Picture-Play Magazine (Sep 1921 - Feb 1922)

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108 Advertising Section $35.( .5325.1 130.00 35A, 527.50 $?5.01I Jt22.50 $132.25. $137.50 No Money Down JUST send your name and address for our 128-page book of diamonds, watches and jewelry on credit. Millions of dollars worth of jewelry from which to choose your Xmas gifts. Your choice sent you on approval, without a penny down. Charge Account Plan Don't send a penny in advance. Your Eimple request brings any diamond or piece of jewelry you choose. When it comes examine it and if it is not the ereatest bargrain you have ever seen send it back at our expense. If you decide to keep it you can pay at the rate of only a few cents a day, 8% Yearly Dividends You are guaranteed an 8% yearly increase in value on all diamond exchanges. Also 6% bonus privilege. Catalog tells how. Wriie Today for Xmas Catalog Send your name and address noiv. No oblig-ation. Beautiful Christmas catalog comes free by return mail. It explains eiI 1 about Lyon Charge Account Plan. See this great collection of jewelry bargains now. Send your name icr cacalog today to Dept. 1751 cJ M LYON (S GO. 1 Maide.n I.aiie. New York N.Y. Maxixe BOUDOIR SAFETY RAZOR Ready for the occasion which requires an evening gown or bathing suit. The ordinary safety razor is too wide for the curves under the arms. The "Maxixe" is made just for this purpose, only % of an inch wide. The "Maxixe" is beautifully gold plated, packed one in a box, four blades, and a cake of antiseptic soap. All for $1.00. If your shop cannot supply you we will mail you one on receipt of price. OVERLAND MFG. CO, Dept. B 71 West 23rd Street New York I Mrs. J. G. — Roscoe Karns was the ^•oung man who portrayed the role of Bradley Caldivcll, Jr., in the Gladys Walton feature, "The Man Tamer." All addresses at the end of this department. Lester .\. — John Jones and Lucille Rickson are the two youngsters who appear in the Goldwyn-Booth TarkingtonEdgar comedies. They are both in California. You will find all the addresses you asked for at the end of The Oracle. Thos. B. H. Jk. — If J. Warren Kerrigan lost ten years, as you say, then he was ten years old when he was born. He arrived on this hemisphere at Louisville, Kentuckj-, in 1889. Figure it out for yourself. Charles Meredith played the leading male role opposite Dorothy Dalton in "A Romantic Adventuress." W ILMA H. — Marguerite Cortot and June Caprice are not sisters. They aren't even related. June Elvidge has flitted from the screen to the stage. She is headlining on the Keith circuit. Gladys George played opposite Charles Ray in "Red Hot dollars." Your other questions have been answered elsewhere in these columns. Miss Bf.rth.\ P. — "Hoot" Gibson was born in Takamah, Nebraska, in 1892. He has light hair and blue eyes. He is making feature pictures for the Universal. His latest is "The Sheriff of Cinnabar," adapted from the Peter B. Kyne story of that name. Molly Malone, the former Goldwyn leading lady, has the important feminine role in this picture. He has no children and has not married again. He is five feet ten and weighs one hundred and sixty pounds. You will have to write to him personally for his autographed photo. Suz.AXXE D. — Ward Crane does not appear with any one company. He is free lancing and takes what parts he is cast for, no matter who the company maj be. Your other questions concerning him have already been answered in this issue. Rosalie W. — Robert Brunton is not the husband of Kitty Gordon. She is Lady Beresford in pri\-ate life. Wallace Reid was born in St. Louis, ^Missouri in 1892. Harold Lockwood will continue to be seen on the screen only should they decide to reissue his old Metro productions. Joseph Schenck is married to Norma Talmadge. Wallace Reid has one son, William Wallace Reid, Jr. Jack Mulhall's wife is dead. Her name w"as Laura Bunton. She left a son four years of age. Wheeler Oakman will not appear opposite his wife, Priscilla Dean, for the present at least, as he has signed a contract with another company-. It