Picture-Play Magazine (Mar-Aug 1921)

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112 Advertising Sectioi Free Trial YOU may have any instrument with complete musical outfit, tor a week's free trial at home. lNo obligation. Return it at our expense after trial if you wishOutfit includes velvet lined case, self instructor, music and all accessories at factory cost. A tremendous saving. Convenient Monthly Payments A few cents a day will pay for instrument and outfit if you decide to keep it. Wurlitzer instruments are known all over the world for artistic quality. Send Coupon for Beautiful New Catalog Every instrument known illustrated with price, easy terms and free trial blank. Catalog absolutely free. No obligation. Send this coupon now. The Rudolph Wurlitzer Co., Dept. 1*55 I 117 E. 4th St., Cineinn.jii. <». S.Wabash Ave., Chicago i 120 W. 42nd St.. New York, N. Y. Send me your new catalojr illustrated in color with fall de* £ tails of Wurlitzer Complete Outfits and free trial and easy t payment offer. Name | Addrea* Cowtrifiht 19. (State instrument you are eveeiallv interested in. t Secrets BeautyParlors Revealed Formerly Closely Guarded Secrets Now Yours! , Find out how fortunes are made in I Beauty Work. Crying demand everywhere for skilled Man icurists. Hair Dressers, Dyers. Marceller: " nt-Wavei Chiropodist, etc. We can make you an Expert in every branch in just a few weeks' □ can earn a splendid income griving ong your friends and neighbors, or W \ spare time at home. ' Beauty Treatments a Start a Beauty Parlor. FREE BOOK. Write NOW for Free Illustrated Booklet. See how easy it is to become a Beauty Specialist and make big money in this fascinatmjr work with our help. Oriental System of Beauty Culture, DepL 85. 637 s $ff£™'n St NO MONEY DOWN Send Your Name for a Hexnite Gem Send no money. Simply select the style ring you want by number, state the finger size and we will send you, charges prepaid, a Beautifu' Hexnite Gem, mounted in solid gold and weighing almost one carat. When it arrives, merely deposit $4.50 with the postman, then wear the gem for ten days. If you or your friends can tell a Hexnite Gem Irom a diamond, send it back. If you decide to buy it, send only $3.00 monthly until $16.50 is paid. Write for 32-page catalog showing hundreds of wonderful bargains. Address Dept.6U5~B The HEXNITE CO., 116 Nassau St.. New York A Single Drop Last s ° a We e K: Write the Words For a Song! Write the words for a song. We revise song-poems, compose music for them, and guarantee to secure publication on a roj-alty basis by a New York music publisher. Our Lyric Editor and Chief Composer is a song-writer of national reputation and has written many big song-hits. Millions of copies of his songs have been sold. Mail your song-poem on love, peace, victory or any other subject to us today. Poems submitted, are examined free. Broadway Composing Studios, 252 FITZGERALD BUILDING, Broadway at Times Square, New York, N. Y. STRAIGHTEN YOUR TOES BANISH THAT BUNION m Flower Drops the most exquisite perfume ever produce:!. Mttue irom flowers. A single drop lasts a week. Bottle like picture with long plaes stopper. Lilac or Crabapple, $1.50; Lily of the Valley, Rose or Violet, $2.00; Romanza, our latest Flower Drops, $2.50. Above odors in half oz. bottles S8.00, one oz. $15.00. Send 20c stamps or silver for mini it tu re bottle. Rieger's Flower Drops Toilet Water $1.75 large 5 ounce hexagonal bottle. Send BO Rieger's Mori Amour, ounce $1.^ Garden Queen. $2.00; Alcazar, $2,25; Parfum Rifnzi, $2.50, nothing finer; Honolulu Boquet $1.00 At druggists or by mail. Send $1.00 for souvenir bos of five 25c bottles, different odors. PflULRIEGER&CO. 297 1stS»..SanFrancisco ACFIELD'S Perfection Toe Spring Worn at ntg-ht, \ for day use. Removes the Actual Cause of the enlarged joint and bunion. Sent on approval. Money back if not a3 represented. Send outline of foot. Use my Improved Instep Support for weak arches. Full particulars and adin.ee fres in ^ plain envelope. C. R. ACFIELD, Foot Specialties, (Estab. 