales ^Booklet Photoplay Ideas Bring $25 to $200 Too can cash In yonr "happy thoughts" and H«earn big money right in your own homo in spare I time. No previous <>xporl«ncenoc©«*3ry. Our ■ easy home course ttrrua out more successful iBcen&rta rrtters than all other schools toff-ether. HWriLe Dowarjd (ret by re torn mail FREE Booklet „ Hralnablo Infom . .on. Special Pries and Erte« OSer. [Chicago Photopiaywrlgrrt Collage, Box 218X1 z Chleai No. 9, $4.50. No. 16, $5.50. "f you were to purchase rings like these illustrated I IH above in Platinum, they would cost from $400 to $500. We are now manufacturing: exact reproductions in Ladies Sterling Silver, Platinum finish, basket setting, piereed designs set with a carat size Genuine "Egeria Gem" imported, possessing the rainbow fire of a diamond, at a price within reach of all. Put it beside a diamond, stands all tests. This gem isa wonderful discoverv, only an expert can distinguish between them. Send no money. Writ* t/orlay. Give size of finger and number of ring. Pay on arrival. If not latisned in 6 days, return for money refund. This is a wonderful offer, and to own one of these rings will be a revelation to you. EGERIA GEM CO., A. 113 Point St., Providence, R. 1.