Picture-Play Magazine (Mar-Aug 1921)

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Here's Free Proof That You Can Hear! The wonderful, improved Acousticon has now enabled more than 400,000 deaf people to hear. We are sure it will do the same for you ; are so absolutely certain of it that we are eager to send you the 1 92 1 Acousticon For lO Days' FREE TRIAL No Deposit — No Expense There is nothing you will have to do but ask for your free trial. No money to pay, no red tape, no reservation to this offer. Our confidence in the present Acousticon is so complete that we will gladly take all the risk in proving, beyond g any doubt, that the Joy of Hearing Can Be Yours Again! The New Acousticon has improvements and patented features which cannot be duplicated, so no matter what you have ever tried, just ask for g a free trial of the New Acousticon. You'll get »j it promptly, and if it doesn't make you hear. | return it arid you will owe us nothing— not one cent. | Dictograph Products Corp. 1442 Candler Bldg., New York City. N. Y. l-f You Can Tell it -from a GENyiNE DIAMONDSenditlack To prove our blue-white MEXICAN DIAMOND closely resembles a genuine diamond with same DAZZLING RAINBOW FIRE, we will send a selected 1 carat gem in Ladies' Solitaire Ring (Cat. price $4.98) for Hall Pries to ln« SrotJuco, S2.83, or in Gents Heavy Tooth Belcher Ring (Cat. price S6.2G) for $3.25. Our finest 12k Gold Filled mountings. GUARANTEED 20 YEARS. SEND NO MONEY. Just mail postcard orthisad. State Size. Wewillmail atonceC. O. D. If not pleased return in 2 days for money back less handling charges. Write for Free Catalog. Agenfis Wanted* MEXICAN DIAMOND IMPORTING CO. Dept.CD2 las duces, N. Mex. (Exclusive controllers Mexican Diamonds) GLORIA SVVANSON WALLACE RE1D Cecil B. UeMille Artcraft Player Paramount Star Hermo "Hair-Lustr" (Keeps the Hair Dressed) For Men, Women and Children The hair will stay dressed after Hermo "HAIRLUSTR" has been applied. No more mussy. untidy looking hair. Adds a charming1 sheen and luster, insuring the life and beauty of the hair. Dress it in any of the prevailing styles, and it will stay that way. Gives the hair that soft, glossy, well groomed appearance so becoming to the stars of the stage and screen. Guaranteed hamless, greaseless and stainless. 50c and $1 at Your Dealer If your dealer can't supply you we will send it direct prepaid upon receipt of price. Use it five days, if dissatisfied return what is left and your money will be refunded. Thousands use it daily. Remember, your money back if dissatisfied. HERMO CO., 542 E. 63rd St., Dept. 63. CHICAGO Advertising Section Dick's Admirer. — No, I am not related to any answer men. Richard Barthelmess is working at the Griffith studios at Mamaroneck, New York. He is married to Mary Hay. An _ Unknown Friend. — Eugene O'Brien is not married. He is not an Irishman, as you imagine, except by his ancestry. He was born in Denver, Colorado, in 1884. He is six feet tall and weighs one hundred and sixty pounds. Write to the editor about that. Mildred L. P. — I'm sure I can't see anything wicked about writing questions about the movies on Sunday, but, of course, if you feel that way about it, why not wait until Monday? Yes, they are very strict about letting visitors into the various studios. They have to be strict on this point or they would be overrun with people all the time. No, the actresses do not give away their dresses after they finish a picture. They will always find plenty of use for them at a later date. They are just added to their wardrobe to await a future call. Kathryn McG. — Constance Binney played the leading feminine role in Maurice Tourneur's "Sporting Life." Faire Binney, her sister, played her younger sister in the play. Dorothy Gish's latest release is called "Little Miss Rebellion." Ralph Graves played the leading male role opposite her. He was born in Cleveland, Ohio, twenty years ago. Wheeler Oakman was born in Washington, D. C. Owen Moore is a native son of Ireland. Faire Binney was born in New York City in 1901. Her sister, Constance, arrived on earth two years before Faire. Patty of Pattie. — Conrad Nagel was born in Des Moines, Iowa, in 1896. He is six feet tall and weighs one hundred ond sixty-five pounds. His hair is light brown and his eyes are blue. He is the proud father of a brand-new baby daughter. This is his correct name. Lila Lee's correct name is Gussie Appel. She was born in New York City in 1902. E. M. L. — In "Everywoman" Youth was played by