190t) Marbridfre Building Depl. 252, 1328 Broadway, & 47 W. 34th St., New York FRECKLES Now Is the Time to Get Rid of These Ugly Spots There's no longer the slightest need of feeling ashamed of your freckles, as Othine — double strength— is guaranteed to remove these homely spots. Simply get an ounce of Othine — double strength — from your druggist, and apply a little of it night and morning and you should soon see that even the worst freckles have begun to disappear, while the lighter ones have vanished entirely. It is seldom that more than one ounce is needed to completely clear the skin and gain a beautiful clear complexion. Be sure to ask for the double strength Othine. as this is sold under guarantee of money back if it fails to remove freckles. — Adv. Addresses of Players Asked for by readers whose letters are answered by The Oracle this month : Address Ralph Graves, Dorothy Gish Carol Dempster at the Griffith Studios, Mamaroneck, Orienta Point. New York. Ethel Clayton, Billie Burke, Mae Murray. Dorothy Dalton, Alma Tell, and Robert Warwick at the Paramount Pictures Corporation. 485 Fifth Avenue, New York City. Francis Ford. Texas Guinan. and George Cheseboro, at the Francis Ford Studios, Hollywood, California. Bessie Love, Marjorie Daw, Pat O'Malley, Wesley Barry, and James Kirkwood, at the Hollywood Studios. Hollywood. California. Hope Hampton and Bert Lytell, at the Metro Studios. New York City. Gaston Glass, at the Green Room Club, New York City. Percy Marmont, at the Lambs' Club, New York City. Gloria Swanson, Ann May. Agnes Ayres, Wallace Reid, Monte Blue. Lois Wilson, Jack Holt, and Conrad Nagel. at the Lasky Studios, Hollywood, California. Edith Roberts. Marie Walcamp. Wheeler Oakman, Eva Novak. Eddy Polo, and Kathryn Adams, at the Universal Studios, Uni" versal City, California. Mary Thurman. Mary Pickford, Mae Marsh, Clare Adams, Niles Welch, Eddie Sutherland, Lew Cody. Warren Kerrigan, Emory Johnson, and Bessie Barriscale. at the Brunton Studios, Melrose Avenue, Los Angeles, California. William Farnum and Pearl White, at the Fox Film Corporation, New York City. Wanda Hawley and Bebe Daniels, at the Morosco Studios. Los Angeles. California. Anita Stewart, Herbert Rawlinson. and Mildred Harris, at the Louis B. Mayer Studios, Los Angeles. California. Martha Mansfield. Conway Tearle. Zeena Keefe. William Faversham, Maurice Costello, and Hedda Hopper, at the Selznick Pictures Corporation, 729 Seventh Avenue. New York City. Ruth Stonehousc. Buster Keaton, Viola Dana, and Alia Nazimova. at the Metro Studios. Hollywood. California. Tom Moore. Mabel Normand. Helene Chadwiek, Leatrice Joy. and Mary Alden. at the Goldwyn Studios, "Culver City, California. Justine Johnstone and Constance Binney. at the Realart Pictures Corporation. 469 Fifth Avenue. New York City. Tom Mix. Shirley Mason. Buck Jones, and Eileen Percy, at the Fox Studios, Western Avenue, Hollywood, California. Alma Rubens, at the Cosmopolitan Studios, New York City. Vivian Martin, at the Goldwyn Studios, Long Island. New York. Corinne Griffith. Alice Joyce. Robert Gordon, at the Vitagraph Company, 469 Fifth Avenue. New York City. Jean Paige and Earle Williams, at the Vitagraph Studios. Hollywood. California. Douglas MacLean, Lloyd Hughes. Louise Glaum. Betty Blythe. and Doris May, at the Ince Studios' Culver City. California. Pauline Frederick and Sessue Hayakawa, at the Robertson-Cole Studios, Los Angeles, California. Kenneth Harlan. Constance Talmadge, Norma Talmadge. and Harrison Ford, at the Talmadge Studios. 318 East JForty-eighth Street. New York City. Dorothv de Vore and Patricia Palmer, at the Christie Studios, Gower Street, Hollywood. California. Charles Ray, at the Charles Ray Studios, Fleming Street, Los Angeles. California. William Desmond. Antonio Moreno, Thomas Meighan. and Albert Rav. at the Los Angeles Athletic Club. Los Angeles. California. Bettv Francisco. Jack Hoxie. and Grace Cunard. at the National Film Corporation. Gower Street. Hollywood. California. Doris Kenvon. Ruth Roland, and Charles Hutchinson, at the Pathe Exchange, 25 West Forty-fifth Street. New York City. Irene Castle, at the Hodkinson Pictures Corporation. 527 Fifth Avenue. New York City , „ Francis X Bushman and Beverly Bayne, at Egan's Theater Los Anseles. California. Katherine MacDonald. at the Katherine MacDonald Studios. Los Angeles, California. Address Mary MacLaren the same, m care of her sister. Miss MacDonald. Lionel Barrymore. Gladys Leslie. Dorothy Phillips Miriam Cooper, and Anna Nilsson. at the First National Pictures Corporation. New York City. , x, James Morrison. Paul Willis, .Tane Novak. Seena Owen. ZaSu Pitts. Rosemary Theby. Mary Anderson. Francellia Billmgton. Margarita Fisher. Kathleen O'Connor. Wallace MacDonald Bertram Grassby. and Hal Cooley, at Willis & Inglis, Los -Angeles, California, or the Mabel Condon Exchange, Hollywood, California.