Picture-Play Magazine (Sep 1925 - Feb 1926)

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J8 J20 Advertising Section flHITft IIOSE ADJUSTER (Patented) i Shapes while you sleep. Doctors recommend it hlehly and proclaim ANITA the safest and most comfortable way to get n PERFECT shaped iw.r. Absolutely GUARANTEED, No screws — No M e t a 1 Write for Free Booklet "Nature's Way to Happiness BEFORE 1AFTER Dept. 290 S29 Springfield Ave. TheflniTftCo. Anita Building Newark, N. J. Feb. '23 rt ComerYsur "Pictures-Album where you can keep them safe and eojoy the CD always. s E r\g>efl ^ s Styles j'/^rt <Torners"( Colors are on sate at Photo Supply and Album counters everywhere. They are the only Quick. Easy, Artistic, •^Lk No Paste, No Fold way to mount lOr Kodak Prints. A dime brings 100 D,„r-, tu>a samples to try. Write E»Uy>y ENGEL MFG. CO. %0 O 1 ),,f,t 4'1B 4711 H> Clarh St" Cni«20 Here's the Career Jtfor YOU iiKn/^BTO.Get into Motion Picture Camera WorK, Portrait and Commercial Photography. Learn at home. Big money while learning. Earn up to $250 a week Hundreds of positions pay $75 to §250 a week. Or open your own studio. Easy, fascinating work. . CAMERA FREE c to students. Your choice of real Motion Picture Camera using professional film or 5x7 View Camera, anastigmat lens. Writp *or Free Book on Professional Photography. Explains amazing opportunities. NEW YORK INSTITUTE OF PHOTOGRAPHY Dept. 3 143 W. 36th St., New York. N.Y, Note : If you prefer to come to our studios for instruction, write for Catalog R-3 to nearest address : 141 W, 86tb St., New York, or 630 So. Wabash Ave., Chicago, True Western Stories The New Magazine with the Thrill 25c per copy Physicians, nurses to reduce. Contains no epsom salts, no alum. No, % t/t iS=2^^TS »-.Sei<1 nnly.Sl.00 for 3 c _ I 1 ... «^ 1 _ m. No, 0 for 3 c ourth Avenuv oucT^ «.! -V < I •■■OU Ray's Faithful Sam.y. — So you have a bone to pick with me? Well, then, let's make it a wishbone. The reason I didn't include Wanda Hawley's address when you asked for it was that she wasn't making a picture at the time, and I couldn't find out where to reach her. According to last accounts, she was making "The Midnight Limited" for Kayart Pictures — address below. Maurice Costello is now directing at Warner Brothers studio. I don't know of any screen stars whose birthdays occur on February 2d ; 1 seldom know the birthdays. Admirer of Milton Sills. — I suppose you read of Milton Sills* recent divorce from Gladys Wynne ; and, since you admire him so much, you probably know that he was once a college professor. His new pictures are "The Unguarded Hour" and "Men of Steel." Kenneth Harlan is married to Marie Prevost, with whom he recently appeared in "Bobbed Hair." Edmund Lowe recently married Lilyan Tashman. Powell Fan. — Xever let it be said that any one repeatedly seeks information — from me — and doesn't get it. However, it was impossible to publish your answers in the issue you mention, as that was already in print at the date of the receipt of your letter. William Powell was born in 1892 ; he is six feet tall and has dark-brown hair and blue eyes. He is married and has a baby son. He frequently makes pictures in California, but, at the time of this writing, is in Spain playing in the film version of Ibanez' "Queen Calafia." Yes, he appeared on the stage for ten years before playing in pictures. Questions. — What shall you call me? Well, I'll stand for almost anything, but do try to be reasonable. Fm sorry I know practically nothing about Dorothy Seastrom, as it is only in the past few months that she has come out into the limelight. I feel sure that she would send you her photo if you wrote to her at the address listed below. John's Girl. — Fm glad to know that John has a girl ; I was getting a little worried about him. Niles Welch is about thirty-five and has played in pictures for about ten years. You can reach him at the address listed below. John Barrymore was born in 1882, but I don't know in what month. "The Sea Beast" was released in January. Clara Kimball Young doesn't give her age. Madge Kennedy doesn't wish her home address published, and since she is not connected with any film company, I don't know how it is