Picture-Play Magazine (Mar-Aug 1926)

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118 VjOU can play this wonderful instrument » JASCHA GUREWICH nrrl) mtli Snuu'i !l.,n J Ntu VorkOty If you can whistle a tune, you can master the Saxophone. 3 free lessons give you a quick easy start. Play scales in an hour, tunes in a week. Send coupon today for literature on any instrument. Get our free trial, easy payment plan. No obligation. Nothing else could give you greater pleasure than a ^Tme^one Saxophone Buescher Band Instrument Co. Everything in Band and Orchestra Instruments 1354 Buescher Block Elkhart, Indiana Clip the Coupon WOW! BUESCHER BAND INSTRUMENT CO. 1354 Buescher Block, Elkhart, Indiana. Gentlemen: I am interested in instrument checked below: SaxophoneQ CornetQ TromboneO TrumpetQ Mention any other Name Street Address Town State I Town I -J You Can't Hide Your Weakness Don't take the fatal step until you fit yourself for matrimony, before you ask any woman to marry you. If you are weak, watery-blooded, bilious, your manhood marred through dissipations, you are in no condition to ask any girl to marry you. Don't do it! You will regret it all your life, and the girl who loves and trusts you now will despise and detest you when she learns you are not a real man in the fullest sense of the word. Put on flesh, if you are a walking skeleton; trim down, if you are grossly fat. Build yourself up until you are fine and fit again. You can do it — if you will take my advice and begin NOW ! RESTORE YOUR PEP I will tell you what to do and how to do it. I have spent my life studying Nature's way of restoring health, strength and vigor to men and women '(who have lived too hard or too fast; who have, through ignorance or folly, violated Nature's Laws and are paying the penalty for it. If your virility is gone; if you are unfit and are becoming more so every day — I WILL HELP YOU. You won't need drugs or dope of any kind. I will show you how Nature herself can free you from the ailments that are keeping you down — strengthen your vital organs — clear your brain, and make of you a he-man again. SEND FOR MY FREE BOOK It will tell you more about muscle building and health than any other book available. Send for your copy today. Use coupon below. dMGFC physical and J]ealth Specialist for over 25 Years„ Dept. 126 Newark, N. J, STRONGFORT The Perfect Man, Dept. FREE CONSULTATION Clip and Send this Coupon ABSOLUTELY CONFIDENTIAL Mr. Lionel Strongfort, Strongfort Institute 126, Newark, IV J. — Please send me absolutely free my copy of your hook. "PROMOTION AND CONSERVATION OF HEALTH, STRENGTH AND MENTAL ENERGY." I enclose a ten cent piece (a dime) to help cover mailing expense, etc. Name Age Occupation... Street City State. Advertising Section handled so well that it is very amusing. Tom Moore, Florence Vidor, and Ford Sterling furnish the fun. "Wanderer, The" — Paramount. Spectacular film based on biblical story of prodigal son, with William Collier, Jr., acquitting himself well in the difficult leading role, and Greta Nissen interesting as dancer who leads him astray. Ernest Torrencc, in part of villain, gives best performance of picture. "Wild Horse Mesa" — Paramount. Western melodrama, with good cast, including Jack Holt, who does some fine riding, Billie Dove, Douglas Fairbanks, Jr., and a company of wild horses. "Winds of Chance"— First National. The gold rush taken seriously. Complicated plot, with Ben Lyon as hero, and with Anna Q. Nilsson and Viola Dana, both heroines. RECOMMENDED — WITH RESERVATIONS. "Best People, The" — Paramount. Shopworn tale of wealthy, drinking, dancing family who make fuss when favorite daughter falls in love with model chauffeur. Warner Baxter and Esther Ralston head cast. "Bright Lights" — Metro-Goldwyn. Rustic drama of a country boy and a chorus girl in which Charles Ray is made to look foolish in a type of role that he long ago outgrew. Pauline Starke is thoroughly suitable as the chorus girl. "Circle, The"— Metro-Goldwyn. A very bad picture of a good play, poorly adapted, poorly directed, and poorly acted. Eleanor Boardman, Malcolm MacGregor, and Creighton Hale in featured roles. "Coming of Amos, The" — Producers Distributing. A William J. Locke story done too elaborately, with Rod La Rocque playing uncouth but rich young Australian who lands at Riviera and falls under spell of scheming princess, Jetta Goudal. "Compromise" — Warner. Badly done picture of supersensitive young girl who. marries childhood playmate and soon afterward loses him to minxish half sister. Irene Rich, Clivc Brook, an J Pauline Garon. • "Everlasting Whisper, The" — Fox. Usual Tom Mix picture in which he makes all the villains look exceedingly foolish and helpless, and of course rescues a girl. "Eve's Lover" — Warner. A rather poor story of a business woman whom a baron marries for her money, then falls in love with after all. Irene Rich and Bert Lytell play the leading roles. "Flower of Night" — Paramount. Loosely knit picture of fiery Spanish girl, Pola Negri, who goes to evtry extreme in attempt to rouse responsive warmth in the cold heart of a New Englander. Screen debut of Prince Youcca Troubetzkoy. "Golden Princess, The" — Paramount. A slow-moving gold-rush romance, ending in cheap melodrama. Betty Bronson her usual self; Neil Hamilton pleasing. "Hell's Highroad"— Producers Distributing. Story of a girl who revenges herself on faithless husband Banishef Gray Hair inJ5 Minutzs If Vv^ITH invariable success hundreds of thousands of American women are regaining the youthful glory of their hair by using INECTO RAPID NOTOX. And the success of these is guiding thousands more to use this, the one tint that 13 perfectly natural and perfectly safe ; strictly scientific, conforming with the most exacting laboratory standards. It is specifically guaranteed to impart to gray, streaked or faded hair all its former harmonious beauty of lustre, of silken texture and shade. Its use cannot be detected. It is guaranteed permanent; its color withstands any condition or treatment that Nature's will — brushing, rubbing, shampooing, sunshine, salt water, perspiration, Turkish baths, permanent waving, marceling and curling. It is safe, it cannot injure texture or growth; it contains no paraphenylene diamine. The ease of application enables anyone to apply it in the privacy of her own home. If you are concerned about your hair, Jeanne Ruere. expert of the greatest hair coloring manufacturers in the world, la ready to giveconjidential advice onyour particular problem* Send No Money Merely fill, out the coupon below INECTO, Inc., 33-35 West 46th Street, New York INECTO, Inc., 33-3S"West <»6th Street, New York City Please send me without cost or obligation full details Of Inecto Rapid Notox and the beauty Analysis Chart form M 27. Name Address In CANADA called NOTOX. Made by Notox, Ltd., 10 McCaul Stre et , Toronto. City , State DARKENS and BEAUTIFIES EYELASHES and BROWS INSTANTLY, makes them appear naturally dark, long and luxuriant. Adda wonderful charm, beauty and expreBsion to any face. Perfectly harmless. Used by millions of lovely women. BLACK or BROWN, obtainable in solid form or waterproof liquid. 75o at your dealer's or direct postpaid. MAYBELLINECO. 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