Picture Play Magazine (Sep 1921 - Feb 1922)

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ASPIRIN Name "Bayer" on Genuine Warning ! Unless you see the name "Bayer" on package or on tablets you are not getting genuine Aspirin prescribed by physicians for twenty-one years and proved safe by millions. Take Aspirin only as told in the Bayer package for Colds, Headache, Neuralgia, Rheumatism, Earache, Toothache, Lumbago and for Pain. Handy tin boxes of twelve Bayer Tablets of Aspirin cost iew cents. Druggists also sell larger packages. Aspirin is the trade mark of Bayer I\Ianufacture of Monoaceticacidester of Salicylicacid. MusicLessons ^t=Home: A Complete Conservatory Course By IVlsiil home study^music lessons under great American and European teachers. Endorsed by Paderewski. Master teachers guide and coach you. Lessons a marvel of simplicity and completeness. A Y_;~<^. ..^A Write tellingus course Any Instrument you are interested inPiano. Harmony.Voice, Public School Music, Violin, Comet, Mandolin, Guitar, Banjo, or Reed Organ— and we will send oor Free Catalog with details of course yon want. Send now. UNIVERSITY EXTENSION CONSERVATORY 463, Siegel-Myers BIdg. Chicago, lUinoia QUICK HAIR GROWTH! Box Free To You I rappp Would You Like Such a Hesult as This? Do yon want, free, ft trial box of K!osIcott* that has proved successful In bo many oases? Iffio, youneedonly to answer this adv. by poBtoardor letter, asking for FREE BOXi This famouB preparation is for dandruff, thinning h»ir and several forms of p Bj* p BALDNESS* In many cases, T V^EiEi [ a new hair growth has been reported when I all else had failed. So why not see for yourself f Eoskott la used by men and women I It la perfectly harmless and oftea starts hair growtn in a few dayi. Address t Koskott Laboratory. East 32d St., KC-151, New York N. Y. Don't Wear a Truss Brooks' Appliance, the modern scientific invention.the wonderful new discovery that, relieves rupture, will be sent on trial. No obnoxious springsl or pads. Brooks' Rupture Appliance Has automatic Air Cushions. Binds and draws the broken parts together as you would a broken limb. No salves. No lies. Durable, cheap. Sent on trial to prove it. Protected by U. S. patents. Catalog and measure blanks mailed free. Send name and address today. Brooks Appliance Co., 215-B SUtti St, Manball, MicL MR. C. E. BROOKS Advertising Section Where Do You Buy Beauty? Continued from page 23 the very simple life. But a glance at her proves the worth of this system. Lillian Gish combines all these methods. For exercise she turns to a wooden wand, such as children use in gymnasiums ; even when she goes on a journey which is to last a week or so she takes it along. She believes in cosmetics, too — that is, she uses a special kind of cold cream, the formula for which has been in her family for generations — she is of French descent, you know, and that's always a synon3'm for knowing interesting beauty secrets. Her mother has always prepared this cream, and it contains such delightful ingredients as French rose water, English almond meal, and honey — just plain American honey. Dorothy backs this up with a most invigorating bath salt — plain corn meal. One gets impossibly grubby in picture making, you know — --especially when working out on location, on a dirty field, or in such a city as that built for "The Two Orphans," where the ground is covered with cinders. A hot bath in which soap is supplemented by handfuls of corn meal is the best thing in the world to help in regaining cleanliness. Norma Talmadge has all sorts of expert care — massage to banish the bugaboo of increasing weight is one of the most important ones ; not that any of her friends have ever felt that she was too stout, but of course the motion picture magnifies one's size so that many actresses who look too thin in real Hfe are just right on the screen. Consequently many of them turn to diet — it's almost to be expected that, when you lunch with one of the screen's beauties, she'll say: "Order whatever you like — I'm dieting, of course, so I have just a cup of tea." LiUian Gish has her hair cleansed with an herb shampoo, which makes it fragrant as well as beautifully clean, and which is supplemented by massage. Betty Blythe hies her to a hairdresser who is an expert on massage, and has her head rubbed scientifically — and expensively, one hastens to add. It's likely to be an expensive business, this keeping one's beauty. But it's an interesting one, too — and you'll find that some of the market places described here are expensive in time and effort rather than in money. "I'm to be Manager of my Department starting Monday. The boss said he had been watching all the men. When he found I had been studying at home with the International Correspondence Schools he knew I had the right stuff in me — that I was bound to make good. Now we can move over to that house on Oakland Avenue and you can have a maid and take things easy. I tell you, Nell, taking that course with the I. C. S. was the best thing I ever did." Spare-time study with the I. C. S. is winning; promotions for thousands of men and bringing happiness to thousands of homes all over tlie world. In offices, shops, stores, mines, mills and on railroads, I. C. S. trained men are stepping up to big jobs over the heads of older men, past those whose only qualification is long service. There is a Job Ahead of YOU Some man is going to be picked for it. The boss can't take chances. When he selects the one to hold it he is going to choose a trained man with sound, practical knowledge of the work. Get busy right now and put yourself in line for that promotion. You can do it in spare time in your own home through the I. C. S., just as nearly two million men and women have done in the last 30 years, just as more than 130,000 men are doing today. The first step these men took was to mark and mail this coupon. Make your start the same way 1 ' ' TEAR OUT HERE — ■ — ^ — INTERNATIONAL CORRESPONDENCE SCHOOLS BOX 45 72-B 8CEANT0N, PA. Without cost or obligation, please explain how I can guahfy for the position, or in the subject le/ore which I have marked an X in the list below: — □ BUSINESS MANAQ'M'T □ SALESMANSmP □ elec. engineer U Electric Lighting & Bys. D Electric Wiring □ Telegraph Engineer □ Telephone Work □ MECHANICAL ENGB. □ Mechanical Draftsman □ Machine Shop Practice I] Toolmaker □ Gas Engine Operating 3 CIVIL ENGINEEK □ Surveying and Mapping H MINE FOR'N or ENGB. □ STATIONARY ENGB. J Marine Engineer 3 ABCmTECT □ Contractor and Builder □ Architectural Draftsman 3 Concrete Builder □ Structural Engineer □ PLUMBING & HEAT'G □ Sheet Metal Worker □ Text. Overseer or Supt. 3 CHEMIST □ Pbarmacy □ ADVEBTISINQ □ Railroad Positions □ ILLUSTRATING □ Show Card & Sign Ptr. □ Cartooning □ Private Secretary □ Business Correspondent □ BOOKKEEPER □ Stenographer & Typist □ Cert. Pub. Accountant a TRAFFIC MANAGEB □ Railway Accountant □ Commercial Law □ GOOD ENGLISH □ Com. School Subject! □ CIVIL SERVICE □ AUTOMOBILES □ Railway Mall Clerk □ Mathematics □ Navigation □ Agriculture □ Poultry □ Spanish D Banking I □ Teacher Name Streei and No. . Occupatloa : 2S yCAIfS THE STAHDRRD TmiM/iO SCHOOL FVR THCATRE ARTS ALVIET^E SCHOOtr jy&SMSa^C ARTS FOUl? SCHOOLS IN ONE. PRACTICAL STAGE TFJAININC.THE SCHOOL'S STUDENTS STOCKW. THEATRE Af FORD PUBLIC STAGE APPEARAMCES" Write lor catalog mentioning study desired to D. IRWIN, Secretary 43 W. 72d St. New York City ^Between B'way & Central Park West Skin Tortured Babies Sleep Mothers Rest After Cuticura Soap, Ointraent,TaIcum,25c. everywhere. Foreamplee address: Cuticura Laboratories, Dept.D, Maiden, MaiB