Picture-Play Magazine (Sep 1925 - Feb 1926)

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112 Advertising Section f BROS.fi CO. u m Diamonds such as your heart has always craved— distinctive for their fine quality, purity of color, and dazzling radiance — all set in the latest style solid gold mountings! It's easy f ore veryonetoget a Diamond Ring on the Loftis credit plan. All goods skipped on first payment of I0%— balance on easy weekly. <semi-monthly or monthly credit terms at y our convenience. Free! Big Diamond Book Big 132 Page Diamond Book sent yoa absolutely free — no obligation. Over 2000 illustrations of amazing bargains in Diamonds. Watches, Jewelry, Silverware, etc. .oneasy credit. Writetoday. Wrist Watch — No. 839— 14-K white gold, band engraved case. Fancy Wingenda. Silver dial . High gradesJewel movement. $30. $3 down and $1 a week 17-Jewel Elgin—No.1 5 — Green gold, ElginWatch; 25-year quality case: 12 size;giltdial; $30. $3 down $1 aweek LOFTIS BROS. & CO E Established 185S The Old Reliable Original Credit Jewelers Stores in Leading Cities Dept. K927, 108 North State Street. Chicago, III, RADIO FANS Listen in on WHT every. Tuesday night from 7 to 7:30, every Friday night from 10 to 10:30. centra! standard time. Loftis Bros. & Co.'s hour of music. Your Handwriting Reveals Your Character! Send 25c (silver) and ink sample of own or friend's writing for expert analysis and astounding demonstration of dominant characteristics. Real guide to success. P. PENCRAFT, HAMBURG, N. Y. r Jace Powder" Known and loved by four generations ON SALE EVERYWHERE Write for free sample of face ppwder and Booklet '* illustrating new Lablache Creations Ben Levy Co., Dept. 48 izc Kingston St., Boston, U.S. a. ■a » h± Something ^NJW for BOBBED HAIR There is a tremendous difference in bobs. Some are wonderfully attractive and becoming, while others, well — which kind is yours ? I wish you could picture the becoming kind I have in mind — the sort that makes men turn to admire. I can't tell you what the color is, but it's full of those tiny dancing lights that somehow suggest auburn, yet which are really no more actual color than sunlight is. It's on ly when the head is moved that you catch the auburn suggestion— the fleeting glint of gold. You have no idea how much your bob can be improved with the "tiny tint" Golden Glint Shampoo will give it. If you want a bob like that I have in mind, buy a package and see for yourself. At all drug stores, or send 25^ direct to J.W.KobiCo.,678 Rainier Ave., Seattle, Wa. -..CJ.'nt do, and to those who are partly responsible for her disappearance. Why has she vanished so completely from our midst? Perhaps those can account for her disappearance who constantly slammed her right and left, who presented her with brickbats instead o' bits of encouragement and much-deserved praise. I had hoped that she would remain stolid to these knockers and disprove their ironical remarks with her splendid work, but it seems that she really has been frightened away by these oppressors. And how can there be success where there is no appreciative cooperation and no sympathy? Her producers, too, can take a goodly portion of this letter to heart. She had to accept perfectly punk stories and make of them the best she could — the kind that don't help a star's popularity any. Do you wonder then that she has left us? You fans who have a little spirit of faithfulness left in you, and those of you who are with me heart and soul, let us hope for her return. Helen Overling. 3201 Auburn Avenue, Chicago, 111. A Tribute to Marilyn Mills. This is just a note to show how much I think of Marilyn Mills. She is one of the sweetest and bravest little girls — and nobody mentions her at all ! She is working so hard to please her friends — and come, fans — let's boost ! Lucile Carlson. 206 East Main Street, Detroit, Mich. A Fine Characterization. I do not like to break in upon the controversy as to whether John Gilbert or Ronald Colman is the screen's greatest lover, but I do want to sing the praise of one who has given us one of the screen's finest characterizations. I speak of Richard Dix's Nophaie in "The Vanishing American." If ever an actor gave a perfect portrayal, this is it. It ranks with Barthelmess' Cheng Hum, with Barrymore's Jekytt and Hyde. Roland O. Clark. 