looks as if Geraldine Farrar has deserted the silver sheet for some time to come, as she is at present planning an extensive operatic tour for the coming y-ear. Harold Lockwood died on October 27, 1918. "The Oft' Shore Pirate" was released some little time ago. "Peter Ibbetson" is the latest picture in which Elsie Ferguson appears. In the same cast are Wallace Reid and Elliott Dexter. You will find y-our other questions already answered. Texas Blue Bonnet. — ?ilay Allison is not married. Yes, Gloria Swanson is really the proud mother of a baby girl. Colleen Moore has one blue eye and one brown. Odd, isn't it? It is not noticeable however, and you wouldn't think so unless your attention was called to the fact. Gwendolyn R. — ZaSu Pitts was born in Parsons. Kansas, in i8g8. She is five and a half feet tall and weighs one hundred and fifteen pounds. She is the wife of Tom Gallery, the juvenile leading man. They were married on the 25th of July, 1920. Tom Moore and his brother Owen both have brown hair. AIiss Helen Louise P. — Thomas Meighan was born in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. He is six feet tall and weighs one hundred and seventy pounds. His hair and eyes are dark brown. Some people might think it black. It's that dark. He is the husband of Frances Ring. His latest pictures to be released are "The Conquest of Canaan" and "Cappy Ricks." Elden S. — The cast for "The False Road," was as follows : Enid Bennett was Betty Palmer, Lloy-d Hughes was Roger Moran, Wade Boteler was Sapphire Mike Wilson, Lucille Young was "Frisco" Minnie, Charles Smiley was Joshua Starbitck. Edithe York was Mother Starbuck, and Gordon ^lullen was the crooked chauffeur. Mess AIer Rizer. — Fannie Ward is not making any pictures. I don't think she intends to return to the United States for some time, as she recently sold her home and art treasures in the United States. She is in Italy at the present writing. Ralph Grax-es Admirer. — Ralph Graves was born in Cleveland, Ohio, just twentyone years ago. His screen career consists of two years with Essanay, Universa', World, Tourneur, and Griffith. Some of his better pictures were, "Sporting Life," "The \\'hite Heather," "The Greatest Question,'' and "Dream Street." He is at present in Los Angeles, California, where he is playing the leading male role in Raoul Walsh's production of Peter B. Kyne's, "Kindred of the Dust." I do not know anything good or bad about the school of acting y-ou speak about. ^Marguerite C. — Ruth Roland was born in San Francisco, California in 1893. George Larkin was born in New York three years before Ruth made her debut into this world. P. D. — Wanda Hawley played opposite Wallace Reid in "The Lottery Alan." ^largaret Loomis appeared opposite him in "Alway-s .\udacious," and Ann Little in "Excuse My Dust." Hands Across the Sea. — Speaking of you being near icebergs reminds me that the heat is terrific here. I w-ould like to have one of those "bergs" to bathe my heated brow with right now. Bobby and Brownie Vernon are not related. Lincoln Steadman is My-rtle Steadman's son. Faire and Constance Binney are sisters. Sorry to hear of your illness. Hope by this time you are O. K. once more. Miss Anna H. — Address at the end of The Oracle. Miss Velma. — Earle Williams is married to Florence Walz. Alice Joyce is I\lrs. James Regan, Jr. Addresses at the end of this department. Lucy M. — Bebe Daniels is not engaged to Harold Lloy-d. Thomas H. Ince, Ralph Ince, and John Ince are all brothers. Carmel Meyers was born in 1901. Edna B. — Robert Leonard is married to Mae ^Murray-. He also directs her. Ella Hall is the wife of Emory Johnson. They have two little boys. Ella does not play in pictures any more. I expect that the care of her two small sons keeps her quite busy^ Emory, however, is to be seen on the silver sheet. Viola Dana is not married. Her husband died during the "flu" epidemic. She has no children. Viola has been on the stage since she was a little girl. She started in pictures several years ago with the Edison company-. She was born in 1898.