Picture-Play Magazine (Sep 1925 - Feb 1926)

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82 From the Land of the Vikings From Scandinavia comes still another to join our already swollen ranks of foreign screen actresses. The latest arrival is Greta Garbo, who is famed throughout Europe for her beauty and talent, and has just come to this country to do some pictures for Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer. A native of Sweden, she is a statuesque blonde, very reserved in manner. Just what will be the films that she will make in America has not been decided, but they will probably be of a very dramatic nature, as she has a particular flair for that sort of thing. It was she who played the leading role in the big Continental production of Selraa Lagerlof's "The Story of Gosta Berling," and it was her performance in that which first brought her fame two years ago.