18 Oakland Avenue, Bloomfield, N. J. Should Old Acquaintance be Forgot? How I should dearly love to see again in pictures to-day some of the old favorites : the fiery, peppy. Pearl White, cute Billie Burke, Florence Reed, Virginia Pearson, Edna Goodrich, Valeska Surratt, Irene Castle, Louise Huff, Louise Glaum, Juanita Hansen, Marguerite Clark, Barbara Tenant, Enid Markey, Rhea Mitchell, Francelia Billington, Marcia Manon, Jackie Saunders, Kathleen Clifford. Margaret Loomis, and. oh, ever so many others. I am in the late twenties, but still love the old-time favorites. Not long ago, I saw a picture in which Cleo Madison appeared and another with Eulalie Jensen, both of whom were good players of the past, and both capably played their roles with great understanding. I wish we. could have more of them. Do you remember Anne Luther, Anne Murdock, Nell Shipman, Winifred Allen, and my darling Marie Doro? And where is Mary McLaren? We still see some of the old favorites in pictures to-day — for instance, Gladys Brockwell, Seena Owen, Miriam Cooper, Eileen Percy, and Rosemary Theby. Some time ago I saw a picture with an actress in it by the name of Jane Grey. She played the part of an overworked w-ife, and did it capably. Let's see more of her. Also of Margaret Fielding, who plaved the role of Mo. Mark Sabre in "If Winter Comes." Also, please let us see more of vx e r^aci and near aaf-~rr*"-"-~Hrr 'prer* Hayakawa ; Laska Winter, a little fiery piece of humanity; Mildred Harris, who 1 think is quite pretty and spoiled; Edna May Oliver, a good character actress who, I believe, played in "Icebound;" Ruth Clifford, a good little actress ; {Catherine Grant, the dimpled comedy girl, who, I think should have better roles ; Sally Crute, an old favorite; Carmelita Geraghty, for her sheer downright helplessness and pretty eyes ; Pauline Starke, that bunch of emotionalism ; Wanda Wiley, a comedy . cutie, and Dorothy Gumming, a capable actress ; also Dorothy Devore. I would like to have back Mae Marsh, Marie Doro, and Violet Mersereau. I wish we could have Dagny Servys and Lee Parry, two foreign players, in our pictures. And, oh, Emil Jannings, that artist — that superb artist! Were there not a few players by the names of Galena Johnson, a pretty blonde, and Helene Dixon, who played in spoiled aristocratic fashion? I am naming only players that seem to have played and then disappeared. Of course, I love many of the recent players and, of course, all the old favorites who have held their position, but one cannot forget the many of the past who indelibly left their marks and who have somehow disappeared. Mary Cochran. 4 Woessner Avenue, N. S. Pittsburgh, Pa. They Can't Compare with Gloria. The interview between Myrtle Gebhart and Gloria Swanson in the October Picture-Play was the sincerest, most beautiful article that this writer has ever read. Gloria Swanson need have no fear for the future. Her fans love this wonderful new Gloria ! The critics, who are already picking Norma Shearer, Pola Negri, and others to supplant Gloria Swanson, make me tired ! Norma Shearer, Pola Negri, and all the rest are all right in their places, but they can't compare with Gloria. Winona Dreben. 1727 Second Avenue, Dallas, Texas. And Doris Impresses Every One This Way. As I enjoy most the' letters from the fans telling of personal meetings with the stars I should like to tell about meeting Doris Kenyon. Dainty, sincere, unaffected Doris ! She had written a personal reply and sent the most adorable big autographed photograph to me. Then I met her backstage when she was starring in "The Gift." Her voice, not high and squeaky, as one might imagine, but low and charmingly well modulated. And, oh! her beauty is breath taking! (I'm not a press agent, either ! ) Honest to goodness, she is synonymous with roses, spring, and dainty chiffons. "Unaffected" is a mild word when trying to explain Doris' candor and frankness. After my first meeting I felt that I had known her all my life. I wouldn't even be afraid to say "Doris, what is a ten-letter word meaning squatreinmenioun?" And when I left her what do you think she said? "You must come and see me some time!" That was a good joke on me, though ! Where would you look for her? Diana Lee. 120 Milton Avenue, Easton, Pa. Are the Movies All Imagination? Why all the excitement about "Should the stars' private lives be made public?" It should not affect the would-be fans as it does. The movies are the movies. I know that w-hen Conway holds Corinne so lovingly and adoringly in his arms he is not getting the thrill out of it he would if it were real.