possible to write to her. A Constant Reader. — It was Ronald Colman who played the male lead in "The White Sister." That was his first appearance on the screen in America — the rest is film history ! H. M. — So you would like to know more about Buck Jones? That's easy. He was born in Indiana, but he doesn't say when. He is not quite six feet tall, and has brown hair and gray eyes. He is married, but I do not know "to whom. He is under contract to Fox Film Company — address below. His hobby, by the way, is police dogs, and he has a large kennel. Bilge. — You sound rather seagoing. "Barthelmess" is pronounced with the accent on the Bar; thel has a short e as in "help." "Xazimova" — accent on second syllable, im as in "dim." "Chaney" has a long a, accent on first syllable. The addresses you wish have been added to the list. ... QJL .t\.— &^Jil\friES,aVeN"as"^ii'as iieen are f£ pictures, besides those you mention, include. "A Thief in Paradise" — about a year old — "His Hour,'' "Wife of the Centaur." and 'A Kiss in the Dark." H. A. M. — I suppose you're just a good egg. Elsie Ferguson has no studio address, as she has not played in pictures for several years. She lives at Great Neck. Long Island. Pauline Frederick has been playing on the stage in Australia for some months. Julanne Johnston is not under contract, and therefore has no permanent studio address ; I have listed her home address, however, in the space reserved for addresses. E. K. — I'm always ready and eager to answer questions, but not in "the next issue." That can't be done. By the time you are reading one issue, the next is off the presses being sent all over the country. Alice Calhoun began playing in pictures seven years ago ; I suppose she left her home town, Cleveland, about that time. Miss Calhoun has very dark-brown — almost black — hair and eyes. She doesn't give her height, but I should say she is about five feet three. As far as I know, she is not engaged. I do not hear of Eileen Burdette in pictures, though perhaps she is still playing in short comedies ; the players in two reelers seem to remain more or less anonymous. Nan. — Yes, sometimes I get tired of answering questions, but I haven't made money enough at it so far to retire. I haven't heard anything of a separation between Percy Marmont and his wife. I didn't see "Daddy's Gone A'-hunting;" if I attempted to see every picture that is produced, I'd have to sit up all night finding time to play movie encyclopaedia. No. Marilyn Miller Pickford never played in pictures ; a report got about that she doesn't screen well, which seems hard to understand, since she takes beautiful photographs. Ruth Roland has made so much money in California real estate that she doesn't have to work in pictures, and very seldom appears on the screen nowadays. Joan Nathan. — It seems to be a waiting business for all Ramon Novarro's fails who have palpitations every time they see him in a new picture. With the exception of "The Midshipman," Ramon's only picture in the last two years is the everlasting "Ben-Hur." The Girl from the Windy City. — I'm glad to see you blow in again, only I do wish you had reminded me wdiat "Just a Fan's" offer was. as. of course, after all these months, with so many people writing in, I can't remember. Norma Shearer did not have her hair bobbed the last time I saw her. and I don't think Jacqueline Logan's is bobbed, either. O. O'C. — I don't know what to suggest for you to obtain a secretarial position with a screen star ; but I think, for one thing, that you had better acquire some other experience first. Most stars' secretaries that I have met are' women with five or six years' experience. That length" of time wouldn't, of course, be necessary. Why don't you try to obtain a position in the office of one of the big film companies in New York — all their addresses are in the telephone directory — and in that way work up and get both the necessary experience and a means of introduction to some star? Marie Fischer. — Ruth Roland is five feet four inches, weighs one hundred and twenty-two pounds, and has auburn hair and violet eyes. I have no description of Margaret Quimby, as she is quite new to the screen. I have added to the l'l