Picture-Play Magazine (Sep 1920 - Feb 1921)

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Advertising Section 107 the public what it wants and, instead to show it what it is. Are You Fit to Vote? Don't be discouraged if you don't know what the League of Nations is all about or what the original fourteen points were. Very few people do. But if you can't answer the following fourteen questions of the day, you are too illiterate to have the vote and should have, instead, the constant attention of PicturePlay during the next twelve months. 1. Who said, "I want to be so bad I'll be remembered always?" 2. What star refuses to release a picture until it has been O. K.'d by the studio bootblack? 3. What star was born in three States ? 4. For what is Ohio famous ? 5. Who discovered Mary Pickford? 6. What two animals are most feared and hated by movie actors? 7. What is the most famous product of Kentucky? 8. Who has done the most toward promoting cleanliness in motion pictures ? How ? 9. What two things has Charlie Chaplin made famous. Persons? 10. What two stars' names are most often mispronounced? What are the correct pronunciations ? Answers to above: 1. Theda Bara. 2. Will Rogers. 3. Corinne Griffith, in. Texarkana. 4. Producing the Gish sisters. 5. Charlotte Pickford. 6. The camera hog and lens louse. 7. D. W. Griffith. 8. Cecil B. De Mille, by making bathing attractive. 9. The derby and the cane; Mildred Harris and Billy West. 10. Alia Nazimova and Richard Barthelmess ; Na-ze-moo-va and Bar-telmess. The Picture Oracle Continued from page 88 Sister. — Betty Compson was born in in this country Salt Lake City and was in vaudeville before she went into pictures. She was in comedies on the screen for a while and then made thrilling Westerns, riding horses and shooting and doing all sorts of stunts. Then she made "The Miracle Man" and a name for herself at the same time, and now is a star, with "Prisoners of Love" as her first big picture made in a stellar capacity. Nancy. — It was Harold Goodwin who was the gawky boy who drove the laundry wagon in "Suds." Yes, Mary Pickford is really a wonderful business, woman ; she has to be! Bebe isn't married, and neither is Mary Miles Minter; somebody was just kidding you. Theda Bara is married, though — that's the only one of the reports about her that is true. She isn't _ dead and she hasn't gone to Egypt to live in the shadow of the Sphinx. Her name really is Leatrice Joy — not Beatrice ; I guess she spells it that way because that's what she was named. Alice Brady will be seen on the screen again before long. Those are her own clothes that she wears, and she couldn't possibly give them away at the end of a picture, because she neds to wear them again. Her husband is appearing on the stage now, but not with her. California n.— It was Matt Moore who played with Marion Davies in "The Dark Star" and "Getting Mary Married." Yes, Norman Kerry married — and she was a widow — you were right and you win the bet.^ Of course I'd like some of the fudge — it's always welcome. Yes, I can remember the davs when a screen star wouldn't acknowledge^ that he was married, but fortunately times have changed, and nowthey're oroud of it; being married doesn't affect their popularity at all. From Dixie. — Elsie Ferguson went to Japan for a vacation and hasn't returned yet; she is going to make pictures again when she gets back, so you needn't lament her as one lost forever. "Lady Rose's Daughter" was the last picture she made before she left. Pesgy Pearce was bom at Long Beach, California, in 1896, and has blond hair and blue eyes. You're wrong about Louise Glaum ; she was born Baltimore, to be exact. She has brown hair and hazel .eyes. Maybe some day she'll make the countrymaiden type of picture, but I doubt it; the sort of thing she does now is too popular. Her latest is "The Leopard Woman." Dancer. — Ruth St. Denis' school is near Los Angeles, and you could probably get in even though you aren't a good dancer ; you see, if all the people who came to her were good dancers there wouldn't be any need of her teaching them. Many of her pupils go into vaudeville and many of them go into the movies; Margaret Loomis and Carol Dempster arc two of them who have made good. J. E. R.— -Dorothy de Vore served quite an apprenticeship in Christie comedies, but now has made her way out of them and into straight drama by playing opposite Charles Ray in "Forty-five Minutes From Broadway.',' Lots of girls have broken into stardom in that way, and some have been quite content to work up into being leading ladies. Bebe Daniels, Gloria Swanson, Alice Lake, Betty Compson, and Mary Thurman are a few of them — is that -.ncouragement enough? Maude. — Llelcn Jerome Eddy played in "Aliss Hobbs" with Wanda Hawley and was very funny indeed. Yes, ZaSu Pitts really got married, just after she was given a starring contract by the Smith Syndicate. I don't know when she'll go to work. Ann May lives at the Studio Club, but she has a car; of course, they don't mind her keeping it. Roscoe Arbuckle is married to Minta Durfee, an actress. Tommy Meiehan's wife was an actress, too. Viola Dana is not married. Shirley Mason is — to Bernard Durning. C. C. C. — Florence Vidor is King Vidor's wife, not his sister, and she was born in Texas. So was he. He is now directing a picture for the Cathrine Curtis Corporation, but he has his own studio. Miriam Cooper was in "Intolerance," in the episode called "Tbe Mother and the Law " She has recently appeared in the productions directed by her husband, Raoul Walsh. Start the New Year Right! Will 1921 mean Success or Failure? It is up to you right now to decide. If you had started right one year ago you would be on tho high road to success this minute. Don't let another year pass by. Jt Is within your Dower to make yourself w hat you will. Let this bo the beginning of a new life and a better one. I will give you WEALTH, HEALTH and HAPPINESS I will tako that body of yours and make it physically perfeet. I will make a new man of you. I will fill out your chest so that every breath means increased life, purifying your blood and sending vim and vitality throughout your entire system. I will broaden your shoulders, and give you the Latest photograph of EARLE E. LIEDERMAU Taken Oot 10, 1920 large muscular arms and legs of an athlete. I will strengthen your back and every vital organ within you. You will be bubbling over with life, having the keen alert brain, the bright flashing eyes and the spring and step of youth. Passers-by will stop and admire you for your physical make-up; and you will be the favorite in hoth the business and social world— you will be a leader of men. and the good things in life will naturally come your way. I Challenge the World If a man stood on the house-tops and shouted to the people that he was the strongest man on earth, it would avail him nothing. Some one would make him come down and prove it. But records speak for themselves. I will gladly show any one personal letters from the leading strong men in the world today that my course is absolutely the best and the quickest to acquire physical perfection. Com" on then and make me prove it — I like it. I have the means of making you a perfect physical specimen of manhood, of making you a successful leader of men. You will be a credit to your community. I have clone this for thousands of others. What I have done for them I will do for you. I don't care what your present condition is. The weaker you are, the more noticeable the results. Come on then. START THE NEW YEAR RIGHT. Send for my new book "Muscular Development" IT IS FREE It tells the secret. Handsomely illustrated with full-page photographs of mvself and some of the world's best athletes whom I have trained. Also contains full particulars of my splendid offer to you. Tho valuab'e book and special offer will be sent on receipt of only 10c stamps or coin, to cover cost of wrapping and mailing. Don't miss this opportunity. Sit right down now and till in the coupon. The sooner you get started on the road to health the easier it will be to reach perfect manhood. Don't drag along one day longer — mail the coupon today. EARLE E. LIEDERMAN Dept. 1401, 305 Broadway, New York EARLE E. LIEDERMAN, Dept. 1401, 305 Broadway, N. Y. City Dear Sir: — I enclose herewith 10 cents, for which you are to send me, without any obligation on my part whatever, a copy of your latest book. "Muscular Development." (Please write or print plainly.) Name Address City Stats.