Picture Play Magazine (Mar-Aug 1924)

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97 In the Days of 1776 EVERY one whose memory goes back to the '90s will recall "Janice Meredith" as one of the most popular romantic novels of that decade, in which romantic novels had such a vogue. That story, which is laid in the time of the American Revolution, has been filmed by Cosmopolitan, with Marion Davies in the title role. One of the big thrills of the picture is the scene showing Washington — played by Joseph Kilgour — crossing the Delaware. Only toward the end of last winter was it possible to make these scenes. Griffith, you will recall, had to forgo that incident in "America" on account of the open winter and the absence of ice in the rivers. Harrison Ford, who plays opposite Marion, takes the role of Charles Foivnes, bound in service to the Merediths, at the beginning of the story, but later rising to the rank of captain in Washington' s army. The scene at the left shows the village of Trenton, which was built near West Point. The soldiers who appear in the battle scenes were members of the Twenty-sixth Infantry. Like all the recent Cosmopolitan productions, "Janice Meredith" is an elaborate affair, and one made at a huge cost. It will be one of the biggest of the forthcoming productions.