Clara Horton. Wanda Hawley played the part of Beauty. Clarine Seymour is dead. She passed away in New York on May 26, 1920. Merl M. — It is best to inclose a quarter to cover the expense of the photo and mailing. You will find the addresses you want at the end of this department. Adrian. — William S. Hart is not making any plans for future screen productions, so it is no use working on a story for him. Bill says — and very emphatically, too — that he is to retire from the screen for good at the completion of his next feature for Artcraft. I feel confident that Bill will carry out his threat. Ruth W. — Bert Lytell is married to a nonprofessional. Marjorie Daw was born in Colorado Springs, Colorado, in 1002. Her correct name is Margarita House. She selected her screen name from the Mother Goose rhyme. Alice Brady has dark hair and eyes. Chicago would be the nearest point for you. Star I. — Allan Sears was born in San Antonio, Texas, and was educated at Knox College. Bill Hart Admirer. — No, Bill Hart is not married. He has been in motion pictures for six years. He lives in Los Angeles, California, with his sister, Mary Hart. Kathleen Kirkham was born in Menominee, Michigan, in 1895. She is married to a nonprofessional. Marian.— Oh, wise little girl! One does not have to be French because one is born in France. You are the one who is wrong. Charles Chaplin was born in France of English parents, but promptly went to England and became naturally an English subject. Now will you be good? Richard Barthelmess was born in New York City in 1895. I can't help how old he was two years ago. You must have read an issue of PicturePlay when Dick was not married. He wasn't born that way, you know, and it is only recently that he married. To be exact, he married Mary Hay on Friday, June 18, 1920, at the Church of the Heavenly Rest in New York City. You say you have criticized enough. Not at all ; any time you think you are right and I am wrong, let me know. Eugene O'Brien is starring in pictures for the Selznick Pictures Corporation. You are likely to hear all sorts of gossip in this business, so don't believe anything you hear. Wait until you see it printed in PicturePlay, and then you can be sure that it is a fact, and not a wild rumor. S. R. O. — I know that some of the motion-picture titles have very little to do with the picture, and oftentimes the fans are fooled by a title. It is up to the producers and not to yours truly. If they see fit to put them in, I can't stop them. I. R. O. — I can't help you one bit unless you can be more explicit. If you even knew his name in the cast of the picture you mean, I would be able to name him for you. I'll give you the cast, and you can probably tell from that. Wallace Reid and Grace Darmond had the leading roles in "The Valley of the Giants." Will Brunton played Buck Ogilvy, Charles Ogle was John Cardigan, Ralph Lewis was Colonel Pennington, Hart Hoxie was Jules Rondeau, Noah .Beery was Black Minorca, Guy Oliver was George Sea Otter, W. H. Brown was Judge Moore, Richard Cummings was McTavish, Ogden Crane was Mayor Poundstone, and Speed Hansen was Henry Poundstone. There were no other men in the cast. Katherine H. — Emory Johnson was born in _ San Francisco, California, in 1894. His better half in private life is Ella Hall. They have two baby boys. He appears opposite Betty Compson in her first independent picture for her own company, called "Prisoners of Love." He has just been reengaged to play opposite her in her next starring vehicle. Marjorie Millet. — I am sure I cannot tell you for certain. You had better write to him and find out for yourself. So many of the fans want the stars to answer their letters that it is impossible to do so. Suppose you received several hundred letters every week. Do you think you could possibly answer them all yourself? Natalie is the youngest of _ the_ Talmadge sisters. Eileen Sedgewick is playing in serials. Mary Pickford has finished one picture since her return from Europe, under the direction of Frances Marion, who also wrote the story. She is now working on "The Cricket," which David Kirkland is directing. "Ruth of the Rockies" is Ruth Roland's latest serial. "Sherry" was an Edgar Lewis production released by Pathe. Jack Dempsey made one picture, a fifteen-episode serial called "Dare-devil Jack." He has not made any other pictures since that time. Marjorie Bennett is a younger sister of Enid Bennett Write whenever you have the time and as often as you have the inclination.