Picture-Play Magazine (Sep 1921 - Feb 1922)

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14 Finish This Picture Fill in the missing lines. See how close you come to the original drawing. The above picture was drawn by Student Wynn Holcomb. We have a great number of students and graduates whose work appears in magazines and newspapers all over the country. Can You Draw? If you like to draw write for our book. Read about our new method Home Study Course in cartooning, illustrating, designing. Learn at home, by mail, in spare time. Become an Artist Illustrators, Cartoonists, Commercial Artists make big money. You can earn $25 to $100 a week and more. Learn under personal direction of Will H. Chandlee, famous newspaper, magazine, advertising artist of 30 years' successful experience. Book and Outfit Free Complete outfit free to new students. Write for handsome book, "How to Become an Artist." Tells what Course includes, shows many drawings made by Director Chandlee and many students. Write Postal NOW Don't miss our book. Even if you have no previous knowlcdsu of drawing, our Course will enable you to become a successful cai*toonist or illustrator. Many students earn money while they are learning. If you are ambitious to get ahead, to earn more money, write for our free book and special offer now. You can do as well as our other successful students! Write now for free book, "How to Become an Artist." Mail letter or postal. Washington School of Art, Inc. Room 1663 Marden Bldg., Washington, D. C. $$ For Ideas. Photoplay Plots accepted any form; revised, criticised, copyrighted, marlieted. Advice tree. Universal Scenario Corporation, 910 Exchange Bldg., Los Angeles. Secrets BeautyParhts I^eveakd Formerly Closely Guarded Secrets Now Yours! Find tun at ho for /node Beauty Work. Cryjncr demand everywhere for skilled lanicurists. Hair Dyers, ellen ___ntWavers, Chiropodists, etc. We can make you an Expert in every branch in just a few weeks' spare time at home. Moner-Ba"k Guarantee. You can earn a splendid income givintT Beauty Treatments among your friends and neighbors, or start a Beauty Parlor. FREE BOOK. Write NOW for Free Illustrated Booklet. See how easy it is to become a R,>auty Specialist and make big money in this fascinatintr work with our help. Orienlal System of Beauty Culture, Depl 89, ^^"^ ^ch" ago Oriainatore of the famous Oriental PreparaiionB Advertising Section News Notes from the Studios Continued from page 12 Some of the most remarkable double exposures ever taken appear in Mary Pickford's production of "Little Lord Fauntleroy," In them she plays a double role and appears to be several inches taller in one character than she is in the other. After finishing "The Secret of the Hills," Antonio Moreno will go to Honolulu for a vacation. Many of the scenes for this picture were taken at Lajolla, one of the most beautiful sections near San Diego, California. As soon as her scenes in "Over the Wire" are completed, Alice Lake will start work on "The Infamous Miss Revell" for Metro. When Viola Dana filmed scenes for "The Match Breaker" at Coronado Beach, such crowds were attracted there that the peanut and popcorn merchants prospered even more than usual. Out of gratitude to the little star for booming their trade, they have notified her that if she ever returns they will gladly supply her free with all the peanuts, popcorn, and hot dogs that she wants. "Oh, Buddy" has been selected as the title for the Christie comedy to follow "Nothing Like It," the first of the Christie Comedy Features to be released by Educational. "Good for Nothing," which is said to be the funniest scenario ever written by John Emerson and Anita Loos, will be Constance Talmadge's next starring vehicle. The vivacious young star has been resting in Lakewood, New Jersey, from her strenuous year of picture making and bridal gayeties, and promises to' bring greater freshness and vigor than ever to this production. Several scenes for "The Poverty of Riches," in which Leatrice Joy and Richard Dix play the leading roles, have been filmed at the Lewellyn Iron Works in Los Angeles. Harriet Hammond has been loaned by the Mack Sennett company to appear in support of Fatty Arbuckle in "Should a Man Marry?" Mary. Thurman, who was also once a member of the Sennett bathing contingent, plays opposite the star in this picture. "The Shulamite," based on the play by Edward Knoblock and Claude Askew will be Gloria Swanson's second starring vehicle. Shannon Day who appears in William De Mille's production of Rita Weiman's story, "The Stage Door," had ample training for such parts in the Ziegfeld Follies and Frolic, where she played three years. Write the Words for a Select your own ^^Kt: subject, then sub . ' . . ^. mit your poem to "^rv -^v^'^Jtfe;^' us. We write the • " ■ " music and guarantee publication. LEO FRIEDMAN, Composer to the Amer can people is at the head of our staff. Among his great successes are "MEET ME TONIGHT IN DREAMLAND," "LET ME CALL YOU SWEETHEART." Sales ran into the millions of copies. Send us a poem today. Set'on Mailt Co;, 920 S. Micfea. l^.jj.T?!:' vc UNDER MASTER TEACHERS A Complete Conservatory Course R-«r Wonderful home study music lessons under Dy l¥la.ll great American and European teachers. Endorsed by Paderewski. Master teachers guide and coacb you. Lessons a marvel of simplicity and completeness. Any Instrument ^oS^rllSe^d^^-S Piano. Harmony.Voice, Public Sciiool Music. Violin, Cornet, Mandolin, Guitar, Banjo, or Reed Organ— and we will send our Free Catalog with details of course you want. Send novr. UNIVERSITY EXTENSION CONSERVATORY 427 Siegel-Myers Bldg. Chicago. ilUaois Learn Piano! This Interesfing Free Book shows how you can become a skilledplayerof piano or or^ran in your own home, at one-quarter usual cost. Dr. Quinn's famous Written Method is endorsed by leading niuaiclana and heads of State ConBervatories. Successful 25 vear?. Play chonia at once and complete piece in every key. within 4 lessons. Scientific yet easy to understand. Fully illu.strated. For becinners or teachers, old or younif. All music free. Diploma granted. Write today for 64-patre free liook. "How to Learn Piano." M. L. Quinn Conservatory, Studio PP29, 59S Columbia Rd. Boston, 25. Mass. LEARN Movie Acting! A fascinating profession that pays Ibic. Would yoa like to know if you are adapted to this work? Send 10c for our Twelve-Hour Talent-Tester or Key to Movie Actins Aptitude, and find whether or not you are suited to take up Movie Acting. A novel, instructive and valuable work. Send dime or stamps today. A large, interesting, illustrated Booklet on Movie Acting included FREE ! FILM INFORMATION BUREAU. Sta. R, Jackton. MicL