Picture Play Magazine (Sep 1921 - Feb 1922)

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Advertising Section 3 %Zt' The Oliver Tvoewriter '^^Xi Monthly Installment Price, $55 Cash Price ^4^)^^ ^>|Q*50 Brand New FREE i^J^M^ ■ EASY TRIAL ^mm^^ TERMS The Oliver Typewriter Company announces a further reduction in price of the latest and improved Oliver No. 9 — formerly $100 — lately $64. The price alone is changed — not the standard model that has won such fame. Over 900,000 have been sold. This ofifer is based on the fact that the OHver has proven that it sells itself. We ship it direct from the factory to you. saving you the cost of selling. If any typewriter is worth $100, it is this sturdy, proven Oliver, the finest, the costliest Oliver ever built. A sensational offer The new 'eduction is due solely to our simplified method of selr .sg. It created a sensation in 1917. To abandon the standard price of $100 won the approval of the public, ^^'e now make a further' reduction, anticipating lowered costs of production. ^^'e now reduce the price to $49.50 for cash or $55 on installments, with over a vear to pay. The coupon brings the Oliver to you for five days' free trial. Be your own salesman. If you agree that it is the finest tyi^ewriter that any price can buy, ycu can save yourself half the usual price. When it arrives, put it through every test and comparison with other $100 standard typewriters. Then if you want to buy it, send $49.50 in cash. Or if 3'ou wish to take advantage of the installment plan, send us $3, then $4 per month until the $55 is paid. If you decide against it, ship it back at oitr expense. You do not risk a penny. Remember, this is a brand new Oliver, fresh from the factory — not second-hand, not rebuilt. Do not let the remarkably low price confuse you. Finest Oliver ever built This is the standard $100 typewriter, but it is sold direct from the factory to the user. You do not have to pay for an enormous army of salesmen nor for a costly chain of branch houses in 50 cities. You get exactly what $100 or more brings the usual way. And you keep what otherwise would be spent in selling you a typewriter. Merely mail the coupon below for a Free Trial Oliver or for further information. Check which. This method has been in use for 4 years. Thousands have taken advantage of it. "Why should you pay double — when double cannot bring more. This announcement is bound to bring a flood of orders. ]\Iail the coupon XOAV. so your order can be filled promptly. Hie OLIVER T^pewritSr (pmpany 1258 Oliver Typewriter Bldg., Chicago, III. You can save ^ $45 on our time I payment plan. I It costs us $5.50 " to carry your B account for 14 | months, if you I pay cash you | $1^1 1^ ■ 9 THE OLIVER TYPEWRITER COMPANY. 1258 Oliver Typewriter Bldg., Chicago, III. □ Ship me a new Oliver Xo. 9 Typewriter for five days' free inspection. If I keep it I will pay $35 as follows: S3 at the end of trial period and then at the rate of %i per month. The title to remain in you until fully paid for. If I make cash settlement at end of trial period I am to deduct ten per cent and remit to you S49.50. It I decide not to l;eep it. I will ship it back at your exrense at the end of five days. >[y shipping point is □ Do not send a machine until X order it. Mail me your hook — "The High Cost of Typewriters — The Keason and the Bemedy," your de luxe catalog and further information. Name Street Address City Occupation or Business State.